Indoor tree: araucaria. Home care

Araucaria (lat.Araucaria)- an evergreen coniferous tree plant with tiered branches (a beautiful pyramidal crown). Araucaria heterophylla is the only species sold as a conifer indoor plant. Indoor araucaria in a pot can replace a Christmas tree with New Year.

Leaves: needles, the length of which reaches 1.5 cm, young needles are light green in color, but become darker with age.

Flowers: cones on araucaria do not appear at home.

Location: loves bright rooms, but in summer you need to protect araucaria from direct sunlight.

Watering: Once a week in winter, you need to water the araucaria abundantly. In summer 2-3 times a week.

Air humidity: in winter, keep araucaria away from heaters and spray the plant every 2 days. In summer it is necessary to ventilate the room.

Transfer: while the young araucaria is transplanted every 2 years, they do it in February-March. When the araucaria reaches a height of 1.2 m, it will need to be transplanted every 3 years.

Earth: greenhouse, but it should not be too dense, with the addition of high-quality organic fertilizer. The substrate can be prepared in the following proportions: 1 part of sod land, 2 parts of leafy soil, 2 parts of peat, 1 part of sand. Also indoor araucaria need good drainage.

Top dressing: 20 liters of diluted granular slow-acting fertilizer for the season.

Reproduction: seeds or cuttings, but only professionals can do it. Only the tops of actively growing young shoots are suitable for cuttings, they are cut with a sharp knife in the middle of the internode and allowed to dry for some time. Araucaria cuttings are cut at the end of August, when the shoots become hard. The cuttings are planted in separate pots with coarse sand. In September, they are transplanted into pots with a substrate for adult araucaria. You need to keep them in a bright place at a temperature of +5 - 10 C.

Araucaria seeds are planted ½ length with a sharp end into the ground. Top covered with moss, while maintaining it in a moderately wet state. Sprouted araucaria seeds carefully dive and place in a bright place, protected from direct sunlight.

Dimensions: in a pot, araucaria grow up to 3 m, in the natural environment - 50-60 m.

Life span: in a pot up to 10 years if provided good conditions content.

Pests and diseases: red spider mites and worms, if the air in the room where the araucaria grows is too dry.

Special requirements: provide support for the trunk. Araucaria also does not tolerate heat in winter period, it is harmed by dry air, so the temperature in the room where it grows should not be higher than 15 C.

Content tip: if araucaria receives nitrogenous fertilizers, it forms impressive internodes, which breaks its silhouette. Therefore, use a special fertilizer for coniferous plants and divide the dose recommended on the package into 2 parts. Also, araucaria can drop leaves and lower branches, this usually happens when the temperature is too high and the air is dry or the earth is dry.

Application: this houseplant in a pot can replace the Christmas tree for the New Year. Young plants can be used to decorate the table, older tall trees can be placed as decoration in the hall and large room.

Beneficial features: araucaria releases phytoncides, very few indoor plants have this property. She also has positive energy.

Flowers for the home are striking in their diversity, and finding the right plant can be difficult. Types of indoor plants with names, descriptions and photos will help you choose a beautiful flower for your home, guided by the characteristics of growing and the complexity of care for each crop.

This article is a real guide for lovers of indoor plants, because it contains not only descriptions of the main groups and types of flowers, but also provides information about the most popular plants for the home.

Features of indoor plants

Any plants grown in residential premises are combined under the general name of indoor plants. They are divided into several groups according to the main biological characteristics.

The flowering group is considered the most valuable group, since they bloom all year round, and when correct selection will delight the owner literally every month. No less numerous group are decorative and deciduous. They are often used to decorate or create an unusual interior space. A characteristic feature of decorative deciduous species is the variegated coloring and the unusual shape of the leaves.

The third group includes climbing and ampelous crops. They can be used to decorate walls, windows and tall furniture. Representatives of this group differ in the shape and color of leaves and stems (Figure 1).

Cacti also deserve special attention - easy-to-care indoor plants that are distinguished by a variety of shapes, sizes and flowering periods.

Figure 1. Types of indoor plants: 1 - flowering, 2 - decorative leafy, 3 - climbing and hanging

In this article, we will present the main characteristics of popular groups of indoor plants.

The group of flowering plants is the most numerous. When choosing flowers for an apartment or house, one should take into account their features, requirements for care and placement. Below are the most beautiful and popular types of flowering indoor varieties.

  • Azalea Indian

In nature it is evergreen bush arnica with a woody stem. Houseplants with this name are hybrids. Distinctive feature azalea is a long flowering period (December-May). To prolong it, 35-40 days after the first flowering, pinch the azalea (remove the bud at the top). As a rule, this procedure is carried out in June or July, since later pinching may delay the start of flowering (Figure 2).

Azaleas are propagated from cuttings. They are cut from March to April and from July to August. Spring cutting of cuttings is carried out on specimens pinched in the summer of last year, and summer - from one-year-old azaleas.

For the cutting, you need to choose a half-woody shoot 7-9 cm long. Three bottom sheets must be removed from the cutting. The bottom cut should be under a bud or group of several leaves.

Note: Cutting cuttings can be carried out no more than once a year, choosing the healthiest crops for this.

In the future, before planting, you need to tie the cuttings and immerse the cut in a solution of heteroaxin (2 tablets should be taken per 1 liter of water). After that, the cuttings are planted in small bowls or boxes at a distance of 4 cm from each other. In order for the cuttings to form a strong root system, a layer of broken shards or gravel sprinkled with a layer of coarse sand and coniferous soil should be used as soil. Such soil can be replaced with peat. Sand is not recommended, as the cuttings do not root well in it. To speed up the rooting process, the substrate from below can be heated with a lamp.

Figure 2. Azalea and its propagation method

From above, the bowl should be covered with a transparent film, and the leaves should be watered and sprayed daily. Under the film, the cuttings should stand for a week. In the future, they need to arrange daily ventilation, slightly lifting the film.

When the azalea seedlings take root, the film is removed and the substrate is kept constantly moist. The cuttings are transplanted when they increase by 2-3 cm. In order for the plant to form new shoots and form a beautiful crown, you need to remove the first buds and pinch off the top shoot.

  1. Substrate preparation. It is better to use peat and coniferous soil, which retains moisture well.
  2. Spraying and watering. Water should be moderately warm, free of chlorine and lime. It is better to use snow or rain water, and tap water can simply be defended for a day.
  3. Airing. Azaleas are very sensitive to fresh air, but there should be no drafts in the room where it is located.
  4. During the flowering period, the azalea should not be sprayed, and in the summer it is better to take it out to the balcony, leaving it in partial shade.

There are many varieties of azaleas, but the best for growing in an apartment are:

  • Adventeglopen- a tall plant with dark green leathery leaves and crimson bell-shaped flowers;
  • Concinna- tall azalea with a spreading crown, light green leaves and lilac flowers;
  • Niobe- late variety with dark green leaves and white flowers;
  • celistina- culture of average height with flowers of carmine coloring.

To delay the flowering process, the upper shoots are removed from the azalea, and so that the leaves of the plant do not turn yellow, they are sprayed once a week with a 0.5% solution of iron-ammonia alum.

It is found in the wild in South America. A distinctive feature of Anthurium is the unusual shape of the leaves and flowers. The flower consists of a curved cob covered with a large sheath. There are several hybrids that differ in the shape of leaves and flowers (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Indoor plant anthurium

For propagation of anthurium, seeds are used, sowing them in the ground immediately after harvest. The soil should consist of equal parts of crushed moss, heather soil and peat. For reproduction also use the division of the bushes.

To make the anthurium feel good, you need to choose a wide, but low pot with a layer of drainage. When transplanting, you need to be very careful not to damage the tender leaves and young roots. After transplantation, it must be tied to a peg. In the future, the anthurium requires regular watering, protection from drafts and shading from direct sunlight. If the roots appear above the soil, they need to be covered with moss and moistened.

It is important that anthurium is a heat-loving plant, so in winter it is better to keep them in indoor greenhouses, and use warm water for irrigation.

It is also called the "magic flower" for the unusual color of the leaves and flowers. There are several hybrids, although usually achimenes has dark green or purple leaves, and flowers can be of a wide variety of shades (Figure 4).

For propagation, seeds, tubers and cuttings are used. For the winter, the upper part dies off, but a living root system remains in the ground. The pot should be moved to a dark place and watered regularly. Since it has a weak root system, it is better to use wide pots and bowls for growing.

  1. Tubers before planting should be washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The soil should consist of hardwood (2 parts), sand (1 part), 2 tbsp. superphosphate, horn meal and a glass of dry cow dung.
  2. The pot needs to be half filled with earth, and when the first stems appear, fill up the rest of the soil.
  3. Containers should be in a warm place.

Figure 4. Indoor flower achimenes

For transplantation, you can also use seeds that form inside the fruitlets about 2-3 months after flowering. When the fruits become soft, seeds are opened and collected, which are planted in loose soil. The first shoots appear in a few weeks. Seedlings need to dive twice, and then transplanted into pots using the technology described above.

Ahimenes is a heat-loving culture, sensitive to drafts and humidity. There should always be a container with wet moss next to the flowerpot, and in winter it is important to install additional lighting. It is important that only a pallet should be used for watering, since when moisture gets on the leaves, achimenez loses its decorative effect.

  • Begonia room

The plant originates from Africa, Southeast Asia and South America, where it is found in forests. Begonia leaves have a red or brown tint, although there are species with two-color leaves. Each type of begonia has its own shade of flowers, shape and color of the leaves.

For propagation of begonias, root division, stem cuttings and leaves are used. The procedure is carried out in the spring. The time of planting parts of the rhizomes depends on the desired flowering time (for example, for early flowering, planting should be carried out in January or February). To prepare the land, you need to take two parts of hardwood or peat, and one part of sand. The upper part of the root is lightly sprinkled with earth, watered with warm water, and after germination, the procedure is repeated twice (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Reproduction of begonia

Seeds can propagate tuberous and ever-flowering begonias. Seeds are sown in February or March, and then the seedlings dive. When they grow up, they are seated in separate pots filled with a mixture of deciduous earth, humus and sand (proportion 2: 1: 1).

In order for the begonia to bloom regularly, it is best to place it on the east and west windows. The room should be well ventilated, and during the period of intensive growth, good watering is required. It is important that water should not fall on the terry leaves, as they will become covered with brown spots. In autumn, from October to November, the amount of watering should be gradually reduced so that the plant can go into a dormant state before winter.

The best type for growing at home is smooth-flowered bouvardia. It is a crop with orange-red flowers that bloom in autumn (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Popular flower indoor crops: 1 - bouvardia, 2 - hippeastrum, 3 - jasmine, 4 - flowering Kalanchoe

For reproduction in March, you need to take cuttings from the top and place them in bowls, covering them with caps. When the cuttings take root, they are transplanted into separate pots filled with a mixture of hardwood, humus earth and sand (in a ratio of 2: 1: 1). For better growth dry cow dung can be added to the mixture.

Young specimens bloom regularly, and bouvards older than 3 years should be cut short. So that the leaves do not crumble from the plant, immediately after flowering is completed, it must be transferred to a shady place and watering should be reduced.

  • Hippeastrum hybrid

Very valuable indoor plant, with large flowers of various shades, the diameter of which can reach 25 cm.

Valuable hippeastrum hybrids are propagated by "babies", which allow you to save all the signs of the mother plant. In some cases, propagation by seeds or shares of bulbs is used (Figure 6).

For planting children, they take a turf mixture (one part of the turf, hardwood and greenhouse soil and sand). In the first two years, new crops should be constantly kept in a lighted place, watered moderately. In the third year, the hippeastrum is transplanted into a large pot.

To obtain seeds, the plant must be pollinated. After flowering is completed, a box is formed on the stems, consisting of three nests. Seeds ripen for about a month and a half. After the seeds ripen, the boxes burst.

Note: To increase the number of seeds, the plant must be sprayed with a 5% solution of boric acid.

Seeds should be sown immediately after harvest. To do this, they need to be wrapped in a wet cloth, put on the bottom of the bowl, covered with glass and placed in a warm place. The first sprouts appear after 10 days. Sprouted seeds are transplanted into bowls, and after germination (after about 25 days), they are transplanted again and transferred to a well-lit and warm place. Young seedlings can not be shaded from direct sunlight, but should be watered sparingly. You should also apply a small amount of mineral fertilizers.

Since the hippeastrum has long and thin roots, it is better to plant them in tall pots.

  • Kalanchoe

Indoor culture, due to the large number of hybrids, can be of a wide variety of sizes, but its main advantage is abundant and regular flowering (Figure 6).

Kalanchoe can be propagated by seeds, cuttings and leaves. The easiest way is to use seeds. They are scattered on the surface of the soil, covered with glass and shaded with paper. Twice a day, the glass is turned over to the other side and they make sure that the earth does not dry out.

Kalanchoe - medicinal plant, which is used to heal wounds and inflammation.

  • Calceolaria

A very beautiful indoor plant with light yellow leaves and bubbly flowers, the shape, size and color of which depends on the hybrid (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Indoor flowers: 1 - calceolaria, 2 - room maple, 3 - clerodendron, 4 - clivia

Calceolaria propagates by seeds. So that it blooms in autumn, sowing is carried out in March, and for spring - in May or June. The seeds are small, so they are simply scattered over the surface of the soil, covered with paper and periodically moistened with paper. Sprouted seedlings dive. The best soil for calceolaria is peat, and crushed chalk is used to reduce its acidity. When the transplanted plant forms a rosette, it is again moved to a new pot and exposed to sunny windows. The second transplant is carried out in the fall, again moving the crops into large pots. In this case, you need to pinch the calceolaria, and during flowering, shade it a little.

  • Indoor maple

This species is characterized by small flowers in the shape of a bell. They can be single or collected in inflorescences. Thanks to a wide range of hybrids, you can pick up indoor maple with flowers of a wide variety of shapes and shades.

Note: In order for indoor maple to bloom all winter, it must be placed in a sunny place, watered moderately and kept at a temperature not exceeding 12 degrees. In summer, you can take it out to the balcony, but be sure to shade it so that the leaves do not get burned.

For propagation, seeds are used, which are planted in sandy soil, and after the emergence of shoots (after about 3 weeks) they are transplanted. Some varieties are propagated by cuttings.

  • Clerodendron

Depending on the variety, the shape and color of the leaves differ. Cuttings are used for propagation. They need to be pruned in the spring, after being established stably warm temperature. Up to 5 cuttings can be planted in one pot. The soil is better to take sandy-peat. When the cuttings take root, they are moved to containers with humus soil and kept in shady rooms.

In March, the grown seedlings are transplanted into permanent pots and pinched. Flowering begins in a few weeks.

  • Clivia minium red

This ornamental houseplant is good because it does not require special care or growing conditions. For the home, hybrid forms are better suited, which are distinguished by the brightness of the flowers. As a rule, clivia begins to bloom in January, and the last flowers fall in April. One copy may have several flowers of different ages.

Rootstocks are used for propagation. Offspring must be separated from the main root, which have already begun to form their own root system.

The advantage of clivia is that it tolerates cold and heat equally well, and it should be watered sparingly. To preserve the culture for a long time, you need to transplant clivia older than 5 years every two years.

  • Crinum

The plant is given originality by leaves hanging like hair. The flowers are large, white or white-pink, appear at the end of August.

For propagation of the krinum, “children” are used, which are separated from the bulb during transplantation. The flowering period begins 3-4 years after planting. It is necessary to plant an adult plant so that the upper part of the bulb protrudes slightly above the soil. Krinum should be kept in warm places protected from direct sunlight and wind, and watered with warm water.

  • Nerine izgonutolnaya

The beauty of this variety is in the flowers, which are lily-shaped and form an umbrella inflorescence.

For propagation of nerine, you can use seeds, bulbs and "kids". When propagating with bulbs, planting should be carried out in small pots, and the soil should be oily and clay. The top third of the bulb should be above the ground. As a rule, leaves appear within a month after planting. Then the first buds are formed, but if the bulb is poorly rooted, they do not open.

Figure 8. Popular indoor crops: 1 - nerine, 2 - oleander, 3 - pancratium, 4 - pelargonium

Seeds are mixed with coarse sand and sown, and after 2-3 weeks the sprouts dive.

It is important that in winter, nerina needs to be watered rarely so that the bulbs are constantly at rest. At the end of April, when the culture awakens, once every two weeks, it should be fertilized with mineral fertilizers.

  • Oleander

This is a shrub that, when properly maintained, is covered with beautiful flowers of different shades, collected in large inflorescences (Figure 8).

Note: The intensity of flowering depends on pruning. If the oleander does not bloom, then it needs to be cut off or moved to a better lit place and watering should be increased. Since flowers are formed at the tips of the shoots, after each flowering, all branches should be cut about half.

Cuttings are used for propagation. They are placed in moist soil or simply in water. The first roots appear in about a month. After that, you can plant the shoots in separate pots.

Oleander is very sensitive to watering, so in summer it should not only be watered intensively, but also sprayed on the leaves.

As a top dressing, you can use ordinary cow dung diluted in water. In winter, it is better to move the oleander to a cool room and reduce watering so that the root system does not rot. Young oleanders require an annual transplant, which is carried out in the spring.

It is important to remember that oleander leaves and branches are poisonous. Therefore, when pruning, you must ensure that the juice does not get into your eyes or mouth. After any manipulations with the plant, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water, and if the oleander blooms, you can’t sit or spend the night in the room where it is located for a long time.

  • Pancratium is beautiful

Also known as the Nile Lily. This is a perennial bulbous plant, the height of which can reach 70 cm. During the flowering period, the pancratium throws out a long arrow, on which there is an inflorescence, consisting of white flowers, the smell of which resembles vanilla (Figure 8).

For reproduction, "babies" are used, which quickly form roots in moist soil and bloom in a few years. Transplantation cannot be carried out every year, since the pancrate takes root poorly and for this reason the flowering period may be delayed. Requires intensive watering, especially in summer, but care must be taken that the liquid in the pots does not rot. Pancratium loves warmth and sunlight.

  • Pelargonium

Better known as "geranium". There are several types of pelargonium: zonal, creeping and large-flowered. The latter is most often found in homes, as it is distinguished by a wide variety of shades of flowers.

Pelargonium is propagated by cuttings. To do this, cut off the top of the shoots with several leaves. The slice is dipped in charcoal and planted in a box with greenhouse soil and sand. You also need to add some cow dung and bone meal to the soil so that the cuttings take root better. The room where the shoots are located should be well ventilated, and the soil should be kept constantly moist.

When 5-6 leaves are formed on the cuttings, they are transplanted into small pots. In grown plants, you need to cut off the upper branches to speed up the process of bud formation and flowering.

Pelargoniums need good lighting and watering in the summer. However, it does not tolerate natural organic fertilizers well.

  • Primrose

This is a shrub that blooms a lot and for a long time. That is why primrose is very common among indoor flower lovers. As a rule, primrose is propagated by seeds, but sometimes division of bushes is also used.

Seeds need to be sown on the surface of the soil in small bowls, cover the ground with glass and put on the windowsill. The soil must be moistened with a spray bottle. The first shoots appear after about 10 days. They need to dive twice, and then seated in separate pots.

Note: Primrose is very well fed with liquid bird droppings. In addition, to stimulate growth and flowering, the plant needs to be repotted periodically (about once every 2 years).

In winter, watering should be reduced. It is also necessary to ensure that water does not fall on the leaves.

  • Petunia

This houseplant is very popular, as it has flowers of an unusual shape and shade. Cuttings are used for propagation. In the middle of summer, the petunia is transplanted into a large pot, and the upper shoots are removed.

Propagation by cuttings is best done in March. The stalk takes root in two to three weeks. They need to be transplanted into separate containers and transferred to a well-lit room. If there is little sun, the petunia will be too tall. The room should be cool enough (the temperature is not higher than 12 degrees), since at elevated temperatures the cuttings do not root well.

It is important that when cutting the cuttings, you do not need to remove the leaves, and after planting, the shoots need to be moistened regularly. Helpful Hints about the propagation of petunias by cuttings are given in the video.

  • Hibiscus

At right conditions cultivation, can reach 3 meters in height. The hibiscus has large spreading branches covered with broad leaves, and in sufficient light it throws out large double flowers. It is difficult to properly place hibiscus in an ordinary apartment, so it is often used to decorate large rooms.

Figure 9. Flowering indoor plants: 1 - primrose, 2 - petunia, 3 - rose, 4 - senopolia

To extend the flowering period, hibiscus should be pruned in May, then provide moderate watering and repeat pruning in July. In such conditions, the buds begin to set in the fall and flowering continues throughout the winter.

Hibiscus are propagated by cuttings, but in some cases seeds are also used. Cuttings are cut from the upper shoots in July or August. After that, the cuttings are placed in small containers and covered with a glass jar. The rooting process takes about a month. When the cutting takes root, it is transplanted into a separate pot, watered with warm water and transferred to a well-lit place. A year later, a full-fledged flowering hibiscus grows from the cutting.

In the spring, both young and old plants need to be pinched and transplanted. Bird droppings are used for fertilizer. With the onset of the flowering period, hibiscus need to provide intensive watering and top dressing.

This indoor plant resembles a shrub, and flowering occurs only with the right content. blooming rose - the best decoration for home. Roses are propagated by grafting and green cuttings.

Green cuttings are carried out in May or June, cutting cuttings from young shoots that have not yet had time to completely stiffen. They are planted in small pots and covered with a jar. Immediately after planting, the cuttings should be sprayed and shaded, and when roots appear after 15-20 days, the cuttings are transplanted into small pots and begin to be watered. During this period, buds may appear. They must be removed so that the young plant does not weaken, and the final transplant is carried out after the roots are firmly braided with an earthen ball.

Note: Cuttings can propagate any kind of roses, even climbing varieties. But for better rooting, you should not use ordinary pots, but indoor greenhouses.

To improve the growth and flowering of roses, rootstocks are used (usually from wild rose). When the wild rose begins to sprout in the ground, green rose cuttings with one bud and a leaf are grafted onto it.

It is important that one- and two-year-old roses need to be repotted periodically to speed up the flowering period and make it more intense. It is better to transplant in August or September, so that the root system has time to take root well before winter. But if there is a need for an urgent transplant during the growth period, it is impossible to crush an earthen ball on the roots. An important step in caring for a rose is pruning. All weak, small or intertwined branches should be removed from the bush, leaving only a few (4-5) of the strongest. In order for the rose to bloom year-round, it should be kept in cool, but well-lit areas. In addition, the rose needs to be watered intensively, especially in summer, and make sure that the earthen lump does not dry out.

  • Senopolia

This plant is considered one of the best for the home. At proper care and the content of senopolis blooms almost all year round. There are many types of senopolis, each of which has flowers of different shades.

Senopolia can be propagated all year round using leafy cuttings. To do this, several leaves are cut from a strong adult plant with a sharp knife or razor, leaving a small petiole. Then the tips of the petioles are placed in water so that the leaves themselves are on the surface. The first roots appear in 2-3 weeks. After that, you can transplant by placing the germinated cuttings in bowls or pots with a peat-sand mixture. In order for them to take root well, the soil must be constantly sprayed, and it is better to take the container with seedlings into a well-lit room. After two months, the first young shoots appear on the handle, and it can be transplanted into a separate container.

Note: Planting cuttings in a moist substrate is also practiced, but they often rot in it.

You can water the senopolis in the usual way, or using pallets. Water for irrigation should be slightly warmer than the air, and when watering it is important to ensure that the liquid does not fall on the leaves.

In some cases, the method of dividing the mother bush is used to propagate senopolia, digging up an earthen ball with roots and dividing it into several separate bushes. Senopolia leaves cannot be washed, as moisture can accumulate from the hairs on the surface of the leaf, and it will rot. If the senopolia does not bloom for a long time, the bush must be well thinned out, since the resulting buds cannot fully develop due to thick leaves.

  • Siningia is beautiful

This plant is distinguished by wide velvety leaves and flowers of various colors in the shape of a bell. For propagation of syningia, cuttings, division of tubers and seeds are used. In order for syningia to bloom all summer, it is better to plant seeds in November-April, and in winter provide them with additional lighting.

Note: Especially nice results gives planting seeds on a layer of snow scattered over the soil. In the process of snow melting, the seeds evenly fall to the ground and are slightly drawn into it. But, using this method of planting, the bowl must be heated from below.

After the seedlings have the first leaves, they swoop down and shade. When the closing of the leaves begins, they dive a second time, and a month later - again. In the future, syningia sprouts are planted along with the resulting clod of earth.

For propagation by leaf cuttings, the leaves must be cut into three parts (upper, middle and lower) and the petiole removed. The cuttings are placed in sandy soil, covered with glass and shaded. The sand must be constantly moistened, and after 10 days a callus is formed, which will later turn into a tuber. The tuber turns into a root, and the plant can be transplanted into a separate pot.

It is important that syningia is very fragile, and during the flowering period it is necessary to ventilate the room well and reduce the temperature of the content. In addition, syningia does not develop well on fertile and acidic soil, and to ensure constant flowering, the air must be humid, so it is better to keep the plant under a glass jar.

  • Fuchsia is beautiful

Fuchsia is an evergreen shrub with flowers of various colors, and a large number of hybrids has made fuchsia one of the most popular indoor plants.

For propagation of fuchsia, green cuttings are used, which form roots within 10 days after planting. After that, the plant can be planted in separate pots. To make the flowering period longer, you need to re-transplant in the summer.

In winter, fuchsia should be at rest, and with the onset of spring, it is cut off, the roots are reduced and transplanted into more nutritious land. To accelerate growth, fuchsia should be placed in a well-lit place and watered intensively.

The group of decorative deciduous plants is also quite extensive, and they are usually used to decorate houses. Below are the most famous ornamental houseplants and their main characteristics.

  • Aspidistra

Plant with wide dark green leaves and long roots. Aspidistra flowers are dark brown and are located on the surface of the earth, although outwardly they are not very attractive. Pollination will help to make the plant more original, after which pear-shaped fruits form in place of the flowers (Figure 10).

Reproduction is carried out by dividing the roots, which are planted in separate pots. In the future, young plants need to be replanted every year, and old ones - once every few years. Aspidistra is very unpretentious, tolerates a lack of light, temperature changes and air pollution.

  • Japanese aucuba

It is also called the "sausage tree" of thick leaves, shaped like obliquely cut pieces of sausage. With proper care, the surface of the leaves is covered with golden spots, which make the aucuba a valuable ornamental plant (Figure 10).

Figure 10. Decorative leafy plants: 1 - aspidistra, 2 - aucuba, 3 - begonia, 4 - dracaena

For propagation, cuttings cut from shoots at the end of winter are used. Seeds should be sown immediately after harvest and you need to be prepared for the fact that seedlings will not appear soon. From planting cuttings, bushy specimens of aucuba are formed, and since the roots of the plant are very fragile, transplantation must be carried out carefully.

In the spring, the aucuba needs intensive watering, which can be reduced in the winter. During the growth period, it is necessary to make every week mineral fertilizers.

Valuable ornamental plant with broad leaves. Under favorable conditions, begonia blooms with small flowers that can completely cover the bush (Figure 10).

For propagation of begonias, stem and leaf cuttings are used, less often seeds. To do this, on large healthy leaves, cuts are made along the veins, laid on the ground and pressed down with a load. After about a month, shoots form at the site of the cuts, which are planted in separate pots. When watering, you need to ensure that water does not fall on the surface of the leaf.

You can also use reproduction by dividing the rhizomes. In this case, you will not only get a few young plants, but also heal the old one.

  • Dracaena

This is not only an indoor, but also an industrial plant, from the fibers of the leaves of which brushes are made.

The value of dracaena as a houseplant is that it is unpretentious to growing conditions. However, during the flowering period, the plant must be taken out of the room, as the flowers have a very strong smell.

For propagation, seeds and cuttings are used. Seeds are sown in the ground, and after germination (about a month later), they are planted in separate containers (Figure 10).

When propagating by cuttings, the cut shoot must be cut in the center and wrapped with wet moss or cloth. When small roots form on the cut, the plant is transplanted into a room greenhouse for rooting. As the plant grows, young shoots should be cut so that the leaves are only at the top. Cut shoots can be used as new cuttings.

Dracaena is best placed in well-lit rooms, and watered with warm water. In winter, watering should be moderate, and in summer - quite intense. To prevent the appearance of pests, you need to periodically rinse the leaves with clean warm water.

  • Coleus

In the wild, this tropical plant is found in Asia and Africa. At the moment, thanks to the creation of hybrids, coleus is considered one of the most common indoor plants (Figure 11).

For propagation, cuttings and seeds are used. Cuttings are carried out in the spring, breaking off young shoots from an adult plant and placing them in water. Roots appear on the shoots within a week. After that, the plants are transplanted into separate containers for rooting. Young plants must be pinched, removing young side shoots.

In winter, the coleus is watered sparingly, but at the same time, the earthen coma should not be allowed to dry out. Since coleus is not very demanding on growing conditions, it can be planted in open planters on the balcony.

  • Cordilina

Outwardly, the plant looks like a palm tree, and its thin leaves are collected in a large bunch. Due to the wide variety of species, cordilina can be grown in both warm and cold rooms (Figure 11). Depending on the type, the plant is propagated by roots, seeds or parts of the stems (for example, cordilina apical).

Cordilina needs to be watered in the morning and in the evening, and also periodically spray the leaves. The plant is doing well and open field in summer.

  • Laurel noble

In the wild, the height of the laurel can reach 18 meters, but at home, this plant is not very tall. Its main value is fragrant leaves, although the appearance of the shrub is of great decorative value.

Proper pruning of laurel allows you to create a tree or bush of any shape. As a rule, pruning is carried out at the end of August, when the plant stops growing (Figure 11).

Figure 11. Popular ornamental plants: 1 - coleus, 2 - cordilina, 3 - noble laurel, 4 - monstera

For propagation, seeds, roots and cuttings are used. Seeds are sown in the ground to a depth of one and a half centimeters, cuttings are obtained from young shoots, cutting them off from April to June. In the future, the cuttings must be placed in wet sand so that they take root and can be planted in pots.

To ensure normal growth for an adult plant, it must be transplanted every 3-4 years. Laurel noble is sensitive to watering. In summer, it needs to be watered once a day and sprayed periodically, but if the weather is very hot, watering is carried out twice a day. In winter, laurel can be placed in the cold room, and since it is undemanding to lighting conditions, you can choose the parts of the room that are farthest from the windows.

  • Monstera lovely

In the wild, monstera is a vine with thick stems and large leaves. Under natural conditions, it blooms, but when grown at home, this rarely happens. A characteristic feature of the monstera is that aerial roots form in the lower part of its stem. They need to be lowered to the ground and planted in an additional pot. This will help the monstera grow quickly (Figure 11).

Used for reproduction lateral processes or cuttings from leaves (for this, a part of the stem with a leaf is cut out). The cuttings are laid out on moist soil and covered with glass. You need to water twice a day, and when roots form on the handle, it is transplanted into a separate container.

The frequency of transplanting monstera depends on the intensity of its growth. If it quickly releases aerial roots and increases, transplantation is carried out every spring, but, as a rule, young plants are transplanted every two years.

Monstera is not very demanding on the conditions of detention, and it can even be kept far from windows. But in order for the plant to be beautiful, it needs to create conditions that are as close to natural as possible. To do this, the monstera needs to be placed on well-lit windows, watered frequently and sprayed daily with warm water.

  • pandanus

The plant is a single stem with a wide crown of leaves, and there are aerial roots above the root collar (Figure 12).

Pandanus is great for decorating a home, but its leaves need to be wiped and dusted regularly. The plant needs to be well watered, but care must be taken that water does not remain in the pans. Young pandanuses are transplanted annually, and older plants as needed. In summer, the pandanus must be shaded, as its leaves are afraid of the sun's rays and can get burned. For reproduction, lateral processes are used, which are dug into the ground and covered with a jar.

  • ferns

These are quite common indoor plants, which, however, not all flower growers decide to breed. This is because ferns need moist air, so they are best grown in indoor greenhouses (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Ornamental plants: 1 - palm, 2 - ficus, 3 - fern

The most common fern is nephrolepis, which is not demanding on the conditions of detention. But it will still be better if there is humid air in the room, and the fern gets enough water (both by watering and by spraying the leaves).

Ferns propagate in a variety of ways: dividing the bushes, shoots and spores. Spores are formed on the inside of the leaf and have Brown color. The leaf with spores is wrapped in dry paper so that the spores spill out. After that, they are sown in small bowls and covered with glass. Watering is carried out from the windowsill. When shoots appear, they are planted in separate pots.

Ferns love light, but they need to be protected from direct sunlight. Watering should be fairly intense in summer and moderate in winter.

  • sansevier

A plant with large striped leaves, and subject to the rules for growing sansevier produces large fragrant flowers. For propagation, leaf cuttings or roots are used during spring transplantation (Figure 13).

The value of the sansevier is that it is undemanding to the conditions of detention. It can be kept in both warm and cold rooms. In addition, the plant does not have a high sensitivity to light and humidity.

  • ficus

Under natural conditions, the height of the ficus can reach 30 m, but special low hybrids were bred for growing at home (Figure 13).

For propagation, apical cuttings with several leaves or pieces of the stem with one leaf are used. I place the cuttings or leaves in containers with water and put them on a lighted windowsill. Cuttings can be planted immediately in moist soil, but in order for the root system to form faster, the seedling must be covered with a jar.

Ficuses are watered moderately, but the leaves should be sprayed regularly with warm water. In winter, the amount of watering is significantly reduced, and the plant is kept in cool rooms. Young ficuses are transplanted annually, and older plants - every few years.

Figure 13. Plants for the home: 1 - sansevera, 2 - ficus, 3 - cyperus

It is necessary to carefully monitor the color and condition of ficus leaves. If the young leaves are too small, and the old ones turn yellow and fall, the plant does not have enough nutrition. To fix the problem, the plant needs to be sprayed more often and put in a more lit place. Despite the fact that the ficus loves moisture, excessive watering can cause root rot and leaf fall.

  • cyperus

This is an original plant in appearance, which tolerates high humidity and lack of lighting. It is propagated by dividing the bushes and leaf rosettes. The sockets are planted in wet sand or placed in a jar of water, and after the formation of roots, they are transplanted into separate containers filled with humus and peat soil. Features of growing, transplanting and breeding cyperus are shown in the video.

Climbing and hanging houseplants are great for decorating rooms. despite the fact that there are not very many climbing houseplants, they are extremely popular among flower growers.

A plant with large ovate leaves and large purple flowers(Figure 14). For propagation, cuttings are cut from the plant (in the second half of August) and healthy leaves. Seedlings are placed in moist sandy soil and sprayed regularly. After two weeks, the first roots appear and the plant can be transplanted.

There are several begonia hybrids that hang beautifully from pots as they grow. The method of reproduction completely coincides with bush begonias.

  • Ivy grape

The plant is very unpretentious, and thanks to special attachments on the stems it quickly covers a fairly large area (Figure 14). To beautifully decorate the building with grapes, you need to use supports.

Once every two years, the grapes are transplanted, and lignified cuttings are used for propagation. They are placed in pots of several pieces and covered with a jar.

  • Isolepis graceful

This low-growing plant has a high ornamental value, but does not require special care or growing conditions (Figure 14). The stems hang down, and in their lower part there are small flowers. Isolepis loves moisture and sunny color, and it can be propagated by the usual division of bushes during spring transplantation.

  • Kalanchoe

There are certain varieties of this houseplant that, when they reach a large size, begin to hang over the edge of the pot. It is very simple to propagate Kalanchoe by planting cuttings along the edge of the pot. They take root and grow very quickly.

  • Offspring quarry

The plant produces many shoots, on which small bushes with aerial roots are located, and from March to April the quarry begins to bloom (Figure 14). It is propagated by planting bunches in water. They quickly take root, and the quarry can be seated in pots with clay-soddy soil.

Figure 14. Climbing indoor plants: 1 - achimenes, 2 - ivy grapes, 3 - isolepis, 4 - quarry

The plant is very unpretentious in cultivation, tolerates low temperatures and moderate watering.

  • bells

One of the most common indoor plants that blooms for a long time and profusely (Figure 15). For propagation, cuttings are used, which are cut and planted in early spring. In the summer, when the shoots grow up, they are transplanted into large containers. In summer, bluebells need to be shaded and moved to cooler rooms.

  • Columnea

There are many varieties of this plant, among which are climbing and creeping, but only some hybrids are intended for growing in rooms (Figure 15).

In order for the columna to acquire a beautiful shape, it must be trimmed regularly. Removed branches are used as cuttings by placing them in moist sandy soil or a jar of water. When the plants are established (after about 2-3 weeks), they can be transplanted into individual pots.

The plant should be kept in a lighted room, shaded from direct sunlight. Pallets are used for irrigation, but it is important that the liquid in the container does not stagnate. During flowering and active growth, the column is fed with organic fertilizers. From the video you will learn how to properly breed a column.

An evergreen plant with a large number of hybrids, some of which are intended for growing in rooms (for example, deltoid ivy or arrow ivy). To propagate ivy, you need to cut cuttings from an adult plant, place them in moist soil and cover with a jar (Figure 15).

Figure 15. Hanging houseplants: 1 - bells, 2 - comune, 3 - ivy

You can cut ivy all year round, but it is better to do it in the spring, so that by winter the plant has time to take root and gain strength. Ivy can also be propagated by shoots. They are cut along with the leaves and dug into the ground, leaving the leaves on the surface. After 10 days, roots begin to form, and when they grow up, the shoot is cut into several parts and seated.

  • Asparagus ornamental

This is a very beautiful ornamental plant, the stems of which hang from pots or bowls (Figure 16). For growing ornamental asparagus, it is better to choose well-lit places, and for the normal development of the plant, it must be transplanted annually.

The most active growth is observed in summer. It is during this period that mineral fertilizers should be applied. It is better to transplant and propagate asparagus in the spring, using dividing bushes or seeds.

  • Tradescantia

In the wild, tradescantia grows in wetlands. Tradescantia has become one of the plants that have been in space. In residential premises, tradescantia grows rapidly, especially if it is provided with good lighting and intensive watering (Figure 16).

Figure 16. Popular climbing plants: 1 - decorative asparagus, 2 - tradescantia, 3 - chlorophytum

Propagated by cuttings, which quickly take root in moist soil, even without covering with a jar. Tradescantia is undemanding to the composition of the soil and temperature.

  • Chlorophytum crested

This plant is also called green lily (Figure 16). Chlorophytum is characterized by long thin stems, at the ends of which flowers appear. Later, they develop into rosettes of leaves (sometimes referred to as "babies"). It is these shoots that are used to propagate chlorophytum. They grow quickly, so every spring the plant needs to be replanted and divided.

Chlorophytum grows intensively in good light, and is especially valuable because it produces a lot of oxygen.

Types of palm houseplants with photos and names

Under natural conditions, palm trees protect the banks of water bodies from drying out, and also serve for the production of certain crops (for example, dates or coconuts). But even in a city apartment, you can grow a beautiful decorative palm tree (Figure 12).

To do this, seeds are sown in well-drained soil and watered regularly. Seedlings appear in 10-180 days (depending on the palm variety). When shoots grow from seeds, they are planted in separate pots half-filled with earth. After a few leaves appear on the young tree, it is transplanted again using the same pot, but filled to the top with earth.

Drainage plays a key role in palm tree growth. To do this, you need to put shards, large graphs and pieces of charcoal at the bottom of the pot.

Palm trees need to be provided with good lighting, so they are placed next to windows, but protected from direct sunlight and drafts. In addition, the palm tree should be regularly watered and wiped or sprayed on its leaves with water at room temperature.

Below are descriptions of the most popular types of palm houseplants with photos and names.


Bamboo indoor plants are very popular among flower growers, because such cultures are distinguished by a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and their attractive appearance will become a real decoration of your home.

Note: Indoor bamboo has nothing to do with the wild plant of the same name. The correct name for such a bamboo is Dracaena, although this common name hides a huge number of species and hybrids.

Dracaena is best grown not in soil, but in water, as this environment contains all the necessary nutrients. In addition, the plant is very sensitive to lack of moisture, and when grown in water, you can not be afraid that the culture will fade.

If you do not have the opportunity to grow Dracaena in water, it will do. the usual way- in pots. The container must be filled with universal soil for indoor plants, but there must be drainage holes in the bottom of the pot so that moisture does not stagnate at the roots.

Bamboo houseplants do not need special care. They need to be watered and fed regularly, and there is no need to spray the leaves to increase the humidity, since the flower tolerates the usual level of humidity in the room well.


Variegated indoor palms got their name due to the unusual color of the leaves.

In shape and height, these plants can be different: dwarf and tall, have the form of a compact tree or large spreading leaves. Regardless of the species, these plants need good lighting, abundant watering and high humidity. Therefore, to maintain the viability of the culture, it is necessary to regularly spray the leaves.


One of the most original types of palms as indoor plants are sago. Southern Japan is considered the birthplace of this culture, although now these palms are grown all over the world, both in greenhouses and botanical gardens, and indoors.

Figure 17. Ornamental Cycas Palm

A prominent representative of sago palms is Cycas - a plant with spreading leaves and a lignified trunk (Figure 17). You can grow it at home by placing it on a balcony or windowsill with good lighting. Despite its exoticism, Cicadas do not require special climatic conditions: it grows and develops quite normally in a moderate temperature regime of a city apartment. In addition, it requires moderate watering and periodic spraying of the leaves, although the palm tolerates reduced humidity well.

Aroid houseplants: types

A key feature of aroid plants is that most of them lack true stems, and their functions are performed by modified rhizomes. Despite the fact that most of these species come from the tropics, they are quite suitable for growing in an apartment.

Aroid plants are distinguished by a wide variety of shapes, sizes and shades of leaves. For example, the bright leaves of the caladium will become a real decoration of your home, but when the plant begins a dormant period, the leaves fall off. Monsters, alocasias and dieffenbachias also belong to aroid species, as do indoor callas, spathiphyllums and anthuriums (Figure 18).


Since aroid plants naturally live in a warm and humid climate, you should try to provide them with similar indicators in the apartment.

Among the features of caring for aroid flowers are:

  • Maintaining an optimal level of soil moisture: in the warm season, watering should be quite plentiful. And although the number of waterings is reduced for the winter, you need to make sure that the earthen ball does not dry out.
  • The absence of drafts and sudden changes in temperature, as this can cause the leaves to turn yellow and fall off.
  • Shading is also prerequisite cultivation. It is desirable to stir the pots on the western and eastern windows, but if this is not possible, the plant is shaded.

Figure 18. Types of aroid plants for the home

Many species have aerial roots, which in no case should be cut off, but covered with wet moss.


The main characteristic of aroids, which must be taken into account when buying such indoor flowers, is toxicity. Without exception, all aroids are poisonous, so they should not be placed in children's rooms or in places where pets will have access to the leaves.

When pruning and transplanting, be sure to wear gloves so that the juice does not accidentally get on the skin or mucous membranes.

Coniferous plants grown at home will be an excellent replacement for the usual Christmas tree. In this case the best option mini-conifers (spruce, pine and fir) will become, which take root perfectly in a city apartment and do not require special care.


Despite the fact that indoor conifers are considered undemanding plants, they still need to provide optimal conditions for growth and development. First of all, you need to make sure that a sufficient amount of daylight is supplied to the culture. At the same time, strong exposure to direct sunlight, which can cause needle burns, should not be allowed.

Watering should be moderate, but the air should be regularly moistened by spraying needles. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that pests or diseases do not attack the houseplant. If this still happened, treat the culture with special chemicals.


When choosing a coniferous plant for the home, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of each species in order to choose the most suitable flowerpot in the form of a Christmas tree (Figure 19).

The most popular conifers for the home are:

  1. cypress differs in the correct pyramidal form and light green color of needles. In the process of growth, the shape of the crown can be freely adjusted by pruning.
  2. Araucaria- a budget substitute for spruce. In fact, this is a tropical spruce that grows successfully in our latitudes, and without special requirements to care and maintenance.
  3. Juniper not only beautiful but also useful plant. But only specially bred varieties and hybrids, which are small in size, are suitable for home cultivation.

Figure 19. Coniferous plants for the home: araucaria, cypress and juniper

In addition, at home you can successfully grow dwarf fir or asparagus, the rich green color and sprawling branches of which will become a real decoration of your home.

Indoor plants in the form of sticks

If you saw an unusual plant whose leaves resemble sticks, you most likely met with a hatiora - an unusual houseplant that looks artificial at first glance (Figure 20).

However, this is a fairly common flower that is easy to grow and maintain, and its unusual appearance will help to add zest to the interior.


Hatioru is also called the forest cactus. And this is not surprising, because outwardly this culture really resembles a thornless cactus with numerous thin stems.

If you are willing to provide the hatiora with regular moderate watering, it will be completely easy to care for her. The only condition is to give protection from direct sunlight. To do this, it is enough to place a flower on an east or west window or provide a protective screen.


An unpretentious hatiora plant will delight its owner not only with its unusual appearance, but also with flowering. In normal times, the culture is a small bush with green sticks instead of leaves and stems.

Figure 20. Exotic indoor plant hatiora

In the spring, the hatiora begins to bloom, and the entire bush is covered with small yellow flowers. Top dressing for the crop is desirable, but not required, transplantation is rarely required, therefore, with the cultivation of this unusual plant even novice growers can handle it.

How to identify a houseplant by appearance

There is a special online identifier of indoor plants in appearance, but it is much more interesting to find the name of the culture yourself from the photo.

To do this, we recommend using the catalogs of online stores, which most often offer a wide selection of indoor plants and accompany each type with a photograph. Knowing the name, you can determine what the flower looks like, and vice versa, knowing the appearance, you can find the name and familiarize yourself with the growing conditions.

Jasmine: indoor flower, care, types and photos

This is an evergreen plant with climbing stems, so it is imperative to put a support in the pot. As a rule, jasmine flowers are white, but may be pink or yellow (Figure 21).

Figure 21. Indoor jasmine and its features

For propagation of jasmine, layering and cuttings are used, which must be covered with glass for rooting. After rooting, the shoots need to be transplanted into separate pots. It is important that the plant should be moderately watered and fed, as too much water and fertilizer, although it will accelerate the growth of the plant, will slow down its flowering. In February, you need to prune, shortening too long shoots and cutting off dry branches that are inside the bush.

Jasmine perfectly tolerates the sun's rays, so in the summer it can be taken out into the yard or onto the balcony. But in the presence of direct sunlight, the bush still needs to be shaded.

A New Year's song about a small Christmas tree in childhood caused me deep sadness. At first, everything is fine, the green and slender beauty, wrapped in snow, is sleeping. But further developments are not encouraging. A certain peasant appears and cuts down the Christmas tree "under the very spine." And then she smartly brings "a lot, a lot of joy" to the kids. As a magazine reader Young naturalist I did not share their joy: after all, the tree came to an end. Looking at the felled New Year trees makes me sad even now. But now there is an alternative to the ruined spruces and pines - araucaria, a homemade Christmas tree. She is almost an exact copy of coniferous beauties from our forests. At the same time, it takes root in apartments without any problems. According to experts, among indoor conifers, araucaria is one of the easiest plants to care for. Subject to not so complicated rules, your home can decorate and make this elegant plant unique.

From giants to babies: description of araucaria

Araucaria is not always a toy Christmas tree. It descends from the ancient giant trees that existed on earth long before the appearance of man - in the Jurassic period. Now many of those species have completely disappeared, and some are under the care of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. In nature, araucaria is a majestic coniferous tree. The average height is about 50 meters, and some specimens of Hunstein's Araucaria reach 90 meters.

Most araucaria are dioecious plants, that is, female flowers are formed on one tree, and male flowers on the other. With successful pollination, giant fruits appear to match the giant parents.

For example, a cone of Bidwill's araucaria can weigh about three kilograms. The seeds have a pleasant taste. Once they served as food for the Indians of South America. This continent is the birthplace of two varieties of araucaria - Chilean and Brazilian.

Another one and a half dozen species of araucaria inhabit the forests of Australia, the islands of New Guinea and New Caledonia. Two species of "street" araucaria have taken root on the Black Sea coast, in the Crimea and the Caucasus. There they are grown for landscaping cities.

Araucaria variegated, which is most often grown at home, comes from Norfolk Island, located near Australia.

What does an araucaria that has become home look like? This is a harmonious shape of a coniferous plant with a crown in the form of a wide pyramid. Whorls (twigs of one horizontal tier) are located on the trunk at a right angle.

If you look at the home Christmas tree from above, you can see that its branches form a kind of snowflake, each face of which fits into an isosceles triangle.

The twigs are densely covered with small, about 2 cm, needle-leaves, light green, soft and slightly bent upwards. As they grow older, scale-like leaves appear instead of needles, which spirally overlap each other, completely covering the branches of the tree. A homemade Christmas tree can grow up to about one and a half meters. But araucaria grows very slowly. Although, maybe that's a good thing. A small seedling will organically decorate a terrarium or a flower arrangement on the windowsill. The grown Christmas tree looks great on a table or stand. And an adult specimen that settled in a bucket pot is a real Christmas tree. Only alive, with which you will not have to say goodbye after the holiday forever.

Homemade Christmas tree is not the easiest houseplant to care for. It is more difficult to tame it than an unpretentious ficus or a Spartan cactus. This tree will have to be constantly remembered, it will not tolerate neglect. But compared to other coniferous species, such as cypress or cedar, araucaria is still a rather docile pet. Caring for araucaria is not only pleasant, but also useful, because it is a powerful source of healing phytoncides.

Instead of flowers - toys

In nature, Araucaria Diversifolia blooms, like all conifers, unusually. This is a monoecious plant, and the flowers on it are different - female and male. But they are formed only on adult mature individuals. And our home Christmas tree is a child or, at best, a teenager. Therefore, it has not yet been possible to achieve flowering of araucaria at home. But, perhaps, breeders will someday bring out varieties with early puberty.

In the meantime, New Year's toys will perfectly replace the flowers on the home Christmas tree. Pick up those that are easier so as not to injure the branches, and decorate the araucaria. She will perfectly cope with the role of the New Year's beauty.

Photo gallery: varieties of araucaria

As an ornamental plant, the Chilean araucaria is now widespread in Europe. Australian Aborigines consider Bidwill's Araucaria a sacred tree Cunningham's Araucaria lives to be 400-500 years old. the norfolk pine
Araucaria can form a bonsai tree

Christmas tree in a pot prefers coolness

Araucaria is a native of the southern hemisphere, but this does not mean that the indoor Christmas tree loves the heat. She prefers a temperate climate, slightly cool, humid air and diffused light. This preference has its own explanation. A giant tree with thick bark and mighty branches that reach for the burning sun, araucaria does not become immediately, but after three or four, maybe more, ten years. And those Christmas trees that grow in pots at our house are babies, young shoots. Young araucaria in natural conditions live in the lower tiers of the rainforest, where it is damp, shady and not so hot. Keep this in mind when growing your tree.

Table: conditions favorable for a room Christmas tree

Spring Lighting - diffused bright light, partial shade is possible. The best place for araucaria, the east or west side. On the south it will be necessary to shade, on the north the plant may develop one-sidedly.
Humidity is high - 60 percent or more. Spray araucaria regularly, use other moisturizing methods.
Provide fresh air, ventilate the room.
The temperature is moderate, about 20 degrees
Summer In summer, content on the balcony or in the garden is suitable.
Lighting - penumbra, bright diffused light. A small amount of sun is allowed only in the morning and evening. Shade from the midday sun. Spray the plant more often, especially in hot weather. The temperature is moderate - 20-25 degrees. The heat is hard to bear.
Protect the plant from drafts. Protect from the rain
Autumn The lighting is bright and diffused, partial shade.
The temperature is moderate, about 20 degrees.
Humidity is high. Spray araucaria regularly, twice a day
Winter Lighting - partial shade, diffused light, perhaps a small amount of sun. Additional lighting is not needed.
Humidity is high. Dry air is detrimental. Place araucaria away from radiators, protect with a screen. Be sure to spray twice a day. The warmer the room, the higher the humidity should be. The temperature is cool - about plus 15 degrees. Protect from drafts

There will be no particular problems with lighting for araucaria. Just keep in mind that the crown develops evenly, the plant from time to time must be turned in different directions to the light. But to provide high level moisture is more difficult. In heated rooms, the air is dry, like in the desert. Araucaria perceives this painfully. Ways to increase humidity:

  • the simplest thing is to regularly spray the plant. The water should be tepid, and the sprayer should be the smallest. Place plants next to the araucaria that also love moisture. Then after water procedures air humidity will last longer;
  • place the araucaria pot on a large tray filled with pebbles, gravel, or expanded clay. Keep the filler moist;
  • Another option is a double pot. Place the container where the araucaria grows in a pot without drainage holes, fill it with sphagnum moss, coconut fiber or peat. Moisten the contents of the planter constantly. Evaporation will help maintain a high level of humidity. But when moisturizing moss, know the measure and constantly control yourself - excessive moisture will harm the plant.

Video: an interesting plant - araucaria, features of home care

Araucaria does not like transplants

Home Christmas tree is not very fond of housewarming. Therefore, even young araucaria are not transplanted every year. It is worth taking on a transplant when the plant has outgrown its pot and roots have become visible from the drainage holes. And this happens about once every 4 years. It is necessary to transplant on the eve of the growth period - in the spring, in extreme cases - in early summer.

When choosing a new pot, pay attention to the size: it should be only 2-3 cm wider than the old one, stable. For araucaria, both plastic and ceramic containers are suitable. But give preference to ceramics, it is heavier and takes away harmful salts from the soil. And araucaria is very sensitive to them.

In order for the Christmas tree to grow well and not get sick, it needs porous and slightly acidic soil. You can plant it in ready-made universal soil from the store by adding a little peat. Or mix the substrate according to one of the recipes:

  • two parts of leafy and peat land plus two parts of sod land and sand;
  • equally clay, sod and leafy soil and half of the sand;
  • in equal proportions deciduous, soddy and coniferous land, humus, peat and sand.

During transplantation, the most important thing is not to damage the roots of the araucaria and not to break the delicate twigs. Both are very difficult to restore.

Plant transplant sequence:

  1. We water the araucaria about an hour before transplanting.
  2. Let's prepare the pot, disinfect the soil, drainage and proceed to transplanting.
  3. We lay a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot, and a soil substrate on top.
  4. Carefully remove the plant from the old pot, inspect the roots. We remove the rotten ones.
  5. We install araucaria in a new pot, straighten the roots.
  6. Carefully fill the space between the earthy clod and the walls of the pot, shaking it.
  7. We compact the soil with our fingers, trying not to damage the roots.
  8. We water the araucaria and spray its crown. Humid air will help the Christmas tree to adapt faster.
  9. For about a week, and if necessary longer, we keep the transplanted araucaria in partial shade. Then we put it in a permanent place and take care of it as usual.

A pot even a little more voluminous will make the Christmas tree grow. But your araucaria is already a big tree, and you don't want it to get even bigger? Then don't change it. And it is enough to update the soil only from above. Remove a few centimeters of old soil and fill in new.

Why araucaria do not need rain, direct sun and peace

Araucaria living in an apartment is a young plant when compared with long-lived trees. And the secret to maintaining her health is simple - home conditions should be close to the conditions of the rainforest. Only not its upper tier, but much lower. If you managed to recreate the humid climate of the tropics, provide diffused light, then you are on the right track.

Care, water, feed, spray

Street rain will not bring any benefit to the home Christmas tree. We are talking about man-made precipitation - watering. It needs soft, demineralized water. We'll have to boil it, defend or filter it. By the way, the same requirements for water for spraying.

All year round, except for winter, araucaria requires a lot of water. But it is necessary to maintain a balance between dryness and waterlogging of the soil. Watering should be done when the soil is dry on top. An earthen ball in a pot should not be turned into a cracker, but a swamp is also bad. When in doubt whether or not to water, feel the soil 3-4 cm deep. Dried - water, slightly damp - better spray. Through the prickly crown, araucaria will also receive a dose of moisture.

In winter, it is recommended to reduce watering, especially when kept cool. But in a warm room, araucaria moisture should be enough. Observe the state of the Christmas tree and react to changes in its appearance. Remember to keep the humidity high. Dry air is the main enemy of araucaria. By the way, it is advised to add "Epin" or succinic acid to the water for spraying.

Araucaria will be happy with additional nutrition. This is understandable if you remember that the plant is transplanted quite rarely. It is necessary to feed a homemade Christmas tree from spring to the end of summer, on average once every two to three weeks. Mineral fertilizers for coniferous plants from the store will do. But pay attention to the content of calcium in them, it should be a minimum amount. Excess nitrogen causes excessive extension of the trunk between tiers of branches. Make the solution for feeding twice as weak as in the instructions for the drug.

Evergreen araucaria does not need rest

To the dormant period, without which many plants cannot do, the Christmas tree is indifferent, it is also evergreen. Without a doubt, araucaria slows growth in winter. But you can’t call it a good rest. Rather, this is due to seasonal changes in the climate of our apartments. As flower growers assure, araucaria will winter well on an insulated loggia, if the temperature on it is not lower than plus 10 degrees. Well, if the room is not very bright in winter, but cool. Or if the temperature is moderate - 20 degrees, but there is a lot of light. But araucaria will not tolerate a hot, heated, poorly ventilated and dark room.

To cut or not to cut?

Novice owners of araucaria often ask the question: should it be cut? Arguments in favor of pruning: the crown will become more magnificent, the tree will be renewed and will look better. Experienced needle growers answer unequivocally: if you dream of growing a semblance of a slender Christmas tree, araucaria pruning is not needed, it can only do harm. Coniferous plants inevitably lose their lower branches with age, and no amount of pruning will bring them back. But it is possible to disrupt harmonious growth by cutting the Christmas tree.

We form spruce bonsai

However, one cannot be absolutely categorical on the issue of cropping. Sometimes you can't do without it. This procedure is needed if you form bonsai from araucaria. But then the care of the plant should be special.

If you decide to grow a bonsai tree from araucaria, then replant your Christmas tree more often: once a year or two. Each time the roots must be shortened by half. Such araucaria need a special low ceramic container and soil with a high sand content , so that the Christmas tree grows very slowly, but constantly.

Araucaria bonsai needs to be pinched and trimmed. In the spring, young shoots are pinched and the crown is adjusted. Twigs that worsen the appearance or turn yellow are cut off. For the formation, a special wire is used. It should not be used on young shoots and left for more than 4 months.

The tree should be watered regularly and sprayed daily. In spring and autumn, bonsai araucaria is recommended to be fed with slowly decomposing organic fertilizer.

Stages of growing a bonsai tree

Ailments, pests and ... gardeners' mistakes

Most common causes death of araucaria at home - excess watering, excessive feeding and lack of light. All this is especially dangerous in winter, when dry, too warm air depresses the plant. In addition, the indoor Christmas tree is difficult to tolerate stress, disease and pest attacks. The following table will help flower growers to recognize the problem and find the answer, what to do to solve it:

Table: care problems, diseases and pests of home araucaria

Problem Cause elimination
Araucaria grows too slowlyExcess calcium in soil or waterTransplant the Christmas tree into soil for conifers, water with soft water, check if the fertilizers used contain calcium.
New branches are thin and weakNutrient deficiencyIncrease feeding. If you have not transplanted for a long time, change the ground or at least the top layer of soil.
The trunk grows crooked, the branches are asymmetricalAraucaria is lit unevenlyRotate the pot 90 degrees about once a week.
Shoots turn yellow, dry outToo dry airIncrease the number of sprays. Humidify the air in every possible way.
The needles dry and fall offDry air, overdried earthen lumpFollow the rules for caring for the plant.
The branches of araucaria droop sluggishlyToo much water or too high air temperatureDry the soil, adjust watering. Remove the plant from batteries if it is winter. In the summer heat, put the araucaria in an air-conditioned room. Spray frequently.
The needles turn pale, die. Seen small insectsAphid infestationSpray the araucaria with an insecticide (Decis or Fastak).
The needles turn brown, the tips of the shoots dieThe plant is eaten by the mothTreat with a pyrethroid product (Kinmiks or Lightning).
Shoots are deformed, buds dry outDefeat by a pine loach larvaRemove damaged parts, treat the plant with Fastak.
White, sticky fluff on twigs. The needles gradually turn yellow, darken, dieMealybugRemove insects with a damp cloth, treat the araucaria with an insecticide or alcohol solution.

It happens that until recently a vigorous araucaria suddenly becomes sad, hangs branches and loses its bright green color. The reason is not clear. Experienced flower growers advise not to wait until the Christmas tree dies, but to urgently carry out resuscitation.

Resuscitation for araucaria - spraying with drugs that improve immunity. This is the well-known Zircon and the rarer Silk. The latter is an extract from Siberian fir needles. Make a solution of these preparations (Zircon - 4 drops per liter, Silk - 5 drops) and spray the sick araucaria. After 4-5 days, the procedure can be repeated, halving the dose.

The loss of lower branches with age by araucaria is a natural process. But the safety of the top must be monitored. This is the growing point of the Christmas tree. Damage the top of her head, and she will stop actively growing up. Only side shoots will develop. When a branch breaks on the side of a plant, you should not be very worried - it will heal itself. Conifers secrete a protective resin. But if you are afraid of an infection, you can cover up the abrasion with garden pitch.

To save araucaria, sometimes flower growers decide to take extreme measures.

Video: how to help a dying plant

Reproduction of domestic araucaria

“It breeds with difficulty, it is better to buy rooted plants,” Dr. Hession, a 20th-century florist guru, wrote about araucaria. However, now a homemade Christmas tree can still be propagated: by cuttings and seeds, although both methods do not give one hundred percent success.

Propagate by cuttings

Before you start cutting cuttings, evaluate the need for this procedure. Whether it will be possible to get a young plant is another big question. And you will definitely cause damage to the tree. For cuttings, it is recommended to take apical shoots. They produce more symmetrical plants. But then the mother tree will suffer. You can take an axial shoot from a side branch, but in this case the new plant will turn out to be not very beautiful. If you still decide to take a chance, go for it, but following the rules below.

  1. August, when the plant slows down growth, is the best time for cuttings.
  2. Cut off the apical shoot 3-4 cm below the whorl or separate the lateral branch with part of the bark - the "heel".
  3. Let the cuttings stay in the air for a day.
  4. Remove the resin from the cut. Treat the cuttings with the Kornevin stimulant.
  5. Mix the substrate: equally coarse sand and peat. Disinfect.
  6. Pour the substrate into the greenhouse (ideally with bottom heating), moisten, dig in the cuttings.
  7. Cover with a transparent lid, film, any container. Maintain the temperature at 25 degrees.
  8. Check the condition of the cuttings every day. Ventilate, moisten the substrate, spray the seedlings every 3-4 days.
  9. Rooting araucaria is a long process. Root rudiments are formed only after 5–6 months, and young needles will appear a little later.
  10. After that, transplant the cuttings into separate containers filled with soil for conifers and sand in equal proportions. Keep the temperature at 25 degrees. Leave the protection on top.
  11. Rooting will be completed only by the beginning of next summer. After that, transfer the cuttings to permanent pots. Accustom young animals to fresh air gradually.

plant seeds

For each seed or nut of araucaria, you will have to pay from 30 rubles or more. Be careful: Christmas tree seeds quickly lose their germination, are stored for no more than 3 months.

  1. Soak the seeds for two days in water, you can add Epin or Zircon.
  2. Stratify: bury the seeds in wet sand and refrigerate for 10 days. Without this procedure, the seeds will not be able to sprout.
  3. Do not forget about scarification - scratch the seed coats with some sharp object, violating their integrity so that the future sprout can overcome this barrier.
  4. Prepare and disinfect the substrate: peat, sand and crushed charcoal. Fill small containers with substrate, moisten it.
  5. Plant araucaria seeds one at a time in a pot, but several are possible. Do not drip, but simply lay and cover with a layer of sphagnum moss sprayed with water.
  6. Place the crops in a bright and warm (25 degrees) place. Moisturize and ventilate regularly. The first shoots may appear in 2 weeks. Average term germination - a month.
  7. After the appearance of the first needles, pick the seedlings into separate pots (8 cm in diameter), if they were in a common container. Protect from direct sun. Araucaria seedlings begin to branch in three months.
  8. Transplant overgrown when the roots will braid the entire earth in a pot.

Araucaria- This is a coniferous evergreen plant that can develop at home, however, it requires attention and special care.

It occurs naturally in South America, Australia, New Zealand, the Caucasus and New Caledonia.

One of the types- Cook pine grows in the USA, Hawaii and Lanai.

This plant is very similar to spruce, so by the New Year you can settle an evergreen plant in your house.

plant species

In total, there are 19 species of plants belonging to the Araucariaceae family. For the most part, these are tall trees with flat needles. Some species are considered decorative, they are bred to decorate the streets in the Caucasus and Crimea.

(Chilean) (see photo) Grows in Argentina and Chile. The trunk reaches 60 m in height, in girth - 1.5 m. The buds are edible and very tasty. The lower branches can lie on the surface of the soil, with age they disappear.

(narrow-leaved) (see photo) It grows in the mountains of Brazil, therefore it is sometimes known as the Brazilian. In nature, it reaches a height of 50m, at home - up to 3m. The leaves have a bright green tint. This type of wood is widely used in industry.

At home, you can grow these species.

(Bidvilla) (see photo) Grows in eastern Australia. In natural conditions, it grows up to 50m in height. Leaves are glossy and spiky.

(variegated) (see photo) Grows on Norfolk Island. It can reach 60m in height. The branches grow perpendicular to the trunk, the leaves are needle-shaped, tetrahedral.

Choosing the right place

sunlight araucaria is necessary for normal development, but direct rays are not at all useful. Therefore, it is better to keep the plant on a western or eastern window. For uniform growth and development, the tree must be turned to the light either on one side or the other in about 5-7 days.

In summer the araucaria plant can be kept outdoors, be sure to protect it from the sun and precipitation. At home, the flow of fresh air is provided by frequent ventilation of the room.


Araucaria heat is contraindicated! In summer, the temperature of the content should not exceed +20 degrees, in winter it will be optimal + 10 + 15 degrees.


for watering soft settled water at room temperature is required. You can use rain or boiled. Watering should be regular, the soil should not dry out and become waterlogged. In winter, it is reduced, especially when keeping the tree in cool conditions.

If watering should be moderate, then air humidity maintained high enough, otherwise the side branches will begin to dry out. For creating optimal conditions the tree is constantly sprayed, at least once a day, both in summer and in winter.

In water for spraying you can add succinic acid and epin.

In addition, the plant can put in a tray, filled with pebbles or expanded clay, constantly keep them wet. The soil in the pot can be overlaid with moss, constantly moistening it.

top dressing

Araucaria needs in additional top dressing during the period of active growth from April to August. Use mineral complex fertilizers with a low calcium content, to which the tree is very sensitive. Organic fertilizers are usually not used. Fertilizers are applied every 20 days.


The tree is not very fond of transplants, so it does not require annual. The plant should be transplanted if it has "grown" out of its pot. That is, no more than once every 2-3 years. At the bottom of the tank, a good one is made of expanded clay, pebbles to prevent stagnant water.
Priming for araucaria is made from a mixture of:

  • sheet (1 part);
  • turf (2 parts);
  • peat (1 part);
  • sand (2 parts).

Another option- in equal parts:

  • deciduous land;
  • coniferous;
  • soddy soil;
  • peat;
  • sand;
  • humus.

indoor plant araucaria can be grown and hydroponics.


reproduction araucaria can be carried out by seeds and cuttings.

seeds planted immediately after harvest, because they are not intended for long storage. In addition to the soil described above, a mixture of peat, sand and crushed charcoal can be used for planting seeds.

Soil surface after planting, moisten and cover with a small layer of moss, which is periodically removed for ventilation. Germination time - from 2 weeks to 2 months.

For breeding cuttings take the upper, half-lignified branches. They are cut in the spring below the whorl and placed in the shade for 24 hours. After the expiration of the cut, the place of the cut is cleaned of the resinous substance and sprinkled with crushed charcoal.

Then you can treat with a stimulant root formation. Now the cuttings are planted in separate containers with sand and covered with glass jars or plastic bottles. It is necessary to regularly ventilate and moisten the cuttings. The rooting process can take up to 5 months.

Diseases and problems

The consequences of violating the rules for caring for a plant lead to possible symptoms.

  • The plant is not growing well- with an excess of calcium. The tree must be transplanted into suitable soil, watered with softened water, and fertilizer changed.
  • Very thin new branches- appear with a lack of nutrients. Increase the number of dressings, change the land.
  • Trunk curvature- uneven lighting. Rotate the pot 90 degrees every week.
  • Shoots turn yellow and dry- insufficient air humidity. Increase the number of sprays, put the pot in a pan with water.
  • The needles dry and fall off- the cause can be both low humidity and insufficient watering.


Extremely for araucaria rarely attack. But still there are lovers of this homemade Christmas tree: , pine loach, moth moth.

Aphid settles on the needles, sucking the juice out of it. To prevent its occurrence and fight, mineral oil, decis and fastak are used, which are sprayed on the tree.

Moth moth gnaws through the needles. In this case, the leaves turn brown, the upper parts of the shoots die. To combat it, use products containing pyrethroids.

pine loach a frequent visitor of ornamental coniferous plants. Harm is brought by the larva, which takes root in young shoots and buds, as a result of which the shoots are bent and the buds dry out. If the lesions are small, it is enough to remove and burn the damaged parts, with extensive lesions, Fastak is treated.

And for the most inquisitive, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video tutorial on caring for araucaria

what is the name of a houseplant that looks like a Christmas tree, and how to care for it? and got the best answer

Answer from Drop of Rain[guru]
Araucaria - loves the light, but without direct sunlight, for the summer it can be put in the garden or on the balcony. Araucaria loves frequent spraying and high humidity. The most comfortable temperature for araucaria in summer is about 20 degrees, in winter about 5 degrees. Too high temperature, dry air and lack of light lead to the loss of needles and the decorative effect of araucaria. Watering araucaria only with softened water should be moderate, in winter it is reduced to a minimum. Light feeding with rhododendron fertilizer from March to August, transplanting araucaria every 2-3 years into a mixture of leafy soil, peat soil and coarse sand (1: 1: 1).

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: what is the name of a houseplant that looks like a Christmas tree, and how to care for it?

Answer from Mazal Favorite Girl[guru]
cypress or araucaria, if cypress, then a cool place, if araucaria, then this is a completely domesticated Christmas tree, in both cases, abundant watering

Answer from Oksana kihno[guru]
Araucalia looks like a Christmas tree. fairly easy to grow. Requires cool temperatures and good lighting. at high temperatures and dry air, it can throw off the leaves. watering regularly. can reach a height of up to 1.6 meters. a cramped pot will stunt growth. reproduction at home is difficult

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