Do-it-yourself bottle greenhouse. Greenhouse from plastic bottles

Do you want to build a greenhouse on your site and save money at the same time? Great solution will become a greenhouse plastic bottles, because these products are usually sent to landfill in huge quantities. Start collecting unnecessary bottles in the summer, and in the spring you will have enough material to build a full-fledged greenhouse.

Benefits of plastic bottle greenhouses

    The main advantage of such a greenhouse is the enormous cost savings, because for the construction of the entire structure, you can get by with used materials.

    Ease of installation. Depending on the size of the future greenhouse and the number of people involved in the construction, the construction time of the building is 1-3 days.

    Plastic bottles are much stronger than ordinary film. They are able to withstand gusts of wind, the weight of snow on the roof, the wall of such a greenhouse will not be damaged if you accidentally hit it with a tool - a rake, a chopper.

    The air space inside the bottles reduces the thermal conductivity of the walls of the structure several times.

    Durability. If film greenhouses are rebuilt every spring, a do-it-yourself greenhouse made of plastic bottles will serve you for more than one year.

    Plastic bottles are not only durable, but also lightweight. Such a greenhouse does not require a serious foundation, such as a glazed greenhouse.

    Aesthetic moment - using multi-colored bottles (brown, green), you can turn a functional greenhouse into a decorative element of the site. Options for "creative" greenhouses are shown in the photo.

Plastic bottles must be connected into a single piece. To do this, the bottom of the bottles is cut off and columns are built by putting one bottle on top of another. Try not to save material and put on bottles with pressure so that they fit snugly against each other. How to make posts from plastic bottles is shown in the video. Then, from the resulting columns, the walls of the greenhouse are erected.

Bottle columns are connected to each other and to the frame of the greenhouse using adhesive tape. Threads cannot be used for these purposes, as they are subject to decay, as well as fishing line - sooner or later the fishing line will melt in the sun. You can start building the wall from the bottom row of bottles. To do this, leave the bottom of the bottle and cut off the neck. Through the resulting hole, it is convenient to fasten the bottle to the bottom of the wooden frame of the greenhouse with a nail or self-tapping screw. The roof can be made in the same way - flat or gable.

Most practical solution will gable roof from bottles, covered with a thin film on top. This will facilitate the removal of rainwater and melted snow from the roof.

Improved version

If you have free time, you can make an even plastic sheet out of used bottles, which you can later use as a covering for a greenhouse. To do this, the bottom and neck of the bottle are cut off, the resulting cylinder is cut with a vertical line. It is recommended to iron the formed rectangle with a warm iron, then it will become flat and will not wrap.

You can combine plastic rectangles into a single plate by overlapping them by about 1.5 cm and gluing them together using a regular knife. The knife blade must be heated and cuts must be made at the intersection of the rectangles in the form of a dotted line. It is possible to strengthen such a connection by additionally sewing sheets with wire or cord thread. It is advisable to pre-make holes for the wire with an awl.

Finally, we invite you to watch a master class on building a greenhouse from plastic bottles. Having familiarized yourself with all the stages of this process, you can easily reproduce it on your site.

Food plastic is a familiar material for every person. It is used in the production of bottles for water and other beverages. They are intended for human use, therefore they are distinguished by their safety.

Plastic bottles are a great material that can be used for more than just liquid storage. It is also well suited for arranging a greenhouse. Such a design will not only be safe for human health and environment, but will require a minimum of money during construction. In this case, all the work can be done by hand.

Material Advantages

Many people don't give special attention plastic bottles. Almost everyone, after they empty it, send it to the trash. But this is fundamentally wrong, because it can be useful for solving many problems, especially if you have a land plot. Here it will certainly find its application.

A plastic bottle can be used as a cover for a greenhouse. This design will provide comfortable conditions for the growth, development and fruiting of plants. At the same time, the dimensions of the greenhouse can be independently adjusted, choose those that are necessary. This material will allow you to build both a small and a large structure.

However, it has many advantages:

  • Profitability. To build such a structure, there is no need to purchase plastic bottles separately. It is enough just not to throw them away, but to collect them. You can also turn to neighbors and relatives for help. Joint collection will take a minimum of time. Costs are provided only for the preparation of the frame. For it you can use different materials. For example, a tree.
  • Provides and retains heat well inside the greenhouse. This indicator largely depends on how well the greenhouse is equipped. If everything is done correctly, then it is perfect for use. in early spring. It will be warm even without the use of a heating system.
  • High strength index. If plastic is compared with other materials that are used for these purposes, then it is much stronger.

  • Resistant to adverse environmental factors. Since the greenhouse is outdoors, it is exposed to wind, sun, rain, and more. The plastic is weather resistant.
  • Small weight design. It doesn't need a foundation.
  • Long service life. If the process of erecting this structure is approached correctly, then it can last ten or even more years.

Construction features

Do-it-yourself plastic bottle greenhouse is a simple task. Anyone can do it, the main thing is to competently approach the process. At the same time, sizes and other characteristics The owner controls himself.

There are many methods for constructing such structures. The first thing you need is to collect a certain amount of packaging. At the same time, it will not be possible to name this number specifically. It is determined individually by experience. If we are talking about a small greenhouse, then 500-650 containers will be enough.

The choice of plastic bottles is an important process. Experts recommend giving preference to containers of the same size and shape. One and a half liter bottles are an excellent option. They may or may not be transparent.

How to make a greenhouse out of plastic bottles?

Basically, whole plastic bottles are used in the construction of a greenhouse. And this is not surprising. Such a material is two-layer, which increases the strength and reliability of the entire structure.

The process of building a structure consists of the following works. First you need to prepare the material. The container is washed, cleaned of labels and other things. Soap solution will be an excellent assistant for carrying out these works. It will allow you to quickly and easily prepare bottles for further use.

After that, the bottom is cut off, as shown in the photo below. This must be done at the beginning of the rounding. In this case, the hole diameter will not be the largest place on the container. This operation is carried out with all bottles. Then they dress up for each other. In this case, it is necessary to press them well so that the structure is durable. The end result is pipes. Their height will be equal to the size of the greenhouse itself.

An important element for the greenhouse is the installation of the frame. For it, you can use wood, metal and more. In this case, the indicator of its strength does not play a special role. Therefore, when choosing a material, you can be guided by personal preferences and capabilities.

After the frame is installed, it is necessary to stretch the wire inside and outside. At the same time, its step must be at least 20 cm. In addition to wire, nylon thread, fishing line, etc. can be used for this purpose. The main difference between these materials is their service life. The highest this indicator on galvanized wire.

The final stage of the work is the installation of pipes that were made independently. They should be close to each other. To increase their strength, you can use adhesive tape. It will fix the connections between them, as shown in the photo below.

It is important to note that this design can serve not only in summer, but also in winter. Let it be used and it will not work, but you can leave it in this form. Thus, save time and effort on assembly and disassembly of the structure. It is durable and will withstand frost and snow.

Also pipes from bottles can be placed in frames. Then you get an excellent option for a portable greenhouse. You can install it in different places. In addition, you can organize watering in the greenhouse through plastic bottles. To do this is quite simple.

A master class on a greenhouse made of plastic bottles can be viewed in the video below. It will help to competently and correctly build a greenhouse. Of course, this process is quite laborious, but if you show patience and diligence, the result will certainly please. As a result, the resulting structure will be indispensable assistant in growing plants.

Modern life forces a person to be more economical, and therefore inventive. Buying ready-made greenhouses is not always profitable, not everyone knows how to work with different building materials, but everyone can find plastic bottles at hand. Making a greenhouse from this raw material is quite simple if you follow the advice of experts.

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic bottles as a material for a greenhouse

This material, when used specifically for a greenhouse, has a huge number of advantages. First of all, it is necessary to note the operational characteristics of the greenhouse. The air gap that forms between the walls of the plastic bottle perfectly retains heat in the room, which can significantly reduce the cost of heating a greenhouse in winter.

Another important factor that definitely benefits the structure of plastic bottles is low cost. Some building components can be obtained for free. The only thing you still have to spend money on is the materials for the frame. Ideal for this wooden beam section 50 * 50 mm. In addition, you will need intermediate rails, which can always be replaced with burnt wire.

Plastic containers are an ideal material for making a greenhouse

There are other benefits of a plastic bottle like building material for a greenhouse:

  • duration of operation: if all the technologies during construction were observed, and the greenhouse was properly maintained, it will last a very, very long time;
  • mechanical stability: damage to the material can only be done intentionally, atmospheric precipitation will in no case cause deformation of the walls of the greenhouse;
  • ease of repair: any segment of the greenhouse can be replaced without harm to the entire structure;
  • resistance to temperature extremes: such a greenhouse does not need to be dismantled for the winter, it can easily withstand any frost.

The only drawback of this material is that it will take a long time to collect bottles, so it is better to take care of this in advance.

Greenhouse made of plastic bottles is very reliable and cheap

Photo gallery: examples of plastic bottle greenhouses

For the frame, you can use a wooden base
Transparent bottles let in more sunlight than colored ones. Whole or cut bottles can be used as building material The design of a structure made of plastic bottles depends only on your imagination.

Preparatory work

As such, a plastic bottle greenhouse does not require a project. It is enough to make a schematic drawing on which to indicate the dimensions of the future building (the dimensions of the walls, the floor), the frequency of installation of the carriers, as well as the shape and dimensions of the roof. Other little things may be needed, for example, the number of bottles.

There are no special rules for choosing the size of the greenhouse. Everything is done at the discretion of the owner himself. However, there are certain values ​​that will allow the greenhouse not to stagger. The distance between the vertical carriers should be about 1–1.2 m. At the same time, do not forget about the vertical slats (you can just pull the thread).

On the drawing you need to indicate the size of each wall

The bottle selection process is just as important as the design and site selection. Experts agree on one thing - the bottles must be of the same size and shape. A container with a volume of 1.5 liters is considered ideal for building a greenhouse. At the same time, it does not matter what color it is, whether it has transparent walls. The performance characteristics of all containers are exactly the same. Remember that bottles must be free of defects, including no holes, cuts or burns.

For the construction of a greenhouse, it is best to choose containers from expensive beer, lemonade or mineral water. These bottles are quite thick plastic.

Plastic bottles are particularly durable and available in a variety of colors.

Calculation of the required amount of material

To make a greenhouse from plastic containers with your own hands, you will need:

  • plastic bottles - 600 pieces (for south side greenhouses it is better to take a transparent container, for the northern - dark or green);
  • wooden boards 3 m long and 10 * 7 cm in section - 2 pieces;
  • boards 4 m long and 10 * 7 cm in section - 2 pieces;
  • timber 2 m long - 1 piece;
  • mounting rail (or burnt wire).


To work with materials for the frame and walls, the following tools are needed:

Making a greenhouse from plastic bottles: step by step instructions

There are several ways to use plastic bottles to build a greenhouse, but the arrangement of the foundation and the installation of the frame are absolutely identical.

Territory preparation

This stage consists in cleaning the top layer of soil from debris and plants. There should not be any foreign objects on the territory. After that, the site must be properly marked. How exactly, you can learn from the draft.

If necessary, the site must be leveled or covered with sand if the greenhouse is not on open ground.

Seedlings in a greenhouse made of plastic bottles can be planted as in open ground, and in special boxes with earth

Foundation arrangement

Despite the fact that such a design does not weigh much, the foundation is still necessary. Bricks can act as a base, building blocks(for a greenhouse, you can use a cinder block - it is the cheapest), a piece of timber. The material must be laid out on a flat surface of the area around the perimeter. This must be done in such a way that the elements of the future frame are installed in the center of the foundation.

The foundation must be in contact with the ground, and the contact area must be maximum. To do this, you can pour sand under the base.

Frame installation

For the frame, it is best to use a beam with a section of 50 * 50 cm. All work on assembling the frame takes place in several stages:

Finished work is considered only if no fluctuations are detected during operation.

Wall making

Now you can move on to the most interesting and creative process of creating a greenhouse from plastic bottles - filling the walls. There are several ways to use wall containers.

Use of whole bottles:

The roof of the greenhouse can also be filled with bottles or covered with polycarbonate.

A greenhouse made of plastic plates will also be durable. To make it, you need to follow a certain plan:

Regardless of which method of making a greenhouse you choose, you need to carefully monitor the absence of a gap between the layers of plastic.

Doors should be upholstered with polyethylene.

Greenhouse doors and windows are best done in the usual way, that is, using a plastic film.

Greenhouse sealing

This measure will help prevent cold air from entering the room. To do this, adjacent columns of bottles can additionally be glued with adhesive tape or a special sealant. Similar work must be done on the roof. However, in this case, the work can be simplified by using a conventional plastic film, which must be fixed with wooden planks.

Video: how to make a greenhouse with your own hands

A greenhouse made of plastic bottles will be a worthy alternative to expensive purchased models, since it can be made quite quickly and with minimal cost. And with high-quality assembly, such a structure will last a long time, regardless of climatic conditions.

The cost of a finished greenhouse and its construction from expensive materials is beyond the reach of most summer residents. Therefore, many dare to experiment and take improvised materials as a basis. Those who decided to realize the idea - how to make a greenhouse out of bottles, did not fail. This design has many advantages and will require a minimum of cheap materials. It can be built with hardworking helpers in a few days.

What is attractive bottle greenhouse

Bottles made of plastic and glass are usually thrown into landfills. To those who have summer cottages, do not rush to say goodbye to this garbage. Indeed, from a transparent container, even without experience in construction, it will be possible to make a durable and reliable greenhouse, which is not afraid of ominous weather conditions, moisture, pests.

You can build a greenhouse out of plastic bottles in a few days

A greenhouse made from ordinary plastic bottles has the following advantages:

  • the structure will not be destroyed by wind, snow, external damage is not terrible for it;
  • plastic is a durable material, the building will stand idle for more than one year, and in case of damage to individual elements, parts can be replaced without complete dismantling;
  • heated by the sun, able to keep warm inside for a long time due to the fact that inside each bottle there will be warm air;
  • a little money will have to be allocated for the purchase of materials, and if desired, empty containers can be collected by walking around the neighbors;
  • the assembly principle is simple, similar to a children's designer;
  • for the construction does not need to make a strong foundation.

Another interesting and budget option for building a good greenhouse is to make walls using ordinary glass bottles and cover the roof with polycarbonate sheets. For such a greenhouse, you will have to make a reliable powerful foundation, you will need a lot of glass containers (about 150 pieces per square meter).

It will be warmer in a glass bottle greenhouse

The design will turn out to be massive and heavy, but beautiful and original, if you lay out multi-colored bottles with ornaments. In such a structure, you also do not have to think through additional system heating in autumn and winter. Thanks to the ability of the bottles to retain heat inside, the positive temperature in the room is guaranteed.

The second life of used containers

An economical greenhouse from waste

Detailed instructions for building a greenhouse from bottles

Those who think that it is enough to understand the principle of folding bottles and connecting elements to each other are mistaken in their opinion in order to start construction work. At first glance, there are no difficulties in how to make a greenhouse out of plastic bottles. In fact, the construction of even an elementary greenhouse made of this material has its own subtleties and secrets, and it also requires the phased implementation of certain work.

Drafting and site preparation

Any construction always begins with planning, site preparation and drawing up a visual drawing. At this stage, it should be clearly defined exactly where the greenhouse will be installed on the site. It is better to place a structure with walls made of plastic containers in a well-lit place on the south or south-west side. Although such a greenhouse is stable, it is recommended to build it in places where there is no draft, strong gusty wind does not walk.

Dig the wooden base for the greenhouse into the ground

When you have decided on the place, you need to draw up a drawing. It is easier to build a rectangular structure. Having drawn a project, designate the length (at least 1.5 m), width (1.5 - 2 m) and height (from 2 m), and also consider how often the carriers will be installed, where the doors will be attached, what the roof will be like. Having a visual picture with dimensions, you can proceed to the next stage of construction.

Preparatory work and collection of materials

It is necessary to clear the ground and prepare the site. If a place is used on the site where it stood old building, you should remove the top layer of soil, cultivate the land. Before starting construction, collect necessary materials. Buy a beam (it is used for the frame), a mounting rail. You will also need:

  • hacksaw or scissors;
  • awl;
  • nails with a hammer;
  • kapron thread;
  • level and tape measure.

For walls, collect the right amount of the same shape and volume (1.5-2-liter is better) empty plastic bottles that need to be removed from the stickers and washed and dried. It should be noted that the white transparent container perfectly transmits the light of the sun, it is better to make walls from it, the dark one is suitable for making corner elements or ornaments for beauty.

How to build a frame for a greenhouse from plastic containers

It is easier to build a house-shaped greenhouse with rectangular walls

It is not difficult to build a frame with assistants, if all dimensions were observed during the planning and preparation of the timber. Connect the parts with an overlap or in a "paw", fastening with self-tapping screws. Assemble the frame as follows:

  1. A massive foundation is not needed, it is enough to dig thick bars into the ground around the perimeter (it is allowed to use cinder blocks), treated with antiseptic agents. For additional strength, this base is poured with cement.
  2. Attach load-bearing beams to a rectangular wooden base, perform strapping from above and below. Vertical beams are recommended to be placed at a distance of at least 1 meter.
  3. Around the frame bars, stretch several rows (at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other) of a nylon thread so that a bottle post can be inserted between it.
  4. Build the roof frame, strengthen it with timber for stability.

Once the frame is ready, you can proceed to the most important stage of construction - the construction of the walls of the greenhouse from plastic bottles.

Wall building instructions

A clean plastic container must be prepared before assembly. Cut off the bottom with a sharp knife along the lower belt (it is available on all plastic bottles) so that the two parts can be hermetically connected by inserting into each other, remove the corks. String the prepared plastic cylinders to make a long pipe corresponding to the desired height. It is important to press the bottles well.

Install rows of bottles tightly so that there are no gaps

For strength, it is advised to additionally wrap the component parts of the wall with adhesive tape. The end bottles are attached with screws or nails to frame poles. The use of brackets is not recommended. The erected wall is additionally horizontally in several places (at a distance of 30 - 40 cm) reinforced with slats.

You can assemble on the frame itself or separately on the site, stringing the container on a metal, wooden rail or a durable plastic rod. The assembled rows of plastic are often installed vertically on the frame, but it is allowed to lay them out along a horizontal line. Doors are made in the same way.

Building a secure roof

The roof is made from ready-made, pre-assembled posts. It is better to string plastic parts on a rail or on a thick rod. The assembly has its own subtleties. It is important that it is strong and durable. After all, in winter period snow will lie on the surface, the weight of which must be supported by the roof.

The triangular bottle roof will withstand heavy snow in winter

Work is carried out according to the following scheme.

  1. Make rows 30-40 cm long from bottle blanks, stringing them on rails.
  2. To lighten the weight of the greenhouse, as a crate (it needs to be done more often if used wooden slats) you can use a metal building mesh.
  3. Nail posts with plastic cylinders with nails or self-tapping screws to the wooden parts of the roof.
  4. Wrap the finished element with tape to increase strength.
  5. Install on the greenhouse. To prevent the room from being damp, it is recommended to cover the roof with polyethylene, fixing it with staples or nails to the frame bars.

An alternative option for building a greenhouse from plastic containers

Summer residents have come up with another option on how to make a greenhouse out of plastic bottles - videos, comments and tips from craftsmen will help those who decide to repeat their creation in their garden. The main advantage of such a building is that plants grown in greenhouse conditions receive enough light, do not freeze, and are not afraid of drafts.

For construction, you will need plates cut from used containers.

For the implementation of this alternative a greenhouse will take much more time and basic material than a greenhouse from whole bottles. For the construction of a small and low greenhouse, about 5 thousand blanks will be needed. According to the craftsmen, such a greenhouse is much better. The room will be warmer, brighter and more reliable.

Plates need to be overlapped

It is built as follows:

  1. From a plastic 2-liter bottle, cut off the neck and bottom, cut the cylinder to make a rectangular blank. So that it does not curl into a ring, it is necessary to iron the plastic with a warm iron or put the plate under the press.
  2. Poke holes in each rectangle around the perimeter with an awl. Strong thread, fishing line or wire must be fastened (you can sew sewing machine) details, overlapping them. The result is a large sheet of plastic, the size of which is equal to the width and height of the greenhouse wall.
  3. Attach the edge of the plastic sheet to the upper part of the frame and, securing it with a rail, nail it. After pulling, fix the remaining edges to make a wall. Similarly, all sides of the greenhouse are performed.
  4. Fasten the walls crosswise with slats in several places for strength.
  5. Roof sheets are made and fastened according to the same principle.

Video: How to make a greenhouse from plastic bottles by stitching

Reliable and original glass bottle greenhouse

A durable, warm, budget-friendly and incredibly beautiful greenhouse can be built from ordinary glass bottles. This building will serve long years. It will not be possible to implement what was conceived in a few weeks - construction will move slowly, but the end result is worth the hassle and time spent.

It is very warm in the glass bottle greenhouse

Preparation for construction work

Before you build a greenhouse from bottles, you will have to collect a lot of glass containers. Various jars or bottles will do, but the main thing is that they all be of the same shape and preferably match in length. Be sure to remove the labels, wash the surface of the remaining adhesive, and dry. At the time of construction, close the necks with a cork so that dirt does not get inside.

On the initial stage you should immediately determine the size and shape of the roof. If the roof is planned not as a house, but as a sloping one, one greenhouse wall is erected above the rest.

Stages and nuances of construction

There are no difficulties in construction, but it is important to complete all the steps in a certain sequence.

  1. The design will be heavy, so without monolithic foundation not enough. Having installed the formwork, pour concrete and level the surface.
  2. As soon as the foundation hardens, you can build a frame. It is made of brick, wood or metal pipes. All supporting pillars should be erected from each other at a distance of 1 meter.
  3. Indicate which side the door will be on, mark, if provided, window openings, the location of the air vents.
  4. Spread the bottles with an open neck inside in a checkerboard pattern on a cement-lime mortar, the consistency of which is similar to sour cream. It is important to wait a little after laying out the row until the mass is taken and hardens a little.
  5. As the rows are laid out, in parallel, clean the glass surface from cement. Otherwise, when it hardens, it will be difficult to clean the bottoms to perfection; it depends on their transparency whether it will be light and warm in the greenhouse.
  6. When the walls are laid out, wait until the cement hardens and only after that deal with the door, windows, roof. It is best to cover a greenhouse from bottles with polycarbonate sheets.

It will take little money and a lot of bottles to build

By putting into practice the advice and adopting the experience of summer craftsmen, you can become the owner of a good and durable, warm and bright greenhouse by investing very little money. Plastic and glass bottles- excellent material for construction. In a greenhouse built from them, the plants will feel comfortable and will delight you with lush growth, a pleasant rich harvest. Can be grown in greenhouses from bottles different cultures: greens, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables.

Home gardening among gardeners is considered not only an exciting activity on suburban area, but also great way top up your budget. In order to grow vegetables, berries and other crops, open ground and greenhouse structures are used. Moreover, the latter option is considered the most common. For example, a plastic bottle greenhouse can be made independently, which will significantly save financial costs at the initial stage of doing business.

The advantages of this design

The greenhouse from plastic bottles has a number of advantages. First, it is cheap to build. Secondly, in order to make it, you do not need to have knowledge in this area. You can simply consult on this issue with experienced gardeners.

Other design features

Some mistakenly believe that a plastic bottle greenhouse does not have a long lifespan. This is not true. The design in terms of service life is several years superior to standard greenhouses, which are constructed from polyethylene film.

Greenhouse from plastic bottles:

  • used for 3-5 years;
  • economical in construction;
  • can be easily mounted and dismantled;
  • does not require a solid foundation;
  • perfectly keeps heat inside;
  • has good ability to transmit light.

At the same time, it is worth noting that the sun's rays will not adversely affect the plants inside the greenhouse, as they are delayed by the dense structure of the plastic.

When Can You Use a Bottle Greenhouse?

There are several applications for this design. It can be used not only in summer time but also in spring and autumn. Quite successfully it is made heating system and additional lighting is carried out if daylight hours have already begun to decline.

A plastic bottle greenhouse will have the same strength as a polyethylene construction.

What is the structure of this greenhouse

Firstly, it is initially worth considering that any greenhouse structure cannot be installed normally without a certain foundation. If a greenhouse is made from plastic bottles, then it is imperative to make a frame first. It can be constructed from a variety of materials. Today, there are a huge number of them for this. Further, the entire structure is covered with a roof.

It is imperative that if a greenhouse of plastic bottles is made by one's own hands, it is necessary to make vents in the design.

Functions of vents in a greenhouse made of plastic bottles

Since air masses do not circulate in a plastic structure without a certain effect, the plants do not receive enough oxygen. This makes them grow poorly.

The vents can be of any size.

Places for the location of the windows in the greenhouse:

  • on the roof;
  • on the wall above (under the roof).

Can also be used as a window Entrance door into the greenhouse. But it is not recommended to open it for a long time, especially in winter. It can harm the grown plants. .

The principles of placing the vents are based on the fact that the air, which is well warmed up, rises and accumulates there. To take it outside, you need to make openings that will open in two ways:

  • manual;
  • automatic.

The manual method is clear to everyone. Automatic opening of vents for ventilation is carried out by special equipment, which is installed in the greenhouse. It is also worth mounting and its oxygen saturation. It is on these indicators that the frequency of ventilation of the greenhouse depends.

What bottles can be used to build a greenhouse

Always generates a fairly large number of disputes such a design as a greenhouse of plastic bottles. How to make it and what is better? There are two options here:

  • use standard whole plastic bottles;
  • cut and straighten.

A fairly simple greenhouse is made from plastic bottles. Tips for the summer resident are that you need to use only 1.5-2-liter bottles. With a large volume, plastic containers will be difficult to cut and align.

How to align plastic bottles

So, if you want to initially align the bottles, then you need to cut them correctly. It is done like this:

  • the neck and bottom of the bottle are cut off;
  • the middle is cut on one side vertically.

Cut off the bottom and neck of the bottle along the clear lines of the joints of the material. They are visible on the surface.

As a result, rectangles should turn out from the middle of the bottle. They are rolled up into rolls of 20-40 pieces and will gradually begin to straighten out. You can put them under pressure. The bottom and neck are not used.

Stages of manufacturing a greenhouse structure from plastic bottles

Often there are questions about how to properly make a greenhouse from plastic bottles. The discussion can go on for hours. It is worth initially understanding that it is necessary to make a design project. Based on its parameters, they already carry out the corresponding calculations on the amount of material.

After the project, they proceed to the manufacture of the base. Then - to the frame of the structure. And at the last stage they build a roof.

Greenhouse base

The greenhouse construction made of plastic bottles is distinguished by its lightness. It is for this reason that the basis can be:

  • brick;
  • foam block;
  • wooden;
  • monolithic and so on.

The latest version of the foundation for the greenhouse is used to build the structure for many years or in the event of its subsequent replacement with a more practical version of the greenhouse or greenhouse.

The base is set on the ground. You can dig a little brick, foam blocks or wooden boards. All elements of such a structure must be fastened together.

Brick to brick is bonded with concrete mortar. The same applies to foam blocks. Wooden boards can be hammered together with nails with long legs or screwed to each other with special bolts.

Frame manufacturing

Any greenhouse made of plastic bottles is based on the frame. A master class in this matter can show that the frame is made of several types of material:

  • wood;
  • plastic pipes.

The most practical and reliable is considered wooden frame. Professionals advise to cover it with a layer of paint immediately after construction. This will make it possible to protect the structure of the material from moisture penetration and thereby preserve it for a long time.

Plastic pipes are also durable. Only if the wood can be easily found, then they will have to be purchased. And these are extra costs. Some gardeners are incapable of such actions. The plastic frame is fastened using special plastic welding.

Making the roof of the greenhouse

The roof of a greenhouse made of plastic bottles can be:

  • lean-to;
  • gable.

These are the two most common options. It is also based on a kind of framework.

It is necessary to choose the material for the construction of the greenhouse roof frame, based on technical specifications material from which the main frame is made. That is, if made of plastic, then the roof frame should also be made of plastic. Likewise with wood. So it will be easier to fasten together all the structural elements.

As roofing material you can use plastic bottles or plastic wrap. Professionals recommend giving preference to the latter option, since the film is easily mounted and dismantled if necessary.

The film is attached to the plastic frame with plastic clips. On wood - with special bolts with large caps.

Construction of greenhouse walls

The cut plastic bottles are fastened quite simply. To do this, use metal tongs. They are heated on gas. Rectangles from bottles are pre-folded with an overlap. They are carried out at the junction. The plastic melts and sticks together.

The resulting canvases are fastened with a simple one. Often you can find the installation of a plastic canvas using wooden board and nails. Each gardener chooses a more convenient way for himself.

How to build a greenhouse out of whole plastic bottles

This method is simpler than the previous one. It uses only whole plastic bottles with the same volume. They stack one on top of the other. All of them must be filled with air. The first rows of bottles are filled with sand. This will give stability to the structure.

Fasten all structural elements with special glue for plastic. The frame for such a greenhouse can not be done, but the foundation is still required. The roof is covered with plastic wrap. Although the bottles are so strong that cellular polycarbonate of small thickness can also be used. This design will not be afraid of wind and other weather and climatic phenomena.

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