What to do on Epiphany night. Baptism of the Lord (Epiphany)

THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD (EPOPHIVATION). The holiday is celebrated on January 6/19. Conspiracies and signs.

The feast of the Epiphany is preceded by Christmas Eve, the service of which is similar to the rite of Christmas (royal hours, liturgy from vespers). By the end of Vespers, the first consecration of water is timed.

This ancient rite Christian tradition closely associated with the sacrament of the Eucharist. Just as the mystery of the Incarnation continues in the liturgy, so the water of the Epiphany marks the spiritualization and transformation of the elements. The Church testifies that the whole created world will have participation in the Kingdom of God, the Rite is repeated on the very day of Theophany. Consecrated water is called in Greek agiasma, that is, a great shrine. Believers keep it with reverence throughout the year.

Water blessing was often carried out on the river (holes were made where the water froze).

According to Greek customs baptismal rite takes place by the sea. The priest throws the cross into the waves. The one who, diving, finds it, is considered lucky man. Surrounded by the crowd, he carries the cross through the streets of the city.

At Epiphany in churches, water is blessed, which then cures various ailments throughout the year. The snow collected for Epiphany is also considered healing. With this snow (or the melt water left from it), dizziness, numbness of the legs, and convulsions are treated.

January 18 - Eve of the Epiphany, Epiphany Christmas Eve. The Feast of Epiphany, like the Feast of the Nativity of Christ, is preceded by a day of strict fasting. On this day, a great consecration of water takes place. On this day, just as on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord itself, a special rite is performed in churches - the great consecration of water. The water consecrated these days is called Epiphany and has special beneficial properties: it is used for sprinkling temples and dwellings, it is prescribed to drink it to those who cannot be admitted to Holy Communion. Epiphany water should be reverently kept and treated as a great shrine.

On January 19, a great (according to the special solemnity of the ceremony) consecration of water is performed in churches. Many mistakenly believe that the water consecrated on Epiphany Eve and the water consecrated on the very day of Theophany are different, but in fact, when consecrating water, the same rite of the great blessing of water is used. Like Holy Communion, baptismal water is only taken on an empty stomach.

Epiphany rites and conspiracies

On the night of the 18th to the 19th, all water in taps and ponds is considered holy.
If you wash yourself with this water, the most terrible diseases will leave a person.
Washing yourself with water at night, you should say:

"Voditsa from the street, a likhovitsa from me."

Do not leave shoes outside the threshold on Epiphany night, otherwise you will get sick.

If there are problems in the house, draw water at night, leave it open at the threshold, and in the morning wipe the shoes of each family member with this water. Then pour water into the latrine with the words:

"Evil spirit under the ground, good on the ground."

Conspiracy for Baptism, on Epiphany night for the whole year

It is done on the night of Epiphany, or Epiphany (from January 18 to 19). Exactly at 12 o'clock at night, you need to collect a can of water on the river, in a well or in an ordinary tap. The can must be made of unpainted metal (aluminum or steel).

On the edge of the can, you need to strengthen a wooden cross made of coniferous wood - spruce, pine, cypress or juniper. The cross can be made independently by cutting with a knife or by bandaging two branches crosswise. Also, along the edges of the can, three church candles need to be strengthened. Throw three coins of different denominations and, preferably, different metals into the water. In the old days they threw copper, silver and gold. It is difficult for a modern person to get them, especially gold. If you cannot find three coins of different metals, you can take coins of two metals (but not one). Read the plot twelve times over this water:

I get up at night, I take holy water. Holy water, holy night, sanctify your soul and body, come on, angels, overshadow with quiet wings, bring the peace of God, bring God to my house. I welcome God, I seat God at the table, I pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and John the Forerunner: To the Baptist of Christ, an honest Forerunner, an extreme prophet, the first martyr, mentor of fasters and hermits, purity to the teacher and close friend of Christ! I pray, and resorting to you, do not reject me from your intercession, do not leave me fallen by many sins; renew my soul with repentance, like a second baptism; cleanse me, the sins of the defiled, and compel me to enter, even though it enters badly, into the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

After that, a prayer to the Epiphany of the Lord is read over the water and coins.

“Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God, born from the Father before all ages, Light from the Light, enlighten every one, in the last years from the Blessed Virgin Mary, incorruptible incarnate and come to this world for our salvation! You didn’t suffer if you saw from the devil the tormented human race, and for this reason, on the bright day of Your Theophany, you came to the Jordan as a sinner and a publican to be baptized from John, sinless, yes, fulfill all righteousness and take the sins of the whole world in the waters of the Jordan, like the Lamb God, in a hedgehog I bear on Myself and redeem with the Baptism of the Cross, Your pure Blood. For this sake, I will plunge into You in the waters, opening the heavens to You by Adam, and the Holy Spirit descending on You in the form of a dove, bring enlightenment and deification to our nature, and Your Most Divine Father proclaim His good will to You with a heavenly voice, for You have done His will and man has taken sins and you have already prepared for the slaughter, as if you yourself said: “For this sake, the Father loves me, as if I believe my soul, but I will receive it again,” and so on this all-bright day, You, Lord, laid the foundation for our redemption from the fall ancestral. For this sake, all the powers of heaven rejoice and all creation rejoices, expecting its liberation from the work of corruption, saying: Enlightenment has come, grace has appeared, deliverance has arrived, the world is enlightened and people are filled with joy. Let heaven and earth rejoice now, and let the whole world play; let the rivers splash; springs and lakes, abysses and seas, rejoice, as if by Divine Baptism their nature was sanctified today. Let the council of men rejoice today, as if their nature is now in packs to the first nobility, and let everyone sing with joy: Theophany is the time. Come mentally to the Jordan, we will see a great vision in it: Christ is coming for baptism. Christ comes to the Jordan. Christ buries our sins in the water. Christ the sheep of the kidnapped and erring comes to seek and find it, and introduces him into paradise.

We celebrate the remembrance of this Divine sacrament, fervently pray to You, Humane Lord: vouchsafe us who are thirsty, according to Your voice, to come to You, the Source of life-giving water, that we draw the water of Your grace and the remission of our sins, and that we reject impiety and worldly lusts; we will live chastely and virginally, and righteously and piously in the present age, waiting for the blessed hope and the manifestation of Your glory, the Great God and our Savior, but not from our deeds save us, but according to Your mercy and according to the renewal of Your Holy Spirit by the bath of resurrection, It is plentiful thou hast poured out, that, having been justified by His grace, we will be the heirs of eternal life in Your Kingdom, where with all the saints, grant us to glorify Your all-holy Name with Your Father without beginning and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

On the eve of Epiphany, you cannot eat until the blessing of water.
On the eve of Epiphany, the hostess should draw crosses over the doors and windows with chalk or a pencil in order to protect her house from Satan.

Who dreams not to grow old for a long time,
should bring a basin of pure snow into the house, melt it, wash with this water with the words:
Water from the sky will fix everything.
And I (name) will add beauty to my white face.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On the eve of Epiphany (January 18), all household members should count money with the words:
The Lord God will appear to the world
And the money will show up in my wallet.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy to marry before Baptism
The conspiracy is done on the evening of the week before Epiphany (January 19). During the day, you need to braid the braid, weaving a red ribbon there. In the evening, undo your hair, remove the ribbon, burn it in a special bowl, while speaking, and bury the ashes under a tree in the yard. I light a candle, I throw a girl’s ribbon into the fire, I order the servant of God (name) to marry the servant of God (name), to call her my dear wife. Forever and ever. Amen.

Another "water" conspiracy for Baptism is designed to protect you from losses and bring financial well-being. To do this, you need to take holy water in the church, bring it home and, sequentially bypassing all the rooms and premises, say: “Holy water has come into the house, brought me well-being.
There will be losses this house will pass, there will be prosperity every day.
Good luck will accompany me in everything, I will not fail in anything. Leave this water overnight in the place of the house that you consider the most important, and in the morning wash yourself with it.

The ceremony of removing the "Crown of celibacy" at Baptism

The rite is an effective technique based on the ability to create picture-thought forms.

At the beginning of a new day (on the night of January 18-19), wash your hair with a pre-prepared soapy infusion of nettle.

He prepares like this; nettle grass dioecious (can be purchased in advance at any pharmacy), put in a saucepan, pour soapy water, then cook for 7 minutes over high heat.

Then cool the infusion for three days, while the pan should be closed.

Then strain the mixture and wash your hair (you need to lather thoroughly so that all the hair is in foam, and then rinse with seven waters).

Now you can begin to remove the crown of celibacy. By the light of seven church candles set on the table in the form of a circle (acquired on the eve of initiation, on January 18), vividly, associatively, in all details, accompanied by corresponding sensations, imagine that with both hands (putting them to the temples) they intend to remove some invisible, pressing, a hoop that interferes with your full life.

It is important that you feel on your scalp how tight, with difficulty, the crown gives in to your efforts to move it up. If you feel resistance to your hands, then you have picked it up (on the astral plane, of course).

Bring the matter to the end: remove the “invisible crown” from your head and, without regret, throw it away from you into the white-hot magma of the Earth, where the crown burns without a trace (associatively you will feel: it was tight, tight, then once - and it became free).

On the morning of the 19th, go to church, have the priest sprinkle you with holy water.

On Epiphany night, do a forgiveness meditation. Remember everyone who voluntarily or involuntarily offended: in deed, in word, in thought.

From the bottom of your heart, forgive everyone, destroy the negative blocks in relation to these people. The more positive emotions and thoughts will accompany manipulations, the more effective, and most importantly, the ritual will work faster and the plan will be realized.

In the morning, prepare a glass of holy water and a piece of black bread. Light a church candle. Holding a slice in your left hand, and in your right a glass of water, looking at the candle, read the plot three times:

“Just as it is true that the Lord gave five loaves, and that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, so it is true that the Lord is merciful. Turn, Lord, my luck from west to east, from north to south. Give her not three roads, but one - to my doorstep. And you, unfortunate misfortune, find your way into the snake's womb. There is your place. There is your life. There is your being. And I will dress myself in an amulet, I will tie myself with gold and silver. To count money for me is not to count, never to know grief and misfortune. I close the lock with the key. I throw the key into the sea. Key. Castle. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Eat bread, drink water. Extinguish the candle with your fingers (do not blow it out).
Before 12 noon, visit the church, light the cinder you brought with you and place it in front of the icon of the Savior. In your own words, from a pure heart, ask the Lord for help.

When you get home, do not take any food until sunset. Try to remain silent (refrain from idle talk and quarrels) and calm. Don't tell anyone about your actions.

Healing at Baptism

fully defend the baptismal service, take holy water in the church.
Arriving home, read over it (alternately three times) prayers in the sequence: "Our Father", "I believe", "May God rise again."
Then, on the Epiphany water three times (sincerely, with warmth in your heart), whisper a conspiracy:

Heal, O Lord, my body and soul, for I am a sinner, and in sin my soul and body ache. Please, heal, Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of our Eternal Heavenly Father, my body from diseases, from aches, dryness, pain, blood. Heal my soul from envy, anger, hatred. On this day, the heavens open on us sinners, I ask you, Lord Jesus Christ, fill my body with health and strength, and my soul with peace. To the glory of Your Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

drink three sips of water, and wash the rest of the body.
You will not get sick in the new year.

With the help of baptismal water, uterine cancer is reprimanded. To do this, take baptismal holy water, wait for mass in the church and, when the bells ring, read a special plot over the water.

The words are:

The patient is sprinkled with charmed water or given to her to drink.

On the night of Epiphany, they think about their longevity. To do this, place a bowl of baptismal water on a table covered with a new white tablecloth. In your left hand, hold a lit aspen torch, and right hand cross yourself, then say:

I ask you to give a sign -
Die or flourish?

After these words, you need to quickly lower the torch into the water. If it goes out immediately, then your life will be short; if the torch flares up brightly and the fire goes up - your life will be long and you will not recognize serious illnesses.

From ancient times, the most severe damage was removed at Epiphany, using miraculous Epiphany water in the treatment. To do this, you need to bring water from the temple and, standing in the bath, pour yourself from head to toe with the words:

The Lord was born
Baptized in Baptism
Made famous by the name
Jesus Christ.
How is this water
Drips off me
So that
And all the damage
She left me.
Now and ever
And forever and ever. Amen.

Also on this day, believers remember Macarius of Alexandria, who had God's blessing to angelic revelation and could know about the state of the souls of dead people. He was approached with a request to talk with those who no longer exist, and this is how he glorified himself.

On the day of his memory, you can turn to his icon with a request to see in a dream long or recently deceased relatives. Usually, after this request, a deceased person appears in a dream dear to the heart, and it looks like it would be in reality. These dreams cannot be told to anyone.

I'm home with holy water
And you, money and luck, follow me.
All troubles and losses
Get on the other side.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

With the help of a candle left over from the feast of the Epiphany, you can speak a child who is not yet a year old for an easy life. To do this, stick a piece of candle to the diaper, while reading the following plot:

The child lives the first year,
Send him in life
Lots of easy roads.
savior angel,
guardian angel
Give me the best
With your holy hand
Servant of God (name)
For a good hour
For a good time.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Hide the charmed diaper as best as possible so that no one finds it.

On January 19, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Epiphany or Epiphany. On this day there was the appearance of the Divinity of the Savior and his solemn entry into His salvific service.

On the eve of Epiphany, the royal hours, the Liturgy and the all-night vigil are celebrated in churches, beginning with Great Compline.

On this holiday, two great blessings of water are held.

The first blessing of water is carried out on the eve of the holiday in the temple. In ancient times, this consecration of water was performed for the baptism of catechumens (not yet baptized people, but who have already received instruction in the fundamentals of the faith and who wish to be baptized). Subsequently, this consecration of water began to be performed "in remembrance of the baptism of the Lord."

Another consecration of water is performed on the holiday itself and is held in the open air. The source of this custom is considered to be the habit of the ancient Jerusalem Christians to remember the baptism of the Savior, going out on the day of Theophany to the Jordan River.

Epiphany Eve (January 18) is called "Epiphany Evening" or "Epiphany Christmas Eve".

There are many associated with this day. folk traditions and accept. For example, if on this day you accidentally sprinkle some kind of cereal, then the year will be bread. Or kind, if an old friend comes to visit uninvited that evening. Insomnia on the night of Epiphany portends a calm year.

In the old days, bowls of grain were put out on the street for the whole night, in the morning they looked at which grain was covered with hoarfrost, that crop would be harvested (this can probably be done with seeds by modern gardeners and gardeners).

According to tradition, on the eve of Epiphany, it is imperative to thoroughly clean the home, clean it not only from debris and dirt, but also from negative energy.

How to cleanse the house of negative energy, read

On this day, it is prescribed to observe a strict fast, to be temperate not only in food, but also in behavior.

On Epiphany Christmas Eve, it is absolutely impossible to quarrel, be offended, and also have fun. In principle, it is not surprising, since it is believed that this is a time of rampant evil spirits, therefore, attracting and feeding it with excessive emotions is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

In order to protect yourself and your home from her attacks, protective rites are performed, amulets are made. For example, on the eve of Epiphany, they always put crosses with chalk on doors and windows to protect against the penetration of everything demonic.

On the same day, you can make a broom, brightly and elegantly decorate it and hang it on the wall in the hallway or in the kitchen.

Such a broom will be an excellent amulet for the whole year, it can symbolically sweep the house in a clockwise direction, as if sweeping away negative energy from your home.

If such a broom is placed upside down near the threshold, then it can become a protection against any evil spirits.

In addition, a broom made on the Epiphany evening can be thrown after a person with an evil eye or someone who comes into the house with bad intentions.

And in the spring, such a broom can be placed in the garden to protect against the evil eye and pests.

If misfortune happens in the house, the broom from Epiphany Christmas Eve will need to be buried at the crossroads, as it will absorb all the bad energy and it will no longer be possible to keep it in the house.

Guessing and telling fortunes on Epiphany Christmas Eve is strictly prohibited.

There is a belief among the people that witchcraft on Epiphany evening can release the devil from the other world, and he will harm a person throughout his future life.

In general, the people consider witchcraft and divination to be collusion with evil spirit, and since on the eve of Epiphany it becomes the most dangerous and acquires unprecedented power, then magic should really be abandoned at this time.

But on the very feast of the Epiphany (January 19), divination and ritual actions aimed at gaining prosperity, health, love, and so on, acquire special power.

Although there is a divination on Epiphany Christmas Eve strict ban, young and desperate people still go out to guess at the betrothed and the future. since this evening is considered the last day of Christmas and Christmas fortune-telling.

However, if it is impossible to practice magic on Epiphany Christmas Eve, then it is not only possible, but also necessary, to conduct a protective rite for the happiness and health of your children, and on this very day.

For this ceremony, it is necessary to prepare photographs of children, preferably in full height, a little holy water, 3 church candles and plates, if possible without a picture according to the number of photographs.

Put the photos on plates, light the candles. Read the Lord's Prayer three times. Sprinkle the photos with holy water and read the plot three times:

“Lord, Jesus Christ! I will sprinkle the water of Your servants (the names of the children), I will remove all sorrows and troubles forever. Voditsa queen, take away from them the hour of thin and dashing, sorrow and illness. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After that, the candles need to be extinguished, just do not blow off the light, but put it out with your hands, or in some other way.

Put the photographs in the Bible and let them be kept that way. On the next Epiphany Christmas Eve, the ceremony can be repeated.

If you do not know the prayer “Our Father”, then you can read it from the prayer book, but the conspiracy words must be written on a clean white sheet of paper with your own hand or memorized.

The biggest miracle of Epiphany Christmas Eve is that on the night of January 18-19, all water becomes holy, healing.

It is believed that on the eve of Epiphany, exactly at midnight, Jesus Christ himself plunges into the water, from which it “sways”.

In ancient times, on the eve of Epiphany, before midnight, people went outside to water sources (rivers, lakes, wells, and so on) in order to collect Epiphany water, which has a very large healing power and, as soon as they see the swaying of water, make the most cherished wish.

The collected water was used not only for healing, but also in magic, especially in rituals that relieve spoilage, pride, envy, gluttony, love of love, anger, greed, and despondency. In addition, Epiphany water was used as the strongest tool to fight evil spirits and negative energies.

On the eve of Epiphany, if there was no river or pond nearby, water was poured into a vessel and placed on the table, waiting for the “swaying of water”.

There is a belief among the people that on this night the water sways by itself, and as soon as they noticed a spontaneous movement on the surface of the water in the bowl, they went out into the street and made a wish, asked for mercy, deliverance from troubles, looking at the "open heavens".

Such a ceremony among the people was considered one of the most powerful, they even claimed: “If you see flashes (on the surface of the water), ask at least the kingdom of heaven. Everything will be fulfilled."

Here I want to add personal observations.

This year I decided to check the veracity of the popular belief about the spontaneous swaying of water.

A few minutes before midnight, I placed the bowl of water in a place where no influence from the outside could definitely affect it. After 24 hours, she began to observe the surface of the water. About three minutes later, I noticed an instant swaying along the very edge, it was so short that I couldn’t believe my eyes, but after a couple of minutes the swaying was repeated and it was impossible to call it other than “flashes”.

Great is the wisdom of the people, how clearly the word was chosen to describe the movement of water - it really looked like flashes, a very short and energetic movement, as my sister put it: “kick-kick”, and not on the entire surface, but only in one small part of it along the very edge of the water in the bowl.

In general, it is believed that on this night all water becomes holy, even the one that flows through water pipes. But somehow I don’t really believe in it, so every time the Epiphany water from my reserves comes to an end, on the evening of January 18, I pour tap water into a pot or a clean basin and put it outside, so that reflected the sky. I leave the water on all night.

In the morning I bring a container of frozen water into the house, let it melt, pour it into clean bottles and put it away in a secluded place until the need arises. The most interesting thing is that such water does not deteriorate and does not become rotten for many years (personally verified in practice).

By the way the water froze on Epiphany night, you can judge what awaits you in the new year.

If the ice is smooth and beautiful, then this good sign if the water freezes in funnels or balls, then most likely difficulties and minor troubles await you.

On this day and on the eve of the holiday, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, water is of particular importance - believers believe that the water consecrated these days has healing properties which keeps the whole year.

What to do on the Baptism of the Lord

  • On Epiphany Christmas Eve, January 18, according to church rules, it is necessary to fast. This post is not difficult and most importantly, short - just one day. Before the evening liturgy (and according to other versions - before the first star), only fasting dishes are allowed, the main of which was and is kutia. It is on Epiphany that this traditional porridge made from grains, honey, poppy seeds and dried fruits is cooked in last time during Christmas time.

See also: Baptism 2018: what to mentally ask for, diving into the hole

  • The traditional dinner on Epiphany Eve was called "hungry kutya", but, as usual, the whole family, including children, gathers at the table.
  • On Epiphany, January 19, the hostess sets a festive table, on which there are always meat dishes - fasting is left behind. True, alcohol on this day is not only not welcome, but the church is prohibited.

  • Since water at Epiphany is of particular importance, it is customary to consecrate it in the church and collect it in wells and springs that are consecrated during the holiday. Water from open reservoirs is also considered holy if it was consecrated by a priest during the procession. True, such water is still not worth drinking, but it is quite possible to sprinkle all the corners of an apartment or house, water the animals and water the flowers. It is believed that baptismal holy water helps to cleanse oneself of sins and even cure some diseases. This water is stored for next year and, according to believers, it does not deteriorate and does not lose its properties.
  • It is also important to meet the day of the Baptism of the Lord in cleanliness, because on the eve they arrange a general cleaning and go to the bathhouse.
  • Bathing in ice water on January 19, the day of the Epiphany of the Lord, is also a long tradition, although the church does not consider this ritual to be obligatory. Moreover, not everyone will benefit from such a procedure, especially if you are not prepared for winter swimming. By the way, the baptism of young Jesus by John the Baptist took place in the waters of the Jordan River, and, as we know, they are always warm.
  • If a child is baptized on the day of Theophany, his life will be long and happy - this is what our ancestors thought.

What not to do at the Baptism of the Lord

Surprisingly, there are not so many bans on Vodohreschi, and they all help to tune in to the positive.

    • Strange prohibitions, originally from paganism, include relations with scissors - it is believed that on January 18 and 19 they should be used with caution: you can not cut your nails, cut your hair, and generally remove nothing from the body. According to popular belief, this way you can “shear off your fate” and spoil the karma for the whole year.
    • On the day of the Epiphany of the Lord and the day before, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, one should not quarrel, scandalize, and even bad thoughts should be driven away from oneself. If you collect holy water in an angry state, it may lose its power.
    • On Epiphany Christmas Eve and the day of Vodorkhreschi, any alcohol is strictly prohibited - both the church and the doctors are united in this.
    • On the day of the Epiphany of the Lord, one cannot work, especially sewing, washing, knitting, and so on.
    • You should not borrow money from someone, or lend it yourself - according to popular belief, any debt for Epiphany will stretch for the whole year.
    • On Epiphany Christmas Eve it is customary to guess, and dreams on the night of January 19 are considered prophetic. However, after Baptism, all fortune-telling must be stopped. It is believed among the people that fortune-telling and a conspiracy after Vodohreschi can work in the opposite direction.

Signs for Baptism on January 19: what can and cannot be done
Behind Orthodox calendar Baptism is celebrated exactly on January 19, and the most important signs should be adhered to from the evening of the 18th. On this unusual night, special attention should be paid to the weather. But not only it will help to learn approximately about the coming year.
All categories of signs of this holiday will be divided into: what can and cannot be done. They mainly concern personal life, but also agricultural life. And this does not mean that signs only tell about who and when will get married and when to sow the grain.
The day from January 18 to 19 is a day of strict fasting. This evening on the table must be juicy. This is a dish that is prepared with wheat, and poppy seeds, nuts, dried apricots and honey are added to it. But you can cook without adding poppy seeds and nuts, because the main thing in sochiva is wheat and honey.
This night you need to go to church for the night service. At the end of the service, the water is blessed. After the consecration of water, there comes a time when you can, and be sure that this is only healing water. Therefore, you should not be afraid of Epiphany water, because after these baths no one gets sick. Anyone can collect water from the hole, which will be useful in the house.
Believers say that it is the water collected on this day that has medicinal properties. That she is able to heal wounds, both physically and spiritually, helps from the evil eye and ensures peace and order in the house, if every corner in the house is consecrated.

The Feast of Epiphany has gathered around itself many signs over many centuries. But those who believe in come true. Old people noticed from year to year and they passed it on to us, and which ones you believe in is up to you.

Signs for the Feast of the Epiphany
- And the first of the signs is that you can start swimming immediately after the end of the evening service on the 18th.
- on the night of 18 to 19, look at the sky and the stars will tell you the weather for the whole year and, which is very important, the political situation. By dry summer and early spring and warm autumn - bright stars. These stars also promise political stability and tranquility.
- but the new moon on this night speaks of the danger of flooding in the spring, cold winter, late spring and cool summer. But there is also positive side new moon, they say if you substitute the largest bill from your wallet under the moonlight, it will help with money problems. And a person who is born on a new moon will have a very successful year.
- the year promises to be fruitful if there is more frost on Epiphany than on Christmas.
- warmth at Epiphany - to health problems. A lot of snow and frost to health for the whole year.
- treats joints and cuts Epiphany snow.
- if a young girl, leaving the house, is the first to meet a young man - for an imminent wedding, perhaps this year. If an elderly man, you still need to be like girls.
- if dogs bark in the evening - by the financial year. They say that by barking they call to hunt with good prey. But who is after what: who is after game, and who is after a career, position, money.
- a lot of snow promises a lot of bread.
- if it snows only in the morning - to a rich harvest for buckwheat.
– Cloudy morning with hoarfrost good harvest.
- before Baptism, you can draw crosses over the door and windows so that Satan cannot enter the house.
- leave shoes outside the door on Epiphany night - to illness
- the water collected in Epiphany does not deteriorate
- the wedding must be played between Epiphany and Maslenitsa, then happiness will be in marriage.
- a good omen is wooing on this day, this is to happy marriage.
- a person will be very happy if he was born on this day.

All these signs have deep roots. But knowledgeable people claim that on this night the heavens open the curtain, and all the wishes and prayers made will be heard and will certainly come true.

January 19 is one of the main holidays Orthodox Church- Epiphany. According to legend, on this day Jesus Christ was baptized in the holy waters of the Jordan River. People believe that on this day water has unique properties, thanks to which a person can heal not only the soul, but also the body. Water gives a person strength and vitality. On this day, it is customary to observe certain traditions that came to us from our ancestors. The rites that a person performs on this day have a special power. If you follow all the rules and signs, then the future of a person will be bright and happy.

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      Bans on Baptism

      Christians begin to celebrate baptism on the evening of January 18th on Epiphany Christmas Eve. On a holiday, it is customary to pray and ask the Lord for forgiveness for your sins. Since ancient times, signs and traditions for Baptism have come to us, which every believer must observe on a holiday. There are customs associated with prohibitions:

        • You can't be stingy on holidays. This rule applies to holy water. People should not argue with each other in church for the right to draw as much water as possible - this is unacceptable. Such actions can invite trouble on yourself.
        • Epiphany is one of the main church holidays. It has nothing to do with paganism, so it is forbidden to perform magic rites on this day. On folk fortune-telling, which was so loved in Ancient Russia also taboo. They should be held at Christmas time, but not on January 19. This prohibition is often ignored. Each person has the right to decide how to behave on a holiday. Most importantly, sincere faith in the Lord God must live in his heart.
        • The church does not approve of the drinking of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol should be kept to a minimum.

        On a holiday, it is customary to attend a church service, swim in the hole and gather the whole family at the festive table. If a person is worried about some issue or he is in a difficult life situation, he should pray and turn to the Lord for help.


        Not only representatives of the older generation believe in omens. Young girls are also interested in traditions that are passed down from generation to generation. There are a lot of them, but there are key ones that cannot be ignored. In particular, they relate to the weather on the day of the holiday.

        If there is heavy snow outside the window, then the harvest will be rich. Clear and cold weather bad sign. Even in ancient times, people believed that they portend a dry summer and crop failures. Since the Slavs were farmers and were engaged in gathering berries and nuts, the yield of these crops was of great importance to them. At Epiphany, they peered into the sky. If it was clean and the stars shone brightly in the sky, then this was a good sign.

        Warm weather portends health problems. If there is a lot of snow on the street, then people's health will be strong. Hear the dogs barking financial well-being.

        Rituals for a rich life

        To conduct a ceremony for a rich life, a person must draw consecrated water into a small glass container on the night of January 19. With water in hand, you need to walk around your house. Important point: The liquid must not splash. Therefore, it is worth walking with a careful, measured step. On the threshold of the house, a person should ask that his house be full of prosperity, like a bowl of water. The request must be made sincerely, with the belief that the wish will come true. Drink holy water in the morning. This is one of the most popular rituals, which is not difficult to perform.

        The second ceremony is usually performed on the evening of January 18. Sacred water should be sprinkled on all corners of the house. At the same time, a person pronounces his request for material prosperity. After this procedure, the bowl of water should take the place where the family keeps their financial savings and jewelry.

        Conspiracy for health and youth

        Turning to God, people ask him for health for themselves and their loved ones. Therefore, a conspiracy that women use in order to maintain their health and youth for a longer time is widespread. For the ceremony, it is necessary to melt the snow from the yard. When it turns into water and cools down to room temperature, the woman should wash herself with it. During ablution, one must ask the water to smooth out wrinkles on the face, give it freshness and youth.

        For the second rite, you will need fresh milk (preferably homemade) and rose oil. For a liter of milk, you need 10 drops of oil. The liquid must be put on a slow fire. While the milk is boiling, you need to say the following phrase: let my beauty be more beautiful than a rose, and my skin be as white as milk. Then the liquid must be poured into a bath filled with water, and immersed in it three times.

        In order for a person to have good health, it is customary to make a conspiracy with the help of melted snow. auspicious time for the ceremony - the night of January 18-19. Snow has the same healing properties as water. It is necessary to collect it on the street and bring it into the house. All family members should wash themselves with warm water. In Russia, it was customary that the most revered (older) relatives wash themselves first. At the very end, small children are bathed. If water remains, then you can carry out light wet cleaning in the house. Special attention recommended for windows and doors.

        How to make wishes?

        It is important not only to correctly formulate and pronounce your request on a holiday. There are certain rules, compliance with which guarantees the fulfillment of all desires:

        • You need to take a handful of small items, such as hazelnuts, and sprinkle them on the table. Then you need to clearly state your desire to yourself. If an even number of nuts fell out, then the dream will come true. But you should not rely on your Fate in everything. A person must make an effort to achieve what he wants. This increases his chances of success.
        • On the mirror with the help of a remnant, you need to write a wish. Then before going to bed, the mirror is placed under the bed. If by morning the inscription disappears, then the wish will come true.
        • The following method is suitable for people who have many desires and cannot choose the most important among them. A sheet of paper must be divided into twelve equal parts. On each of them you need to write one wish. In the morning, you need to randomly draw out three pieces of paper. What is written on them will soon come true.
        • On the eve of baptism, people often see prophetic dreams. You can't miss this opportunity. Before going to bed, you need to remember your desire and mentally turn to St. Samson, ask him to show the dream. At night, the dreamer will see her future. To understand the meaning of a dream, in the morning she can turn to dream books. Based on the details that the sleeping woman managed to remember, a detailed interpretation can be made.
        • If a person has a cat or a dog in the house, then he can take advantage of quite in a simple way divination. You need to make a wish and call your pet. It remains to consider with which paw he crosses the threshold. If on the left, then the wish will come true.

        Thus, there are many ways that are designed to help a person achieve what he wants. But do not forget that the desire must come from the heart. On the holiday, the requests of kind and sincere people who want to change their lives for the better are fulfilled. Making wishes is a difficult process. On this important day, selfish desires or those that can harm people are inappropriate.

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