How to paint tiles in the bathroom and in the kitchen? Painting tiles Bathroom tiles painting.

To answer the question of whether it is possible to paint the tiles in the bathroom, look at the description and characteristics of all commercially available modern paints and varnishes. There is a special category of coatings applied on tiles with various surfaces, including polished, glazed and matte.

Any paint will be held on matte surfaces, it has characteristic irregularities that help to fix the particles of the coloring material.

But before you start painting the tiles in the bathroom, think about whether it is worth it or not, because usually the tiles are laid for beauty, and not to create relief on the walls. The need for such actions is explained rather by the strong wear of the coating, and there is not enough money to replace a sufficient amount of money.

Painting features

To figure out how to paint the tiles in the bathroom, you first need to decide for what purposes this will be done. If the coating is worn out, worn out by the soles of the shoes, then the need for painting arises to update the appearance and give greater aesthetics.

The need in such a situation is explained by the lack of funds for the purchase new tiles and its further installation. But painting is far from fickle when it comes to floor repair. If the walls are painted, then the LCP is retained on them longer, which is associated with the nature of the loads.

Painting tiles in the bathroom is performed in the following cases:

  • Decorating a room, making original patterns, individual fragments or some kind of drawings on plain surfaces.
  • Masking defects on surfaces formed due to careless use, scratches, chips or other defects.
  • A change of scenery in the interior, if the old finish is already bored. Moreover, water-based paints can be removed if desired without damaging the ceramic cladding.

Possible staining options

It is the needs that explain the need for painting ceramic tiles in the bathroom, so first decide for what purposes it will be performed:

  • Tile wear. This is due to the low quality of the tiles, which were purchased from an unreliable manufacturer.
  • Interior decoration. One of the reasons for painting ceramics is its decorative ornament, that is, using stencils, apply original patterns and thematic drawings if the usual plain colors are already tired. This is a convenient way to make your bath or shower experience more enjoyable.
  • Drawing restoration. The surface of a beautiful panel is damaged by inaccurate movement of furniture, and especially during the installation of plumbing equipment. In such situations, nothing good will come of it on their own, so they turn to the services of experienced craftsmen - artists, designers with practice and skills, if they don’t have their own. Regardless of the purpose of performing such work, prepare the surface so that the paint lays down and stays on it for a long time.

Preparatory stage

Let's figure out how to paint the tiles in the bathroom so that the updated coating does not lose its appearance.

Prepare the wall well. The work consists in applying a special primer, which will help hold subsequent layers of paintwork. First, clean the surface from dust, dirt, plaque and other types of contaminants that are usually present on tiled surfaces, often with the formation of hard deposits.

Choosing tools

To paint the walls, you will need the following tools and fixtures:

  • A set of brushes and a roller, it is recommended to have several of the varieties depending on the size of the pile, length and stiffness.
  • Primer, paint or paint kit. It is desirable to choose materials that are in good contact with each other, forming a durable wear-resistant coating.
  • Masking tape is a material that is useful for performing complex contours. They stick all surfaces that should not be painted. With skillful hands and ease of movement, make original patterns and decorations, highlighting certain elements.
  • A palette for mixing shades of colors and thus obtaining the desired colors.
  • You will also need film or paper, cover the floor so that it is not smeared with paint.

Choosing paint and other materials

When looking for an answer to the question of how to paint bathroom tiles, pay attention to materials with increased resistance to water and household detergents. If this main condition is not met, then the final result will be clearly worse than expected.

The best paints and primers for work in such premises are materials on acrylic and epoxy bases.

You can use alkyd, oil and nitro enamels, but these are highly aromatic and harmful substances. Such a coating looks beautiful, but durability is worth dreaming of, they are not resistant to the aquatic environment if the surface has not been properly prepared.

Acrylic and the same oxide compositions are suitable for finishing, due to their unique properties. This is due to high adhesion and the ability to retain color for a long time. Acrylics are always bright and saturated, epoxy compounds create shine and tint, but when working with such compounds, be careful.

We prepare surfaces

How to paint the tile on the walls in the bathroom so that it looks beautiful for an unlimited period of time? Prepare the surface of the tiled base.

The procedure consists in washing and cleaning the seams from dirt. It is carried out using a special sponge, solvent and other degreasing agents. First, it is washed out, carefully wiping the seams, then degreased and primed to increase adhesion. Whatever the quality of the paint, the surface is primed.


The staining process consists in uniform application of the coating with a brush and roller. Areas that do not need to be painted with masking tape along the contour are pre-glued.

If you make a beautiful drawing, then a stencil or template is used.

It is easy to work with these products, stick it on the surface to be decorated and lightly dipping the brush or roller into the paint, apply the coating. Do this carefully so as not to crawl out of the edges, evenly distributing the composition over the entire surface.

Monochromatic coloring

There are many options for painting tiles in the bathroom, which depends on personal preferences and the desire to change the interior.

One of them is global - one-color coloring in any of the shades chosen for a specific design. For example, someone wants to change the situation and choose bright colors: yellow, green, other tones.

The desire to create a special atmosphere is fulfilled by painting the tiles in a variety of colors. It is carried out in a checkerboard pattern, a combination and a combination of shades are thought out. Often you want to create a multi-color panel, made on any subject.

It happens like sea ​​views, animals, and landscapes from tropical countries. To create a karst drawing, contact the services of an artist.


The original drawing is a simple and common way to finish the bathroom or shower room over the finished tile. It will cover the surface of the walls, or maybe partially, occupy only part of it. The figure reflects themes, which depends on preferences and personal considerations.

It's important to know! You can create a drawing from scratch or use special stencils for this. A contour is created, which is painted in the desired colors. These can be landscapes on a tropical theme, images of sea creatures, patterns, figures and much more.

Using a stencil

For creating exclusive interiors in the bathroom, the use of stencils is practiced. These are convenient devices with the help of which individual paintings and entire compositions are created. For example, choosing one topic, use many forms.

Tile decoration

To somehow decorate the bathroom, make your stay in it more attractive, decorate the tiles. For example, in an artistic style, close up joints by creating a shadow effect or using other methods. Emphasize the design with eyeliner, framing, retouching.

3d effect

There is an original drawing technology with a 3D effect. To draw such a picture, you need to have experience and skills. Look at a lot of solutions on thematic resources, collect relevant ones and try to make them a reality. But in order to maximize the effect and spend less of your time, it is recommended to contact the artist.

Ways to create a panel or ornament

An original decoration of the bathroom will be a panel or an ornament made by a professional hand of the master. To create such a masterpiece, use the help of a specialist, he will make any of your desires come true.

The composition can be small and on the entire wall, which depends on individual preferences. For example, to realize a detailed landscape of the embankment. Ornaments can also be configured.

Lacquer application

To fix a layer of paint, coat it with varnish. For this is on sale acrylic compounds that create a solid foundation. It can be polished if desired, bringing it to perfect condition.

Video review

Over time, the tile in the toilet or bathroom loses its original luster, becomes covered with a network of small cracks or acquires other external defects. Renovating a bathroom with a complete replacement of tiles is a costly business. But there are other ways to update the look of ceramic bathroom tiles, including paint coating.

Can bathroom tiles be painted?

Painting old bathroom tiles

You can only paint tiles on the walls. Facing on the floor and ceiling should not be painted, because due to the constant exposure to moisture and hot steam on these surfaces, the paint will begin to peel off quickly. The question posed, is it possible to paint tiles, sounds a little incorrect, since the success of painting such a cladding will depend on what kind of paint is used.

Bathroom tile paint

Paint for tiles

In order for the tile to take on a fresh look, not any tile paint in the bathroom is suitable. Water-based materials should be avoided because they will not adhere to the surface when exposed to hot, humid air and water. It is worth using special resistant paints for ceramics and enamel only if you need to apply a pattern to the tile or partially update its appearance. The use of such enamels for large-scale application to walls is impractical due to their high cost.

When completely updating tiles, the following tile paint is used:

  • Acrylic enamel.
  • Alkyd
  • oily
  • Latex

In this case, the paint should be undiluted, in consistency resembling thick sour cream.

How to paint the tiles in the bathroom with your own hands

DIY bathroom tile painting

Before you paint the tiles in the bathroom, you need to prepare the surface. This is important because the paint will not adhere well to glossy, dirty tiles. To clean dirt from the tile, using a metal sponge and any abrasive agent, stubborn dirt is removed. To degrease the surface, it is wiped with alcohol.

Tile coloring is carried out as follows:

  • Picked up right tool: A foam roller is used to create a velvety finish, and a brush should be used for a textured layer.
  • All adjacent parts of plumbing and furniture are pasted over with masking tape.
  • If you plan to apply an ornament, you should first prepare stencils and stick them on the wall.
  • Enamel is applied with sweeping, smooth movements in several layers.
  • The stitching during painting also needs to be replaced. When fully stained, the tile joints are painted together with the tiles. With partial staining, the seams are updated with a thin brush or a special marker. Do not forget that the seams must first be cleaned, degreased and treated with special impregnations. In the photo you can see examples of updating the interior of the bathroom after painting the old tiles.

    Text: Nikita Sidorov

    Hello Nikita. I want to paint the tiles in my apartment. We have tiles in one room, in the kitchen and in the bathroom. The budget does not allow to change the tiles yet. Is it possible to paint ceramic tiles or don't they? Please tell me the truth, is this a stupid idea, as my husband says, or will I be able to rightfully brag to him and to our friends later?
    Daria Kuznetsova.

    Hello Daria! I tell you the truth: if you paint the tile, then you will have to blush for a long time ... from all those compliments and praise that your friends will tell you when they see the updated tile. But the best thing is that with the money saved you can take your unbelieving Thomas - husband to a good restaurant several times. After that, he will definitely listen to you more.

    How to achieve a good result for many years?

    In such a project, the most important thing is to achieve a long-term result. Therefore, let's discuss which ceramic tiles can and cannot be painted. You can paint any tile that won't come into regular contact with water. This means that you can paint the tiles on the walls, on the floor and in the kitchen, even those next to the stove. You can even paint entire paintings on ceramic tiles. BUT! The only tile I would never paint is the one on the shower floor or right above the tub. The paint from the tiles will peel off very quickly due to the large amount of steam in these places.

    The first thing to be done is a deep cleaning of the tiles and grout. You will need to completely remove all dirt, grease, mold, etc. This can be done with any detergent. But personally I would use detergent for the bathroom containing soft abrasives. Here you need to remember that the better you wash the tile before painting, the better result you will get later. I highly recommend using a stiff brush for the most aggressive cleaning. After all, any paint is nothing more than glue that contains a coloring matter. And most of all, any glue likes to bond with a perfectly clean surface. And even better if this surface is a little rough.

    From my experience I can say that the most best results when painting tiles, I achieved when I used oil-based paints. Now they have become a little harder to find because of the not very environmentally friendly way of production. But such paints, in fact, firmly set to the surface after they dry and harden. Water-based paints peel off the smooth surface of ceramic tiles very quickly. Epoxy paints can also give you amazing results. But before you use it, practice first on small area, because when you first get acquainted with epoxy paint, you may have certain difficulties.

    To paint the tiles, use a glossy or semi-gloss paint. If the paint is too thick and difficult to use with a brush or roller, use some thinner to thin the paint a little. Be sure to follow the instructions on the paint can so that you do not exceed the maximum allowable amount of thinner.

    Use masking tape to protect surfaces closest to the tile from paint. It is most convenient to use masking tape that contains a less aggressive acrylic adhesive. Such tapes do not leave marks and do not damage the surface when they are torn off.

    The process of painting tiles should not cause any difficulties. What's more, it can be a fun activity. 'Cause you have countless options design solutions for painting absolutely any surface of ceramic tiles. For example, you can use stencils or mix different colors. Feel free to color different tiles in different colors and thus create different geometric patterns. It looks great. In addition, you can easily draw frames or stripes.

    Let your imagination run wild and feel free to experiment on a small section of tiles. If you don't like what you get, start over. And remember that if you ever get bored with this tile design, you can always layer a new pattern on top of the old one.

    As for the question of whether or not to paint the grout between the tiles, this is a matter of taste. Of course, if you paint the joints in the color of the tiles, then this will make the whole job much easier and faster. If you want to create a contrast and paint the seams in a different color, then you will have to glue them for a long time and painstakingly with a special masking tape that does not stick to fresh paint.

    If you want to keep the color of the grout natural and need to re-grout, then do this before painting the tile. The regrouting process will ruin freshly painted tiles. But keep in mind: in order for the paint to not get into the seams when painting the tiles, you need a lot of patience and skill.

    How to protect paint on ceramic tiles for years to come.

    After you paint the tile, you need to protect the paint so that it always looks like new. This is especially important if you have painted ceramic tiles on the floor. Give fresh paint two or three days to dry. Then apply two coats of water-based varnish. It will hold up very well to fresh paint. I don't recommend using an oil based polish as over time, it turns slightly yellow ( however, this yellowish patina can be used for design purposes), and the water-based varnish always remains pure-transparent.

    In general, varnishing is an integral part of such a project as painting ceramic tiles. Lacquer is a very durable thing and does an amazing job of protecting the paint from threats such as "pedestrian traffic", the constant movement of glasses, plates, pots, pans, etc. on the kitchen countertop. Everyone knows how well varnish protects wooden surfaces from wear. The same can be said about painted surfaces. This is especially true for colored ceramic floor tiles. Lacquer coating will protect the paint and give you long years beauty. I can give you an example as proof. Think of the gym at your school or your children's school. There is also a painted floor. And it withstands super intensive use with only minimal maintenance.

    Related materials: "Ceramic tile. How to get a few pieces out of the floor and replace them with new ones? " , "How to drill tiles ", "Grout for large joints" , " ", "Granite tiles"

    Wizard's advice

    Prev Next

    To Oil paint during storage, it does not dry out and so that a film does not form on it, put a mug of thick paper on the surface of the paint and "fill it with a thin layer of drying oil.

    "The polyethylene film covering the balcony or greenhouse will be protected from breaking by the wind of the string, stretched on both sides at intervals of 10-15 cm."

    "To work with concrete mix was lighter, clay is usually added to it, but clay reduces the strength of the mixture. Add a spoonful of washing powder to it based on a bucket of water. "

    "So that the screw, the head of which is hidden behind the barrier, does not rotate with the tightened nut, you need to throw several turns of thread or thin wire on it and slightly tighten the ends. Due to friction, the screw is well held in place. The ends of the thread can be cut off after tightening. "

    "It is possible to cut a birdhouse notch without a brace. It is enough to split the front side of the board in the center and cut half-holes of the required size with a chisel or hatchet, and then reconnect the halves."

    Wooden plugs for screws crumble and fall out of the wall. Do not rush to cut a new cork. Stuff the hole in the wall tightly with nylon from an old stocking. With a red-hot nail of a suitable diameter, melt a hole for the screw. Ra fused capron will turn into a solid cork.

    " A carpenter's level can easily be turned into a theodolite by providing it with a sighting device from a slot and a front sight. "

    "In order for two strips of linoleum to lie end-to-end, it is convenient to use a self-adhesive decorative film, placing it under the base of the linoleum."

    "In order for the nail to go in the right direction and not bend when driven into a deep hole or groove, place it inside the tube, fixing it with crumpled paper or plasticine."

    Before punching a hole in concrete wall, fasten a piece of paper just below. Dust and fragments of concrete will not fly around the room.

    "To cut the pipe exactly at a right angle, we advise you to drink like this. Take an even strip of paper and screw it onto the pipe along the sawing line. The plane passing through the edge of the paper will be strictly perpendicular to the axis of the pipe."

    "Turn logs or wooden beams a simple device will help - a piece of a motorcycle or bicycle chain, supplemented with a hook on one side and attached to a crowbar on the other side. "

    "In order to be able to work with a two-handed saw alone, we recommend using a simple trick: move the saw handle from the top position to the bottom. "

    You can cut a piece of slate of the required size with a saw, but it is better and easier to punch holes along the line of the intended cut with a nail with a frequency of 2-3 cm, and then break off the slate on the support.

    " The best way glue the tile to the wall: take bitumen, melt and drip only four drops at the corners of the tile. Sticks to the dead. "

    Shaped holes in the manufacture of figured window frames are most conveniently cut with a hacksaw with a turned blade.

    "Making stained-glass windows is a long and difficult task. You can make a quick imitation of a stained-glass window. To do this, they take thin slats or rods of a vine, glue them to a sheet of glass, and then paint the glass and varnish it."

    "If there is no dowel at hand, it can be made from a piece of plastic tube. The body of a ballpoint pen may also be suitable for this. Having sawed off a piece of the desired length, make a longitudinal incision, about halfway, and the dowel is ready. "

    " It is known how difficult it is to hang a door when working alone. But it is enough to shorten the bottom pin by 2-3 mm and it will become much easier to work. "

    "A very strong, non-shrinking and sufficiently waterproof putty is obtained from bustilate mixed with any powder - chalk, gypsum, cement!, sawdust, etc."

    "If you need to screw a screw into the end of a chipboard, drill a hole slightly smaller than the diameter of the screw, fill the hole with Moment glue (but not epoxy!), screw the screw in a day. The plate does not delaminate. However, the resulting connection can only be put under load through day. "

    "It is more convenient to fix portraits, photographs, paintings in wooden frames with glass not with carnations, but with pushpins bent at right angles. The buttons are gently pressed with a screwdriver. Compared to nails, the danger of splitting thin frames is reduced to a minimum."

    "It is not so easy to wrap a screw in hard wood. If you prick a hole for the screw with an awl, and rub the screw liberally with soap, then after such an operation the work will go like clockwork."

    To save time, the edge of the wallpaper can be trimmed with a sharp knife without unrolling the roll. To do this, you must first align the end of the roll and with a simple pencil draw around the edge of the Edge. Working with a knife, the roll must be gradually turned in the direction of folding.

    For carrying large sheets of plywood, glass or thin iron at home, it is convenient to use a wire holder with three hooks at the bottom and a handle at the top.

    IF you need to cut a round stick into the distance, this work is most conveniently done using a template. It is made of a metal tube with a groove in the middle. The diameter is chosen so that the template slides freely on the stick.

    It will become easier to work with a hacksaw if in its middle part it is increased by 1/3 of the height of the teeth.

    If you attach a weight of about a kilogram to the front of the bow saw machine, it will become easier to work. The load must be made removable so that the saw can be used to perform other work.

    " A waxy finish can be obtained by painting the surface with diluted PVA glue. To get the desired color, you need to dilute the glue with water tinted with watercolor. "

    "Making a cover for an ax blade is as easy as shelling pears. A piece of rubber tube is taken, cut lengthwise and put on the blade. A ring cut from an old car camera protects it from jumping off."

    "Do without clamps when gluing wooden frames a linen cord will help. Put four short loops on the corners of the frame and pull the frames diagonally with two long loops. The angles are adjusted with sticks that twist the middle loops. "

    Here we will take a closer look at how and with what to paint tiles in the bathroom on the walls, in the kitchen and ceramic tiles on the floor. 3 detailed master classes how to repaint old tiles in a different color, or even apply some kind of pattern using a stencil with your own hands!

    Old bathroom - BEFORE painting

    AFTER painting

    1. Epoxy paint will last longer than water-based, but the latter is easier to use
    2. Important before painting very good to clean tiles depends on the quality of the work.
    3. The room must be well ventilated and must wear a mask. Epoxy paint has a strong smell!!
    4. Instruments: roller - for large planes, brushes 2-3 sizes for small parts, paint container.
    5. After working with epoxy paint, the tools must be thrown away, otherwise you still won’t wash it off, but at the same time spoil the sink. Also, avoid contact of paint with clothing, you will not be able to wash it either.
    6. Be sure to let the paint dry completely!

    We paint the tiles in the bathroom

    In some apartments, the tiles in the bathroom have remained since ancient times, but if the tile itself is of high quality, then the painting option will save you from many repair hassles.

    In this masterclass, you will learn how to bathroom - BEFORE:

    Maybe transform into this - PHOTO AFTER:

    Namely, how brick-colored tiles turned white.

    Necessary materials:

    • Purifier
    • Epoxy paint
    • 6mm nap roller
    • Paint stirrers
    • Synthetic brush
    • paint tray
    • masking tape
    • Paint protection film
    • Disposable gloves
    • Safety goggles and mask

    Step-by-step instruction:

    Step 1: Prepare the surface

    Wash the entire surface to be painted with the cleaner. It must be perfectly clean so that the paint lays evenly and efficiently.

    • Where the staining zone ends, put painter's tape on to protect against accidental splashes of paint.
    • Cover the tub(shower), and if there are lamps (shelves or mirrors) on the wall next to the one being painted, they too.

    Step 2: Paint the tiles

    • Put on a protective mask and mix the paint according to the instructions.
    • Since the bathroom is poorly ventilated, be prepared for the smell of paint.

    For convenience, one person can paint the corners with a synthetic brush, while the other smooth surfaces with a roller(you can do everything yourself, but make sure that the paint lays down evenly and does not dry out in pieces).

    Step 3: Check the quality and remove

    When everything is done, inspect the surface for defects, check the evenness of the texture.

    ATTENTION: When working, it is very important to have good lighting, otherwise you can miss such irregularities:

    If you have a part of the tile with a three-dimensional pattern, then this method still works. Of course, the pattern will be slightly visible, but this will only complement the overall picture. Like, for example, here:

    ATTENTION: Materials must be discarded after use. In no case should they be washed, just ruin the sink, since the paint that got on it will no longer be washed off, you can see a vivid example of this in the photo:

    Wait for the paint to dry, remove the protective films, and evaluate the result. In this case, you can compare the result before and after painting:

    Painting tiles in the kitchen

    Here we look at how to recolor tiles by adding geometric patterns using DIY stencils. It will take a little longer than painting in solid color, but it will also look more original.

    Necessary materials:

    • Paint (1 l)
    • Primer (1 l)
    • Oil-based polyurethane (1 l)
    • Masking tape 2.5 cm wide
    • Stationery knife
    • 4 cm brush with soft bristles

    Step-by-step instruction:

    Step 1: Preparing the tiles for painting

    1. First, wash the tile with a sponge and soap and water (or cleaner to degrease the surface), and then wipe dry using a lint-free cloth.
    2. Then, using masking tape, apply a pattern to the tile, in this case triangles are obtained(Look at the photo).

    Step 2: Eliminate the bumps in the stencil

    Once the masking tape has been applied, use a utility knife (or scissors) to cut off the ends of the masking tape.

    ATTENTION: Make sure the lines and corners are neat so that you get a clear drawing as a result.

    Step 3: Apply primer

    After pasting the patterns on the tiles, you can apply a primer. It is important that it is completely dry. (it takes about 45 minutes), before moving on to the next step.

    Step 4: Paint

    1. Once the primer is dry, paint can be applied.
    2. Used here small paint brush to make it easier to work and not go behind the pasted tape, but depending on the complexity of your pattern, you can use a brush that is a little larger or a little smaller.
    3. Apply thin coat of paint. Two coats will be enough for a smooth final result.

    Step 5: Finishing coat

    Once the paint is dry, apply a thin coat of oil-based polyurethane to protect it from moisture and scratches.

    Oil Coatings take longer to dry, but much more durable.

    When is this last protective layer dry up (usually it takes about four hours), you can remove the masking tape and admire your work.


    Another idea:

    The complexity of the stencils used depends on your taste and the amount of time you are willing to spend painting. You can, for example, choose a small piece of the wall and make a complex pattern there, and leave a solid color around.

    The step-by-step actions in this case are similar to those described above, only the stencils take longer to draw (since the pattern is smaller and consists of several colors).

    Please note that the smaller the pattern, the smaller the brush you need to pick up. We also recommend that you first apply the pattern starting from the center of the stencil, and then closer to the edges.

    ADVICE: if paint has seeped under the masking tape, you can remove it using a clerical knife.

    Tiles on the floor

    Since the tiles on the floor are more than other surfaces to be used, they also lose their appearance faster. Of course, it can serve for a very long time, but scuffs begin to bother. If you are faced with a similar problem, it's time to act.

    For example, there is such a floor covered with tiles:

    We picked up the original stencil and decided to paint the floor in black and white.

    Necessary materials:

    • Floor cleaner
    • Paint (white and black)
    • Stencil
    • Brush
    • masking tape
    • Roller
    • paint tray
    • Oil based polyurethane

    Step-by-step instruction:

    Step 1: Preparing the floor before painting

    1. The first thing to do is to clean the floor and check that there are no broken tiles anywhere. Then dry the floor and start painting.
    2. Paint the floor with a roller White color while applying two coats of paint. Leave to dry.

    Step 3: Draw the Stencil

    Attach the stencil to the tile and stick it with masking tape or duct tape to secure it in place and prevent movement. Now you can apply black paint on the stencil with a brush.

    Take a little paint at a time and apply with light strokes.

    After you have finished drawing one section, peel off the stencil and transfer it to the next. If there is a lot of paint on the stencil, wash it before using it again. Continue until you have filled the entire floor with the pattern.

    Step 4: Apply the protective coating

    Once the entire floor has been stencilled, a polyurethane coat must be applied to create a protective layer for the paint. Leave to dry completely.

    Now look how much the floor has changed after painting. Looks like an expensive designer tile:

    In the last master class, the floor in the bathroom was redone, but in the same way, you can update the tiles on the floor throughout the apartment.

    Be careful if you have more than one stencil, but several, which together make up the overall pattern. Mark where which stencil should be, first apply one pattern to each corresponding tile, then the next one, and so on until the end. The work must be systematic, then there will be no confusion.

    If there are small tiles left near the walls, on which it is impossible to put the same stencil, then you can try to finish the pattern yourself or cut the stencil into pieces:

    We wish you inspiration and success in updating your home!

    There are many ways to transform the interior, but few people remember the possibility of painting tiles in the bathroom and in the kitchen. But in vain. A simple technique allows you to quickly and cost-effectively transform decorative trim rooms, eliminating unnecessary hassle in the form of dismantling the annoying coating and getting rid of mountains of construction debris. But for high-quality painting, it is necessary to adhere firmly to simple steps proven technology.

    Why paint tiles?

    Most people are incredulous and bewildered about the idea of ​​painting or a kitchen. Although this technique of updating the interior helps to achieve several goals:

    • Easily and quickly change the design concept of the room, change its style, color scheme, etc. This is a great way to implement a dramatic change without lengthy rough work;
    • Change color scheme rooms when buying and installing new furniture;
    • Create accents on certain interior elements, emphasizing the overall atmosphere and style of the room;
    • Decorate the walls with an image or an interesting ornament;
    • To mask small defects that form on the surface of the tile after prolonged use.

    To independently change the interior of rooms, inspiration and knowledge of the basics of coloring tiled elements are enough. And the smooth surface of the tiled finish is perfect for a quick makeover.

    Necessary materials and tools

    Despite the simplicity of the process, painting tiles requires minimal artistic skills and a simple set of tools and materials, presented:

    • Paint;
    • Primer;
    • A set of brushes;
    • Solvent;
    • roller;
    • masking tape;
    • cellophane;
    • pattern template;
    • construction varnish;
    • Palette (if necessary).

    All these things are necessary for the thorough preparation of the coating for painting, the contouring of the future image, the accurate execution of artwork without contaminating nearby finishes or nearby furniture.

    Composition selection

    To create a durable pattern, choosing the right paint is very important, and working in interior rooms requires the absolute safety of the paint used for health. Under these parameters, dyes based on:

    • Acrylics that delight in colors and are easy to use;
    • Epoxy, not sharp bad smell and fast drying.

    To emphasize the iridescent sheen of enamel, you should choose glossy shades. And to give the walls of the bathroom or kitchen a visual velvety feel, you can use semi-gloss satin enamel. An additional advantage of the latter material is its resistance to contamination.

    Although FACTORY TILE comes in a variety of designs, if you are determined to paint it, pay attention to the quality of the dye, especially. Poor-quality paintwork products can release toxic substances, especially when heated.

    Design variations

    Options for decorating a room by painting tiles are limited only by the designer's imagination. You can embody any creative ideas in a boring tile, guided by your own taste and the general style of the room. But if nothing comes to mind, you can use one of the frequent design options:

    • Capital painting, which involves a complete change in the color of the tile by repainting it;
    • Updating shades by painting tiles in more saturated colors or highlighting individual elements with bright colors;
    • An ornament that continuously decorates rows of tiles or individual groups of tiles.

    Much more skill requires the execution of a drawing or painting. Drawing is a simpler option, focusing attention on itself and unobtrusively connecting together disparate elements of the interior. The image can be applied using ready-made templates, decorating individual tiles floor covering, kitchen apron or parts of a wall.

    The painting is the most complex type of tile painting, involving the creation of an integral artistic composition, reminiscent of an ordinary picture canvas. Here the artist can fully unleash your skill and turn the ordinary ceramic finish into a work of art.

    Surface preparation

    In order to qualitatively paint the tile coating, it must first be prepared. The essence of the preparation is to remove drips, drops of fat, limescale, rust, grout residues and other types of contaminants from the tiled surface. Special attention during cleaning, it is given to joints in which dirt actively accumulates, and in conditions high humidity the bathroom can develop fungus and mold. Sealed seams between tiles and furniture or plumbing fixtures are also carefully processed.

    After removal of contaminants, the coating is degreased with alcohol or solvent. Glaze, which will be covered with paint, is additionally polished for a more even and accurate distribution of the dye.

    Chips, scratches or cracks are treated with a special primer, which further improves the adhesion between the base and the paintwork.

    Paint application

    After preparing the cladding for painting, you should wait for it to dry completely, and only then apply the paint. For a neat embodiment of the invented design, along the borders of the elements to be tinted, it is necessary to place a masking tape to prevent soiling of adjacent objects.

    Capital staining is easier to perform using a foam roller. The tool provides fast and uniform distribution of the coloring matter over a large area. For more fine workmanship, including the removal of patterns, the creation of an image, a picture or painting of individual tiles, narrower brushes are suitable.

    Products with hard pile leave relief traces on the painted surface, giving it a special structure. But if you want to maintain a glossy sheen and perfect evenness, you should choose brushes made of soft bristles.

    The process consists of two stages:

    • Applying the base layer;
    • Re-staining with perpendicular strokes after the first coat has dried.

    If you are thinking about painting, you can get by with one layer, but with a thicker and more saturated paint.

    In order not to accidentally smear the borders of the image, not to spoil it with particles of dirt or drops of fat, it is better not to enter the room until the coating is completely dry. For quick drying, it is important to comply temperature regime. In cold weather, the drying of the tiled finish takes longer.

    Pattern protection

    When the image is applied, it remains to provide it reliable protection from external negative impact, abrasion or gradual rinsing with water. The application of protection is very important, regardless of the purpose of the room being decorated.

    An obstacle in the way of destructive factors becomes 1-2 layers of transparent varnish. When processing paint on tiles, only aqueous compositions are used, which are characterized by accelerated drying in comparison with other types and the absence of an unpleasant odor. And the strong film formed after hardening demonstrates absolute transparency and the absence of extraneous shades.

    If among the abundance of tiles in the Kerama Marazzi company store at 27 Budyonny Avenue, in Moscow, you cannot find a model that has sunk into your soul, then, armed with brushes, a palette and imagination, you can create a unique design at home that will please the eye for many years.

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