When to plant in September according to the lunar calendar. Auspicious days for gardeners in September - calendar

Most people associate the first month of autumn with harvesting and preparing plants for the cold. However, the onset of the leaf fall season is not a reason to postpone planting new crops until spring. Those who determine favorable planting days according to the moon, the lunar sowing calendar for September 2020 will come in handy. The gardener and gardener is often baffled by the choice of the most successful date for planting on the site of a particular crop. The table below will tell you the optimal time for the implementation of all agrotechnical measures.

The moon moves around the earth and the sun, so the view of its illuminated part is constantly changing. The position of the night luminary directly determines how suitable the date is for performing a certain type of gardening work. In total, there are 4 significant phases:

  • growth;
  • descending;
  • full moon;
  • new moon.

The first two phases of the moon are good for the hassle on the site. At the same time, during the growth period, the luminaries recommend paying attention to the aerial part of the plant (for example, grafting fruit trees or spraying foliage with fertilizer). The phase of the waning moon is an excellent time for rooting shoots or sowing seeds. Works on a full moon or a new moon often have a negative impact on the state of landings. Therefore, serious events such as trimming, planting, diving are not prescribed these days. On such days, they are limited to weeding beds or removing dried, broken branches and leaves.

In September, the change in the appearance of the night luminary will occur as follows:

  • growth - 1, 18-30 September;
  • descending - 3-16 numbers;
  • full moon - 2 numbers;
  • new moon - September 17th.

However, the gardener's calendar takes into account not only the influence of the moon. When compiling tables of successful or unsuccessful days for manipulating plants, the role of the 12 zodiac constellations is also taken into account.

Auspicious days of September

Planting plants in September will bring top scores if they perform it on good dates. The term varies depending on the crop that they plan to plant. The table below shows the most suitable days for planting different vegetables.

Plant Optimal time landings
Watermelon melon 3, 6-13, 18-25, 30-31
Eggplant, zucchini 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18-25, 31
Peas, lentils, beans, physalis, pumpkin, squash 3, 6-9, 10-13, 18, 19, 20-25, 30, 31
Daikon 10-13, 20-24, 29-30
Potato, onion, horseradish, 3, 6-8, 10-13, 19, 20-22, 24, 29, 30, 31
Cilantro, cumin, fennel, dill, mustard, sunflower 3, 6, 7, 11-13, 19, 23-25, 29, 30, 31
Corn, green manure 3, 6-12, 18, 19, 21-25, 30, 31
, beet 3, 6-8, 9-13, 20-22, 23, 24, 30, 31
Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers (sweet, bitter) 3, 6-8, 11, 12, 18, 19, 21-24, 30, 31
Radish, turnip, radish, swede 3, 6, 7, 8-12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 30, 31
Lettuce, spinach, parsley for greens, celery, cabbage (including cauliflower), asparagus 3, 7-12, 19-25, 29, 30, 31

When choosing a date, attention is paid not only to the position of the heavenly body. The local climate also plays an important role. For example, Moscow with its changeable weather differs from Siberia with severe winters. Therefore, the same crop in these regions is planted in different time.

Fruit trees are planted according to a different schedule. Garden plants planted on 6-8, 19, 20-24 or 30 September 2020 will grow and bear fruit well. For a grower, recommendations will be different. Optimal planting days are shown in the table below.

However, the calendar indicates suitable timing not only for landing work. Good days for other manipulations in September 2020 will be as follows:

  1. To combat pests or diseases, 3, 9-13, 23, 24, 29, 31 numbers are suitable.
  2. It is advised to water or spray plantings on September 9, 10-13, 16, 19, 20, 22, 25.
  3. It is recommended to appoint a transplant, a pick on the 11th, 13th, 16th, 18-20th, 24th, 29-31st.
  4. It will be better to cut the branches on September 3, 7-9, 16, 18-20, 24, 25, 31 September.
  5. Good days for feeding - 9-13, 22, 24, 25, 29.

To choose the most favorable day for work on the site, gardeners and gardeners also take into account the influence of various signs of the zodiac on the processes occurring inside plants.

How do zodiac signs influence

In which zodiac constellation the Earth's satellite is located, it has a decisive influence on the metabolic processes inside garden and garden plants. The energy of the constellation is different: some of them adversely affect the growth of plantings, others contribute to their successful development, and others have no effect:
  • the so-called "fertile" signs include Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio;
  • the impact of the constellations Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Sagittarius is minimal;
  • gardeners prefer to postpone all agricultural activities when the Moon is in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo or Aquarius.

It will be convenient to distribute gardening activities depending on the position of the Moon in the zodiac constellations using the table below.

Zodiac sign Dates
Aries 4-6
Taurus 7-9
Twins 10-11
Cancer 12-13
a lion 14-15
Virgo 16-17
scales 18-19
Scorpion 20-21
Sagittarius 22-24
Capricorn 25-26
Aquarius 1, 27-28
Fishes 2-3, 29-30

Plants are worst of all during periods when the Earth's satellite passes into the constellations Leo and Aquarius. However, even on such days summer residents do not rest: they are engaged in minor work such as thinning seedlings, watering or weeding.

bad days

If there is no specific date in the above table of auspicious days, this does not mean that nothing is planted on that day. It is not forbidden to carry out various manipulations with plants on other days, however, the most unfavorable days are avoided. In the first autumn month of 2020, these will be 1-2, 4-5, 14-15, 17, 26-28.

At the same time, there is a rule: the signs of the zodiac affect the processes inside the leaves, crown, root system more than the lunar phases. Therefore, if there is a full or new Moon in the sky, but it is in a “fertile” constellation (for example, in Scorpio), gardeners safely plant plants on the site, and also perform necessary work: pruning, watering, harvesting, loosening the soil.

What not to do in September in the garden

Main mistake many gardeners and gardeners are in a hurry: in the autumn months they try to do most of the work in order to save themselves time in the spring. However, with this approach, they often harm their garden: many things are unacceptable to do in September. The most common wrong actions:

  1. Top dressing with nitrogen fertilizers. An excess of nitrogen will lead to growth of plantings. New shoots will not have time to mature and will not cope with winter frosts.
  2. Fallen fruits left on the ground. Many people think that rotting vegetables and fruits will fertilize the soil, but this is a misconception. Carrion is a breeding ground for pests and diseases, so all fruits must be harvested. The same goes for uncollected foliage.
  3. Digging too deep. It is able to destroy the beneficial microflora (rhizosphere), and this harms the root system.
  4. Early shelter of cold-resistant crops. If you rush to wrap the plants, they will dry out. They begin to lay covering material only after the thermometer reaches zero during the day and drops below zero at night.

Do not rush to harvest. If you pick the fruits too early, they will lose their taste and spoil faster.

September is the time of pre-winter troubles in the areas. Choosing the time for sowing, transplanting, watering and other work, summer residents use the lunar calendar. If you are attentive to the recommendations of astrologers, the results of autumn labors will be much better.

In order for your plants to grow well, you can use the tips from the lunar calendar for September 2020 for the gardener and gardener.

Lunar sowing calendar for September 2020 for the gardener and gardener: table

So that spring planting and summer care do not go down the drain, gardeners and gardeners use the lunar calendar, which will help them properly deal with planting and harvesting.

In addition to the lunar sowing calendar for September 2020 for the gardener and gardener, you also need to know the phases of the moon, which professional gardeners are guided by:
  • in the period from 1.09 to 13.09 the moon is growing;
  • full moon - September 14;
  • in the period from 15.09 to 27.09 the moon is waning;
  • On September 29 and September 30, the moon grows.

In addition to harvesting, plants are planted before winter in September. We suggest using the table for planting vegetables and flowers for September 2020.

Crops to plant in September date of planting
cucumbers 3, 4, 13, 18, 19, 22-24
Tomatoes 3, 4, 13, 18, 19, 22-24
Garlic 3, 4, 8, 9, 18, 19
Radish 8, 9, 18, 19, 22-24
Onion 3, 4, 8, 9, 18, 19, 22-24
Carrot 8, 9, 18, 19, 22-24
Cabbage 3, 4, 13, 19, 22-24
roses 1-4, 8, 9, 13, 18, 19, 30
Plants planted with tubers 1, 2, 8, 9, 18, 19, 30
Gooseberry and currant seedlings 1-4, 8, 9, 13, 18, 19,30
Raspberry and blackberry seedlings 1-4, 8, 9, 22, 24, 30

What happens in the garden in September

In September, there are a lot of difficult tasks in the garden. Here are some tips to help you manage your harvest and keep it properly:

  • when collecting tomatoes, it is necessary to arrange the fruits in different boxes. It is best to harvest on a warm and sunny day. If you have grown different varieties tomatoes, then you need to lay them out in different boxes. If you mix the fruits, then most likely they will deteriorate;
  • for storing vegetables and fruits, it is necessary to prepare a dark and cool room in advance. The storage temperature for tomatoes should not exceed +12 °C. If the temperature is higher, then the tomatoes will begin to disappear very quickly;

  • Only whole fruits can be sent for storage. If one of the fruits is spoiled, all the others will begin to rot;
  • after harvesting, all the beds need to be dug up. On the next year in place of previously planted tomatoes, it will be possible to plant cucumbers, lettuce, radishes, onions. If oats are planted on these beds in winter, then there will be perfectly prepared soil in the spring for planting tomatoes;
  • in September, plants such as carrots and cabbage require special care. September is the time when you need to remove them from the beds. At the beginning of the month, you can feed them with a special top dressing, which will contain potassium sulfate. After such watering, the vegetables will become sweeter. If the top of the carrot appeared, then it must be sprinkled with earth so that the top does not turn green and does not become bitter;

  • onions should be harvested only when it is hot outside for several days. After harvesting, it will need to be dried, and only then stored for storage. In addition, before you start harvesting onions, you should look at its tops. If it began to dry out, then this is exactly the time when you can start harvesting. If it is still green, then you should not touch the onion yet.
date of What can you do in the garden
01.09, 20.09 You can safely start harvesting, you should take care of the selection of potato tubers for planting next year. Start processing beds for planting winter crops. Flower growers can start planting plants that are planted with tubers. It is best to plant roses and ornamental shrubs during this period. You can start preparing holes for planting trees. Medicinal herbs are collected
03.09, 04.09 Start harvesting - carrots, beets, cauliflower. Plant tomatoes that will subsequently grow in a greenhouse. Start loosening the soil. Flower growers can start planting roses as well as ornamental shrubs. Do not start digging potatoes these days. Do not prune the plants, otherwise you will simply harm them.
05.09, 06.09, 07.09 You can plant winter crops, in particular rye. Plant asparagus. Florists can start digging up plant bulbs, which will be stored until the next planting. No need to trim plants, pinching, and watering. In the garden, you can plant cuttings of wild rose, honeysuckle. In the kitchen, you can start making juices, sauerkraut.
08.09, 09.09 Start transplanting cauliflower that will ripen in a warmer room. You can plant under the film - cucumbers, celery, parsley. Start harvesting root crops. On this day, you can deal with roses, ornamental shrubs. It is not recommended to do anything with the roots of plants. Carry out pruning, top dressing. Start preparing preparations for the winter.
10.09., 11.09, 12.09 You can harvest, which will subsequently be stored throughout the winter. Start digging bulbs. It is not necessary to carry out crops, planting, watering, as well as top dressing. It is not recommended to plant anything in the garden. Jams can be made in the kitchen.

Digging up onions, batun. You can do plant nutrition. Prepare beds for winter crops. These days, gardeners can work on plants. In the garden, you can plant grapes, currants, gooseberries.

In the kitchen, you can start drying, freezing vegetables and fruits.

14.09 On this day, it is not recommended to do anything with plants in the garden, as well as to engage in harvesting for the winter.
15.09, 16.09, 17.09 In the garden, you can start collecting seeds. Do not engage in transplanting plants, watering, fertilizing. In the garden, it is worth doing pruning strawberry whiskers, pruning raspberries. In addition, these days it is necessary to prune and dry branches. Drying, harvesting juices are recommended.
18.09, 19.09 Start collecting seeds, digging up root crops. Dig up the beds, water the plants with compost. No need to engage in loosening the soil, so as not to damage the plants and their roots. Feed your plants with organic fertilizer. Engage in canning, salting. You can cook sauerkraut.
20.09, 21.09 In the garden, you can start collecting seeds, which will later be used. Do not refuse to collect potatoes. Flower growers during this period of time can start digging up tubers and bulbs. Do not dive. In the garden, tidy up the trunks of plants, mow the lawn. In the kitchen, you can start preparing blanks for the winter. For example, canning, drying - best option which can be practiced on the specified dates.
22.09, 23.09, 24.09 These days, plants can be planted in a greenhouse; the planted perennial onions will take root well. No need to use pesticides, remove the tubers for storage. Proceed to harvesting wine, juices, wet apples. At this time, it is good to start collecting medicinal herbs, which will be well stored in the future.
25.09, 26.09 Take care of harvesting fruits that can be folded for long-term storage. Dig the beds, weed, collect the seeds. You can fight pests and diseases. Florists can start digging up tubers, bulbs that are folded for winter storage. Mow the lawn, cut dry branches. In the kitchen, it is worth doing drying, canning, collecting the fruits of medicinal herbs.
27.09, 28.09 The period of the new moon, so the plants are vulnerable. Nothing worth doing in the garden, garden.
30.09 The moon is growing, so you should start harvesting the fruits that are being prepared for storage for the winter. Gather the garlic. Take care of watering, loosening. You can transplant parsley, basil. For flower growers, a favorable day for planting plants - roses, bulbs.

The lunar calendar helps gardeners cope with the harvest. Focusing on the dates indicated on the calendar, you can succeed, collect the fruits and send them for long-term storage.

The beginning of autumn is a transitional period between harvesting and sowing winter crops, in addition, shrubs must be cut at this time in order to systematically prepare them for the cold. The fight against pests and diseases continues intensively, especially since the latter in the autumn season are especially aggravated in ripening fruits. The only thing you can stop doing is putting fertilizer on the beds, as well as spraying those crops from which to harvest in 3 weeks.

The calendar for September is very convenient in that it literally lists all the works that are recommended for a particular point in time literally by the day. This is especially suitable for those who love order in everything and plan their actions in advance. In addition, it will be more wholesome and planting material, the development of the above-ground and root parts of which is directly related to the lunar phases. The growing month has a beneficial effect on the stems and leaves, and the waning month - on the roots, bulbs and tubers, this can be seen by watching the gardener's calendar for September.

Day of the month Moon phase Recommended work in the garden and vegetable garden
September 1Waning moonThe period of active harvesting and preparation of the vacant beds for winter begins. Dig, loosen, choose weed rhizomes from the ground, put compost and humus into the soil. Abundant watering is useful, which will provoke the growth of weeds and allow you to remove a significant part of them in the fall, making it easier for you spring work. In addition, this is a good day for planting clematis and roses, as well as perennials.

On the garden plot work that does not affect the roots of plants is allowed, so focus on sanitary pruning of damaged branches and pest control, postponing planting until more suitable times.

But indoor flowers can be freely transplanted, propagated, pruned, fight diseases and pests.

September 2Earthworks are still relevant: digging, loosening, cultivation, hilling and weeding. In the greenhouse, take care of the removal of growing points of tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. In the flower garden, in addition to roses and clematis, climbing plants can be planted.

Arrange a "general cleaning" on the garden plot. Remove dry branches and clean off the lagging bark from trees, cut out excess shoots of shrubs, cut off the mustache of strawberries and strawberries, mow overgrown grass.

Home flowers are shown watering and spraying, top dressing, loosening the soil.

September 3
4 September
September 5Although the time of landings is drawing to a close, it has not yet passed. Sow radishes, radishes, daikon, onions, dill, and green manure on the remaining empty beds to improve soil quality. For the same purpose, you can scatter potatoes that have not yet been harvested in the aisles. wood ash, then thoroughly loosen and water the ground. In flowerbeds, it is not recommended to deal only with bulbous flowers, everything else is up to you.

In the garden, plant and replant berry and ornamental shrubs, fertilize with organic fertilizers, and harvest.

Water indoor plants, treat them for pests and diseases, remove dry and rotten leaves.

6 September
September 7Do not engage in sowing and transplanting. Instead, harvest and seed, dig up beds, loosen the soil, compost and apply to the soil mineral fertilizers.

In the garden, cut off dry and damaged branches, cut out excess shoots in berry bushes, cut off the mustache of strawberries. You can start preparing holes for planting trees, mow the grass, mulch tree trunks with hay, small chips and bark.

Home flowers are shown delicate loosening and spraying.

8 SeptemberAny kind of work with plants is undesirable. Give yourself a couple of days off or tidy up your garden tools.
9th of SeptemberNew moon
10 SeptemberWaxing Crescent
11 SeptemberThe period is suitable for pinching the tops of tomatoes and peppers, feeding cucumbers with urea, transplanting some plants - chard, root parsley, basil - into containers for growing on the windowsill. Recommended loosening and digging, generous watering, collection of root crops. For example, beets, which should be removed from the beds before the first frost, while carrots and daikon can be left in the garden for a long time, having properly spudded them. In the flower bed, it is recommended to plant tuberous and bulbous flowers, root cuttings of roses.

If planting trees is planned in the garden, first of all take care of fruit stone fruits, if not, put berry bushes and strawberries and strawberries in order. Successful promises to be the creation of layering.

Any care is welcome indoor plants, with the exception of treatment against pests and diseases.

12-th of September
September 13On the open ground, prepare beds for winter plantings, and in the greenhouse, start sowing cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, lettuce, onions, greens, color and Chinese cabbage. Plantings made earlier will not hurt to feed with infusion of mullein or bird droppings. In the flower garden it is allowed to plant bulbous and tuberous flowers, clematis, roses and engage in the division of perennials.

There are also many reasons to work on garden plots: it is recommended to plant raspberries, gooseberries, currants, blackberries, pear and plum trees, feed plants with mineral fertilizers, create lawn ornaments or simply cut grass.

Houseplants transplanted during this period will be well accepted and delight the owners with active growth and lush flowering.

September 14
September 15thRight time for earthworks– digging, loosening, cultivation. Lay compost in beds prepared for winter crops, dig up root vegetables and chives. You can also cut cabbage, but only for eating, it is too early to send it for storage.

Planting allowed in the garden fruit trees, berry and ornamental shrubs, strawberries and wild strawberries. If you haven't finished your tree ring treatment yet, do it now, and at the same time take action against pests and diseases that affect plants. But sanitary and formative pruning, pinching and other damage to branches and shoots are undesirable.

Houseplants will easily accept transplanting, propagation by division, treatment against pests, removal of dry leaves and loosening the soil in pots.

16 of September
September 17
September 18Plant Beijing and cauliflower, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, sweet peppers in the greenhouse. In open ground, sow free beds with sederats to improve soil quality. Transfer celery and parsley seedlings to containers for growing on a windowsill. In the flowerbed, perennials and roses are a priority.

On the garden plot, as before, continue planting trees and shrubs.

Home flowers can be propagated by division or transplanted into new larger containers.

September 19
September 20Landings are not recommended. Devote these days to harvesting crops and seeds, loosening the soil, weeding and fertilizing crops left before winter with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

In the garden, inspect the trees again for damage to the bark, cut off dry branches. You can treat plants from pests, but it is better to refuse abundant watering.

Indoor flowers will benefit from top dressing. Transplantation and moderate watering are allowed.

September 21st
September 22nd
23 SeptemberContinue caring for your greenhouse plants and preparing your outdoor beds for winter. You can still have time to plant and grow green manure on them - amaranth, legumes, cereals. Mineral top dressing of previously planted crops will not interfere.

In the garden, plant the missing berry and ornamental shrubs and fertilize the soil.

For domestic plants, a dormant period begins, only moderate watering and spraying are allowed.

September 24
September 25Full moonDuring the full moon, refrain from any kind of work in the garden and in the garden.
September 26Waning moonContinue to act in the same spirit as before the full moon: collect seeds, store ripe crops, dig, cultivate, loosen the soil under the beds. Pest control and plant nutrition in greenhouses are still relevant.

In the garden, focus on sanitary pruning of trees and bushes, removing strawberry whiskers, and pest control. If hollows are found on the trees, clean them from dead wood, treat them with a fungicide and fill them with garden putty.

Houseplants can be lightly fed, but in general the day is unfavorable for caring for them.

September 27Plant onions and garlic before winter, and leeks and batun in a greenhouse. Dig up the beds, loosen the soil, apply organic and mineral fertilizers. With a warm autumn, roses and clematis can still be planted in the flower beds.

Formative and sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs, organic feeding of both, grass mowing, soil mulching, and watering will be appropriate in the garden.

Loosen the ground in flower pots, but without too much zeal. Moderate watering and spraying is possible.

September 28
September 29
September 30thIn the garden, collect seeds and vegetables for storage, lay compost, pinch plants in the greenhouse.

Dig up tubers and bulbs in the flower garden, plant clematis.

In the garden, prepare trees for winter by scraping loose bark from the trunks, filling hollows and cutting out dry branches. Dig and mulch tree trunks, treat against pests, mow the lawn.

Free house plants from dry leaves and prune before the approaching dormant period.

The change of summer in autumn passes almost imperceptibly, except for the foliage beginning to turn yellow. The first priority, of course, will be the harvest, in particular, in the first half of the month, you need to finish harvesting tomatoes, zucchini and squash.

They will also be joined in the barn, waiting to be sorted, by pumpkins and cucumbers. During the same period, cabbage is actively stored, and onions are neatly placed in boxes for preparation for the winter. In September you can do autumn planting tree seedlings in the garden, preparing and fertilizing pits with humus. If you are harvesting sod land, the best time for this is mid-September, while there are still clear days, at the same time you need to collect spring garlic in order to sow winter planting material in the second half of the month.

Then comes the time to extract the potato crop from the ground, which will take you at least a week. In the garden, it's time to collect the leaves, dry them and pack them in bags so that in October there is something to cover perennials from frost. Under the bark of trees, it is useful to look for cocoons of the codling moth, which should be removed and burned. Watering can be gradually abandoned.

In many cases, the gardener's calendar for September can help you, but he cannot predict the weather. But the signs noticed by the people successfully cope with this. For example, the main forecast is the observation of the weather in the first month of autumn: the drier it is, the later you can expect the arrival of winter. September 1 was once dedicated to Semyon the pilot, on this date the Indian summer begins, which will end in 2 weeks.

They say that if this period is dry, then the autumn will be wet, if it is rainy, then October and November will be more pleasing with clear days. You should also monitor the amount of web - its abundance predicts an autumn without rain and a very cold winter.

On September 6, people predict Mikhailovsky frosts, and in fact, it can get colder on the night of this date. Only on the 11th, on Fedora, summer is considered completely gone. September 18 is dedicated to Arina, they say that if the departure of cranes is seen on this day, then further frosts should be expected on Pokrov, that is, on October 1. The most accurate weather forecast could always be made according to the signs of the 20th, on Athanasius. If fog appears on this day, and it is warm outside, and a flying web is visible between the houses, the autumn will be clear, and the first snow can not be expected soon.

However, the main predictions are made in the direction of the wind: if it blows from the west - to rain, from the south - the days will be warm, from the north - frost is close, and from the east - to good weather. On the 25th there is a day dedicated to Sergei - it is especially important to monitor the weather, if it is clear, it will be like this for another three weeks, and the precipitation will last the same amount if it rains. It is logical that in bad weather, the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener can not be guided.

Lunar sowing calendar for September 2018 for gardeners, gardeners, flower growers, indicating the days of the new moon, full moon, quarters of the moon, the location of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, as well as favorable and unfavorable days for planting seedlings and vegetable crops.

In Lunar sowing calendar as of September 2018, all favorable days for planting seedlings and vegetable crops are marked. There is a convenient calendar in which the new moon, full moon and the days of the growing and waning moon are marked.

Moon phases in September 2018

Favorable landing days in September 2018

The table shows the most favorable days for sowing seeds:

auspicious days for sowing and planting flowers:

Auspicious days in September 2018 for planting seedlings:

Unfavorable days for planting and sowing seeds:

Attention! The table shows the most favorable days for planting and sowing seeds, but this does not mean at all that planting cannot be done on other days. You should not plant anything only on forbidden days.

Lunar sowing calendar for September 2018 for gardeners, gardeners, flower growers (table)

The table shows the phases of the moon, its position in the signs of the zodiac and the recommended work for gardeners - gardeners - flower growers for each day of the month:

date of Moon in the signs of the zodiac Featured Works
Saturday, September 1, 2018 Waning Moon in Taurus
  • Taurus- fertile sign of the Zodiac (Days of the Root) The lunar sowing calendar recommends:
  • In the garden- sowing radishes, collecting root crops, digging beds, organic feeding of perennial vegetables, laying plant residues in compost.
  • flower garden- an auspicious day for planting perennial and bulbous flowers, as well as clematis and roses.
  • In the garden- planting strawberries, berry bushes. Propagation by cuttings and layering of berry bushes. Removal of excess branches from trees and shrubs, pest and disease control.
  • Not recommended- damage plant roots
  • Blanks- roots of medicinal herbs, sauerkraut freezing, canning.
Sunday, September 2, 2018 Waning Moon in Gemini
  • Twins
  • In the garden- removal of dried leaves from tomatoes, flower brushes. Digging beds, hilling, loosening dry soil, mulching, pinching growth points of pumpkins, peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, collecting and harvesting root crops for storage, weeding.
  • flower garden- a good day for planting clematis and other climbing plants.
  • In the garden- pest and disease control, cutting dry and excess shoots of trees and shrubs, trimming the mustache of strawberries, removing shoots, treating hollows, cleaning the lagged bark, mowing grass.
  • Blanks- canning, pickling, sauerkraut, drying, preparation of juices and wine.
September 3, 2018 Monday Third Quarter Moon in Gemini
September 4, 2018 Tuesday Waning Moon in Gemini
September 5, 2018 Wednesday Waning Moon in Cancer
  • Cancer- the most fertile sign of the Zodiac (Leaf Days) The lunar calendar of gardeners and gardeners recommends:
  • In the garden- you can still sow radishes, lettuce, dill. Loosening leeks. Remove flower clusters from tomatoes. Water and loosen vegetable beds. Dig up the freed ones, sow them with green manure.
  • flower garden- planting clematis, roses, perennials, ornamental shrubs. Planting and transplanting bulbous is not recommended.
  • In the garden- planting raspberries, strawberries, grapes, berry bushes. Fertilizing fruit trees and berry bushes with organic fertilizers.
  • Not recommended- the use of pesticides, harvest fruits for storage, dig up potatoes and root crops.
  • Blanks- salting, sauerkraut, making wine, juices. Leaf Harvesting medicinal plants.
September 6, 2018 Thursday Waning Moon in Cancer
September 7, 2018 Friday Waning Moon in Leo
  • a lion
  • In the garden- collection of seeds and crops for storage. Digging up chives, batun, root crops for autumn-winter forcing greens. Digging beds, loosening, harvesting potatoes and other root crops for storage, mulching, pest and disease control.
  • In the garden- sanitary pruning of trees, shrubs, strawberry mustache cutting, preparation of pits for planting trees in October. Harvest for storage.
  • Not recommended- water and feed the plants.
  • Blanks- drying, canning, freezing, salting, pickling. Collection of seeds and fruits of medicinal plants.
Saturday, September 8, 2018 Waning Moon in Leo

The lunar sowing calendar of gardeners and gardeners does not recommend working with plants during the new moon

Sunday, September 9, 2018 New moon Moon in Virgo
September 10, 2018 Monday Waxing Moon in Virgo
September 11, 2018 Tuesday Waxing Moon in Libra
  • scales- Zodiac sign of medium fertility (Flower Days)
  • In the garden- harvesting root crops for storage, preparing beds for winter crops, garlic. Watering, loosening. A good day for transplanting root parsley, chard, basil, hot pepper bush for growing on the windowsill. Pinching the tops of tomatoes, peppers to stop growth.
  • flower garden- a favorable day for planting clematis, roses, tuberous and bulbous flowers, rooting cuttings.
  • In the garden- planting berry bushes, container trees. Planting strawberries, watering, cutting out shoots, fruiting raspberries, drying branches of trees and shrubs. Organization of withdrawals. Watering is moderate.
  • Not recommended- spraying plants with pesticides.
  • Blanks- flowers of medicinal plants
September 12, 2018 Wednesday Waxing Moon in Libra
Thursday, September 13, 2018 Waxing Moon in Scorpio
  • Scorpion- fertile sign of the Zodiac (Leaf Days) The lunar sowing calendar for September 2018 recommends:
  • In the garden- cleaning plant residues, preparing beds for winter crops and planting garlic. Watering, loosening. Mineral top dressing of perennials. In the greenhouse - sowing Beijing cabbage immediately on permanent place, cauliflower, tomatoes, greens.
  • flower garden- planting perennials, clematis and roses. Planting and dividing corms is not recommended.
  • In the garden- planting raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, currants. Tree planting is not recommended. Potassium-phosphorus supplement. Lawn mowing, green manure sowing. Preparing holes for planting trees.
  • Not recommended- pruning plants, digging up potatoes.
  • Blanks- collection of leaves of medicinal plants, preparation of liqueurs.
September 14, 2018 Friday Waxing Moon in Scorpio
Saturday, September 15, 2018 Waxing Moon in Sagittarius
  • Sagittarius- unproductive Zodiac Sign (Days of the Fetus)
  • In the garden- collection of testicles and seeds. Digging up batun, chives, root crops for winter distillation on the windowsill. Picking vegetables is not for storage.
  • flower garden- planting ornamental shrubs and clematis.
  • In the garden- you can plant strawberries, berry bushes. Digging near-stem circles, treatment from pests and diseases. Removal of shoots and diseased plants
  • Not recommended- cut, pinch and water.
  • Blanks- collection of fruits and seeds of medicinal plants, preparation of juices, preserves, jam.
Sunday, September 16, 2018 Waxing Moon in Sagittarius
September 17, 2018 Monday First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius
Tuesday, September 18, 2018 Waxing Moon in Capricorn
  • Capricorn- Zodiac sign of medium fertility (Days of the Root)
  • In the garden- planting seedlings of lettuce, cucumbers, cauliflower in the greenhouse. Sowing Chinese cabbage. Transplantation of seedlings of celery, parsley, basil from open ground for growing in winter on the windowsill. Root and non-root plant nutrition. Sowing green manure on the vacated beds. Cleaning root crops for storage.
  • flower garden- planting ornamental shrubs, roses and perennial flowers.
  • In the garden- planting raspberries, blackberries, berry bushes. Preparation of pits for planting trees, treatment for diseases and pests.
  • Not recommended- disturb the roots of plants.
  • Blanks- juices, jam, jam, freezing, canning, sauerkraut. Preparation of the roots of medicinal plants.
September 19, 2018 Wednesday Waxing Moon in Capricorn
Thursday, September 20, 2018 Waxing Moon in Aquarius
  • Aquarius- infertile zodiac sign (Flower Days)
  • In the garden- harvesting for storage. Digging up perennial onions, root crops for winter forcing greens. Collection of seeds, plowing, loosening, weeding, pinching.
  • In the garden- repair of trunks, sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs, crown formation. Spraying against pests and diseases
  • Not recommended- soak seeds, water, feed, sow and plant any crops.
  • Blanks- juices, jam, preserves, canning. Collection of flowers of medicinal plants.
Friday, September 21, 2018 Waxing Moon in Aquarius
Saturday, September 22, 2018 Waxing Moon in Aquarius
Sunday, September 23, 2018 Waxing Moon in Pisces
  • Fishes- fertile zodiac sign (Leaf Days)
  • In the garden- digging up onions, chives, root crops for winter forcing. Mineral top dressing, watering, picking fruits not for storage. Preparation of beds for winter crops, sowing green manure.
  • flower garden- an auspicious day for planting all ornamental shrubs, perennials and house flowers.
  • In the garden- planting gooseberries, blackberries, strawberries, currants, raspberries. Sowing green manure, digging tree trunks.
  • Not recommended- prune plants and treat them from diseases and pests.
  • Blanks- juices, jam, jam, salting, collection of leaves of medicinal plants. Should not be preserved with airtight closures.
September 24, 2018 Monday Waxing Moon in Pisces
September 25, 2018 Tuesday Full moon Moon in Aries

The lunar calendar of gardeners, gardeners and flower growers for September 2018 does not recommend working with plants on a full moon.

September 26, 2018 Wednesday Waning Moon in Aries
  • Aries- infertile sign of the Zodiac (Days of the Fetus)
  • In the garden- collection of seeds, digging beds, cleaning for storage of all crops. Control of pests, diseases, weeds (cut off the aerial part).
  • In the garden- phosphorus top dressing, loosening, weeding, lawn mowing, cutting of strawberry whiskers, dry branches, overgrowth.
  • Not recommended- water, feed, plant, transplant, root, shape, dive.
  • Blanks- drying, pickling, jam, freezing, collection of leaves of medicinal plants. Canned with airtight closure should not be.
Thursday, September 27, 2018 Waning Moon in Taurus
  • Taurus- the fertile sign of the Zodiac (Days of the Root) The lunar calendar for September 2018 gardeners and gardeners recommends:
  • In the garden- planting onion-batun, leek - in the greenhouse. Harvesting root vegetables is not for storage. Fertilizer garden beds. Digging the soil, loosening dry land.
  • flower garden- planting roses, clematis, bulbous flowers. Digging up corms.
  • In the garden- planting honeysuckle, raspberries, blackberries, berry bushes. Organic tree and shrub nutrition. Sanitary pruning, lawn mowing.
  • Not recommended- transplant plants.
  • Blanks- collection of roots of medicinal plants. Drying, freezing, canning.
September 28, 2018 Friday Waning Moon in Taurus
Saturday, September 29, 2018 Waning Moon in Taurus
Sunday, September 30, 2018 Waning Moon in Gemini
  • Twins- unproductive zodiac sign (Flower Days)
  • In the garden- collection and cleaning of vegetables for long-term storage. Digging the soil, weeding. Loosening dry soil. Pinching to suppress plant growth. Collection of seeds and seeds.
  • flower garden- a good day for planting clematis. Digging up tubers and bulbs.
  • In the garden- cutting dry and excess shoots. Collection of fruits for storage. Treatment of hollows, cleaning the crown, digging tree trunks. Lawn mowing, spraying against pests and diseases
  • Not recommended- to water.
  • Blanks- drying, canning. Collection of flowers and seeds of medicinal plants.

In September, cucumbers, zucchini often fall ill with powdery mildew:

  • Leaves with the first mealy spots are best removed.
  • It is possible to treat plants with preparations thiovit jet, fitosporin-M, alirin-B.
  • If there is a mullein, you can use it for treatment. A kilogram of mullein is diluted in 10 liters of water, allowed to stand for several hours, filtered and sprayed with cucumbers. After 7-10 days, the treatment is repeated.

It is advisable to prepare a garden bed for October planting in advance. winter garlic:

  • For digging, we will add humus or compost (bucket), phosphate and potash fertilizers (one tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate per sq. M).
  • Digging, carefully select the rhizomes of wheatgrass, field bindweed.
  • Having leveled the bed with a rake, we will water it to cause the growth of weeds. The more seeds sprout in the fall, the less will be left for the spring. To destroy weeds in the seedling stage, it is enough to work with a rake.

Last top dressing

You can late cabbage in September last time feed:

  • Art. a spoonful of superphosphate per 10 liters of water.

They will require top dressing and broccoli, cauliflower July sowing:

  • Art. a spoonful of superphosphate and 0.5 liters of organic infusion (bird, mullein or green grass) per 10 liters of water.

We fertilize the July plantings of potatoes, scattering wood ash or potassium sulfate between rows before loosening and watering (st. spoon per linear meter).

Cucumbers that began to give out “hooks” also need to be cheered up:

  • a teaspoon of urea and potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water.
  • For foliar feeding 1 g of urea per liter of water is sufficient.

Better prepare for the winter by receiving phosphorus-potassium supplements, perennial vegetables:

  • asparagus, onion, rhubarb (a tablespoon of potassium sulfate and superphosphate per 10 liters of water).

Remove yellowed bottom leaves from Brussels sprouts.

  • And in order for the sprouts to grow dense, in mid-September we remove the apical buds from the plants.
  • After a month, you can remove the tops: they still will not form full-fledged heads of cabbage.

We pile up petiole celery, leeks. We unravel the upper part of the roots of the root celery.

We continue to harvest

In September, we are not yet exempt from harvesting. But in the second half of the month you need to be ready for the first frosts.

After them, warm weather usually sets in, and it is a pity to look at the bushes of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and cucumbers that have drooped from frost.

Plants will not die if they are covered with non-woven material before frost. Now weather forecasters still warn us quite accurately about changes in the weather.

At the end of the month, you can already collect all the tomatoes, cut peppers and eggplants. Tomatoes are best sorted by stages of ripeness. If we want the fruits to ripen gradually, we do not mix the green ones in the same box with the ripe ones. Tomatoes (even varieties not intended for storage) can be stored for up to two months or longer.

Ripe fruits store well at low temperatures.. Greens need warmth to keep up. Pepper also keeps well. To prevent the fruits from wilting, they can be covered with sawdust or wrap each peppercorn with paper.

We are not in a hurry to dig up root crops if there is no place for them in the refrigerator. Cellars and cellars remain warm even in October, and there is simply nowhere to store carrots and beets so that they do not wilt. In addition, in September, root crops in the beds are actively gaining weight.

But “do not rush” does not mean leaving root crops in the garden before the predicted frosts. This is especially true for beets: root crops protruding above the ground can suffer from the first sub-zero temperatures. Carrots, if they were piled up during the growing season, will safely survive the first frosts. The daikon will not suffer either.

Before the first frost, we remove the pumpkin. Mature fruits are colored, according to the variety, their skin is hard (it is difficult to damage it with a fingernail), the stalk has corked. To store the pumpkins, cut them off with the stalk. Fruits without a stalk, with damaged skin, it is desirable to use in the near future: they will not be stored. Heating pumpkins for 7-10 days in the sun, remove to a dark, cool, dry place.

Late varieties of white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli are cut only for the table. Unless, of course, the heads of the white head do not crack, and the heads of the color and broccoli are not going to crumble. We will remove the weight-gaining cabbage for storage later. Short days, moderate temperatures are favorable for all its species.

Late planting potatoes, if the tubers are ripe, it is better not to leave them in the soil. Moreover, without compromising quality, immediately after digging, it can lie down in a dark, cool room to dry, heal the wounds inflicted during digging, and the skin on the tubers will coarsen.

It is better to scatter potatoes in a thin layer on burlap, kraft paper. Small tubers selected for spring planting from the most productive bushes can be greened immediately by spreading them out for ten days in a bright place (but not in direct sunlight).

Small late-harvest tubers formed later than large ones, that is, in cooler weather, and therefore are more suitable for planting. Such potatoes should be stored separately from tubers intended for the kitchen. Greened tubers get sick less, deteriorate, give a higher yield.

Potatoes that have passed the "treatment" period, it would be good to pour them into wooden boxes: there it is better ventilated. They can later be lowered into the basement.

In September, there is still a lot to do in the garden and in the flower garden. About everything that needs to be done in the country in early autumn

In September, the most active work in the garden and garden ends, and that is why, this month you need to do everything. According to the lunar calendar in September, plants begin to prepare for winter.

The movement of juices in plants and many other processes depend on the influence of the moon. Any actions in the garden and vegetable garden, in accordance with these processes or, conversely, in spite of them, significantly increase the return of planted crops or reduce all the labor expended to nothing. The lunar calendar is compiled taking into account all the subtleties and makes it possible to optimally carry out work on the site, avoiding possible failures.

Favorable and unfavorable days for September 2019

The moon has a huge impact on the growth, development and fruiting of plants, so many gardeners and gardeners rely on the advice of the lunar calendar. With it, you can find out when it is better to sow, plant, feed, fertilize and water plants, as well as make preparations for the winter, and poison the crop for storage. The lunar calendar warns of unfavorable periods and advises better days for site work.

The month is divided into periods (New Moon, Full Moon, Waning and Growing Moon). Knowing about them, you can more easily navigate the work.

  • The new moon in September comes on the 28th;
  • Full Moon - September 14;
  • Growing Moon - from September 1 to September 13 and 29, 30;
  • Waning Moon - from September 15 to 26.

In the New Moon, plants have a time of complete rest. At this time, plant juices are concentrated in the roots, and any damage to the root system can lead to the death of the culture. The day before the new moon and the day after it, in the garden and garden, you can cut the crowns, pinch, pinch, remove diseased and dry branches, fight rodents, pests, and diseases. Weeding, loosening and digging must be carried out with extreme caution.

With the growing moon, the juices in the plants tend upward and their growth intensifies. During this period, crops are planted that bear fruit in the ground part.

Before the Full Moon, grafting fruit trees gives a good result. It is better to postpone the laying of vegetables for storage and harvesting at this time.

On the full moon nutrients concentrated in fruits and flowers. At this time, loosening, hilling, cultivation is carried out. The risk of damage to the roots is minimal. Pruning, grafting, pinching and other work with the crown and green mass is not recommended. During this period, you can fight pests.

With the waning moon, sap flow in plants goes to the roots. At the same time, nutrients are concentrated in root crops, roots. This is a favorable period for winter planting. During this period, cuttings, shrubs, trees, biennials, perennials, strawberries and strawberries are planted. Root crops are being laid for storage. Vegetables, fruits and berries are processed for the winter.

auspicious days

  • The best days for planting, sowing plants: September 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 13, 18, 19, 30.
  • Favorable days for planting, sowing plants that bear fruit above the ground and flowers: September 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 13, 18, 19, 30 September.
  • Favorable days for planting root crops, flowers and herbs with a strong root system:
    8, 9, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24 September.

bad days

Based on favorable and unfavorable periods, you can easily distribute work and protect your crop from possible failures.

Lunar sowing calendar by day for September 2019 (table)

Date Month Day of the week moon day Phases of the Moon in the Signs of the Zodiac Works carried out in the garden
September 1 Saturday

2 lunar day

Flower Days

21 lunar days

Root Days

The moon is growing, in the sign of Libra

Sowing in the greenhouse and on the windowsill of spinach and watercress, parsley. Planting bulbous crops, winter garlic, trees and shrubs. Winter sowing of carrots, beets, greens. Land processing. Harvest for long term storage.


3 lunar day

Flower Days

The moon is growing, in the sign of Libra

Planting bulbs, roses, biennials and perennials. Sowing strawberry seeds, greens for lettuce. Top dressing, loosening and watering. Treatment for diseases and pests. Harvest for long term storage. Collection of medicinal herbs.


4 lunar day

Leaf Days

5 lunar day

Leaf Days

Waxing moon in the sign of Scorpio

Sowing in the greenhouse and on the windowsill of onions, watercress, spinach, herbs. Planting bulb crops, winter garlic. Sowing mushrooms. Preparation of beds for winter plantings. The introduction of mineral supplements. Preparations of vegetables, berries and fruits for the winter.

6 lunar day

Fetal Days

7 lunar day

Fetal Days

The moon is growing, in the sign of Sagittarius

Planting, sowing greens, herbs and vegetables. Soil processing. Trimming trees, shrubs. Pruning and hilling roses. Treatment of crops from diseases, protection from rodents. Bookmark the harvested crop for storage.

8 lunar day

Fetal Days

The moon is growing, in the sign of Sagittarius

Planting, sowing greens, herbs and vegetables. Soil processing. Trimming trees, shrubs. Disease treatment. Bookmark the harvested crop for storage.

9 lunar day

Fetal Days

Sowing and planting vegetables, root crops, bulbous crops, perennials, herbs and flowers with a strong root. Planting, transplanting trees, shrubs. Soil cultivation, watering. The introduction of mineral supplements. Preparations for the winter.


10 lunar day

Fetal Days

Waxing moon in Capricorn

Sowing and planting vegetables, root crops, bulbous and green crops, perennials, herbs and flowers with a strong root. Planting, transplanting trees, shrubs. Soil cultivation, watering. The introduction of mineral supplements. Preparations for the winter.


11 lunar day

Flower Days

1 lunar day

Root Days

Waxing moon in Aquarius

Sowing and planting vegetables, herbs, root crops, bulbous crops, perennials, herbs and flowers with a strong root. Planting, transplanting trees, shrubs. Soil cultivation, watering. The introduction of mineral supplements. Preparations for the winter.

12 lunar day

Flower Days

Planting and sowing plants on this day is undesirable. Mulching, hilling, fertilizing plants is carried out. Pest control. Area cleaning. Pruning trees, shrubs and perennials.

13 lunar day

Flower Days

Waxing moon in Aquarius

planting and sowing plants on this day is undesirable. Mulching, hilling, fertilizing plants is carried out. Pest control. Pruning trees, shrubs and perennials.

14 Lunar day

Leaf Days

Waxing moon in Pisces
15 Lunar day

Full moon

Moon in Pisces

Planting and sowing plants on this day is undesirable. Mulching, hilling, fertilizing plants is carried out. Pest control. Pruning trees, shrubs and perennials.

16 lunar day

Fetal Days

Waning moon in AriesIN open ground sowing sorrel seeds. In the winter greenhouse, on the windowsill, sowing seeds of spinach, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, parsley, onions, beets. Procurement of cuttings for winter grafting. Planting trees, shrubs.


17 lunar day

Fetal Days

Waning moon in AriesSowing, planting and transplanting plants are not carried out. The soil is being dug up. The introduction of mineral supplements. Pruning trees, shrubs and perennials. Disease treatment. Preparations for the winter.


18 lunar day

Fetal Days

Waning moon in AriesUnfavorable day for planting, transplanting plants. Sowing fast growing crops. Digging the soil. The introduction of mineral supplements. Trimming trees, shrubs. Harvesting.

19 lunar day

Root Days

Auspicious day. Planting bulbous crops, trees, shrubs. Sowing greens, mushrooms. Division, transplantation of perennials. Podzimnaya landing and planting greens, carrots, beets in the greenhouse. Soil preparation for winter plantings. Introduction of organic matter. Digging and loosening the soil.

20 lunar day

Root Days

Waning moon in the sign of TaurusSowing strawberry seeds, herbs for salad. Planting bulbous plants. Planting, pruning and hilling roses. The introduction of fertilizers. Soil loosening. Preparing holes for planting trees in spring. Pruning of trees, shrubs, perennials and cleaning trunks.

21 lunar days

Root Days

Planting strawberries, strawberries, bulbous crops, fruit trees, shrubs. Transplantation of biennials, perennials. Top dressing with organic matter, digging the soil, watering. Preparations of vegetables, berries, fruits for the winter.

22 lunar day

Root Days

Waning moon in the sign of Gemini

Planting bulbous crops, roses, biennials, perennials, weaving plants. Sowing and planting strawberries, strawberries, greens for lettuce. Top dressing, loosening and watering. Treatment from diseases, pests, rodents. Harvest for storage.

23 lunar day

Leaf Days

Waning moon in the sign of Cancer

Winter landings. Planting bulbs, strawberries and roses. Top dressing, loosening, watering. Treatment for pests and diseases. Harvest for long term storage.


24 lunar day

Leaf Days

Waning moon in the sign of Cancer

Planting, sowing and transplanting tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, bulbous crops, any flowers and roses. Winter landings. Sowing mushrooms. Watering, loosening the soil. Introduction of organic matter. Preparation of vegetables, berries and fruits.


25 lunar day

Leaf Days

Waning moon in the sign of Cancer

Until 14:00 - Planting, sowing, transplanting tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs and any flowers. Application of organic fertilizers. Loosening, watering, digging the soil. Harvest for long term storage. Preparation of vegetables, berries, fruits.

From 14:00 - the time is not suitable for sowing, planting.

26 lunar day

Leaf Days

Waning Moon in Leo

An unfavorable day for sowing, planting. Shrubs and trees are pruned. Disease treatment. Soil loosening. Harvest for long term storage. Sending fruits for drying.

27 lunar day

Fetal Days

Waning Moon in Leo

An unfavorable day for sowing, planting. Shrubs and trees are pruned. Disease treatment. Soil loosening. Harvest for long term storage.

28 lunar day

Fetal Days

Waning Moon in VirgoAuspicious day. Planting bulbous crops, trees, shrubs. Planting greens. Division, transplantation of perennials. Winter planting of greens, carrots, beets.

29 lunar day

Fetal Days

New moon, Moon in Virgo

On this day, all work with plants is undesirable!
1 lunar dayThe moon is growing, in the sign of Libra

Plantings, transplants and vaccinations are not carried out. Celery, asparagus, parsley, onion are sown. Pinching, pinching plants. Treatment for diseases and pests. Collection of cabbage, potatoes, carrots, beets for storage.


2 lunar dayThe moon is growing, in the sign of Libra

You can plant, transplant, sow flowers, bulbous crops, ornamental trees, shrubs, conifers. Pruning shrubs. Disease treatment. Harvest for storage.

September is the most active autumn month. At this time, you need to have time to harvest, send it to storage or process it. Also prepare the soil for winter, sow and plant many crops, both in open ground and in a greenhouse, on window sills. Prepare plants for wintering and much more.

It is time to harvest cabbage, carrots, turnips, beets and potatoes.
The collection and harvesting of tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, pumpkins, peppers, and eggplants continues.

Harvesting of vegetable crops first of all begins with root crops (beets, turnips, rutabaga and carrots). After finishing cleaning.

In September, radishes, dill, parsley, watercress, sorrel, spinach, and onions are sown.

From the second half of September, you can start. To improve the beds, green manure is sown.

In flower beds, biennials and perennials are separated and transplanted.

Seedlings of biennial and perennial flowers are planted in a permanent place. , gladioli. Dried bulbs and tubers are stored.

In warm weather, the removable maturity of medium-late and late varieties of pome crops may occur.

Harvested fruits, berries and nuts are processed or stored.

Apples and pears, which should go for long-term storage, must be carefully examined, identifying fruits with possible mechanical damage.

Dry and diseased branches are cut out, the cuts are processed with garden pitch.

Currants, gooseberries, raspberries, blackberries are planted. From high-yielding bushes, shoots are cut into cuttings and planted in prepared land or sent to a cold place for storage until spring.

On shrubs that have shed their leaves, branches are cut and burned.

Gardener's lunar sowing calendar for September 2019: video

Based on the advice of the lunar calendar, and combining them with their weather patterns in the region, even inexperienced gardeners and gardeners get good harvest fruits and vegetables.

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