Why does a church candle have a high flame. How to determine your energy state by candle flame



Every time after a long, busy day of work, we plunge into the arms of Morpheus and go on an exciting journey through the world of dreams, and in the morning we try to unravel the signs, symbols and images we saw (if, of course, we remember them) in order to reveal the secret of our future.\r \n\r\nWe inherited the desire to know the future and control our destiny through dreams from distant ancestors, who attached special importance to dreams. So, for example, the ancient Greeks believed that a sleeping person had the gift of clairvoyance, and the Spartans erected temples where specially appointed officials-ephors, in accordance with the established ritual, fell asleep in order to receive instructions from above in a dream to resolve the most difficult political, legal, civil and other issues. .\r\n\r\nToday there is no doubt that dreams are inextricably linked with the human psyche. According to the Swiss psychiatrist, the founder of analytical psychology, Carl Jung, dreams are a secret door leading to the deepest and most secret corners of our psyche. And this is true, because in most cases dreams are caused by an emotional state, active mental activity, new events, etc. Therefore, thanks to dreams, you can find the key to understanding various issues, find creative solutions, and even make scientific discoveries.\r\n\ r\nSuffice it to recall Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, who in a dream saw his future Periodic Table of Chemical Elements, or Friedrich Kekule, who, after a visionary dream about a snake biting its own tail, deduced the cyclic formula of benzene. Under the influence of dreams, inspiration came to the greatest composers, writers and poets, such as V.A. Mozart, G. Tartini, A.S. Pushkin, A.N. Tolstoy, A.A. Fet and V.V. Mayakovsky.\r\n\r\nThe process of interpreting dreams has evolved significantly since the days of the Ancient World. If several thousand years ago only hereditary healers, sorcerers and soothsayers, who performed special rituals with the reading of prayers and the use of special objects, were engaged in the interpretation of dreams, today we have the opportunity to use dream books that have absorbed all the experience of our ancestors.\r\n\r \nDream books of Vanga, Miller, Nostradamus, Solomon, Loff, Hasse, Freud, Assyrian and Old Russian dream books are perhaps one of the most authoritative interpreters of dreams that have stood the test of time and do not lose their relevance today. They were based on the predictions of the greatest clairvoyants and mediums, the results of many years of scientific research into the human psyche, and the mythological representations of distant ancestors. And how can a modern person not get confused here and go the wrong way in interpreting his night history?\r\n...

What is Reiki, nobody knows. Because it is something so much more voluminous than human understanding can contain that all attempts to talk about what it is come down to describing some of the manifestations of Reiki in our lives\r\n\r\nFor someone, Reiki can manifest itself as universal Love, for someone - as a universal energy, for someone - as the Holy Spirit. For some, this is life. And life is very different. Sometimes cute and pink, sometimes tough and strict. But always the way the person makes it.\r\n\r\nThe word Reiki (or Reiki) consists of two parts. Ray and Key. This is a Japanese word. And the Japanese language is surprisingly deep. In one syllable, everyday and sublime, and law and spirit, and consciousness and aroma, and method and possibility can be expressed.\r\n\r\nThe word Reiki in Japanese is very ancient. And one of its meanings is the universal Spirit, that single source from which all life flows. The second thing that is understood by the word Reiki is a tradition that arose about a hundred years ago, the system of natural healing by Dr. Mikao Usui.\r\n\r\nAnd the third is the practice, the practice of Reiki, a personal daily practice available to every person. And besides all this, it is an inexplicable mystery of life.\r\n\r\nIn the tradition of Reiki Usui Shiki Rioho, this mystery is transmitted through initiation. And this makes it possible to receive Reiki for any person, regardless of his personal qualities, skills and other things. There would be a desire. Desire, backed up by action - a request to the master for training. The practice of Reiki is very simple, no special talents, superpowers or anything like that are required.\r\n\r\nAnd yet I do not know a single person whose life would not change after he came to Reiki . Reiki is not only an opportunity for physical healing, it is also an opportunity for real spiritual growth, as far as the person is ready and agrees.\r\n\r\nEveryone receives what is most necessary for him at the moment.\r\n \r\nTo tell what Reiki is, this page is not enough. Not even the thickest Reiki book you could find. Simply because it is impossible to grasp the immensity and cognize the unknowable.\r\n\r\nReiki is a great mystery, as big as life itself. And it can't fit in any book. But you can learn how to use the Reiki system, you can receive initiation and through this receive a transmission of how it is possible to live in this system.\r\n\r\nAnd in order to get to know, try what Reiki is, you need to stay in it, for example , get a session with any person who has Reiki. \r\n\r\nOn the circle, or at home, anywhere. A session is an opportunity to feel for yourself, on your own experience, the opportunity to live Reiki. And your experience is always more valuable than any read or heard information.\r\n\r\nAnd if after such an experience a voice appears somewhere inside that says: “I also want it, I need it!”, then you can look for a master (or choose, now there is no need to look especially), to be trained by him and receive initiation. And if you liked it, but have not yet decided that you would like to do it yourself, then you can simply go through a cycle of sessions.\r\n\r\n...

Not entirely clear, very scientific concept\"bioenergy \" has already become an integral part of our lives. Along with such words as \"aura\",\"esoteric\",\"nirvana\",\"reiki\", \"prana\", etc. These expressions sound quite often, completely different people talk about it. Only the meaning that is invested in them does not always coincide. Human ideas about\"bioenergetics \" are quite different. For some reason, the expression Bioenergetics evokes associations with psychics. This is far from true.\r\n\r\nPractically all people think: \"Bioenergetics is a kind of psychic ability that exceptionally gifted people have\". When people see an evil person, they reasonably believe that his energy is also evil, bad, and only something bad, negative should be expected from him. For example, the evil eye or damage,\"energy vampirism \" (selection of energy) and similar things. And a kind person radiates goodness, often serves as a battery, he is ready to give energy.\r\n\r\nAlthough the concept of bioenergetics has entered our everyday life, it has remained completely incomprehensible. Every housewife, every student who sometimes watches TV can explain that each of us has some kind of shell, maybe even several of them. They will also tell you that Aura can be healthy or sick. Every person wants to have a healthy aura, but few people know how to do this, since they do not consider bioenergy in relation to themselves.\r\n\r\nHere is how the concept of Bioenergetics is explained in dictionaries:\r\n\r\nBioenergetics - a scientific discipline that studies energy processes in cells, tissues, individuals, ecosystems, etc. (Dictionary of natural sciences.)\r\n\r\nBioenergetics - (1) a discipline that studies the processes of energy transformations in the course of the existence of biological organisms and the functioning of the biosphere as a whole; (2) a branch of knowledge about a single information field, about its interaction with biological objects of all levels of complexity. (Encyclopedia of Esotericism)\r\n\r\nThe nature of the bioenergetic field has already been studied quite well in scientific circles. But there is a certain mass of people who consider it charlatanism. Most scientists have the following point of view: the bioenergetic field is the carrier of human consciousness. It controls biological processes, the bioenergetic field organizes the existence and vital activity of matter.\r\n\r\nIf we consider an individual energy-informational field, it is a part of a single energy-informational field of the Universe. To put it simply, everyone has their own field. It is affected by the surrounding world, but it also affects the surrounding world itself.\r\n\r\nPeople knew about the biofield in the distant past. Since the biofield cannot be seen with the naked eye, in order to reflect the fact of its existence, ancient drawings depicted a halo, a glow indicating the invisible that surrounds the human body. Quite controversial is the assumption of the existence of diseases transmitted by energy. With great certainty, no one can either confirm or deny this circumstance. The higher, subtler energy forms fairly even concentric spheres around the human body. A physically healthy person can be described something like this: \"In the form of a fountain, through the top of the head, energy spreads on all sides above the person, then it gathers in the perineum region for the next rise of the body up\".\r\n\r\nMany claim that they see the human aura. Looking thoughtfully at the person, they shake their heads and say, "One has a black aura, another has a blue one," and so on. Without questioning the ability of some people to see what is inaccessible to others, we note the following: among the so-called "really seeing" there are quite a few unscrupulous comrades who create a distorted idea of ​​​​bioenergy.\r\n\r\nA person who is not able to independently replenish energy reserves is forced to resort to the help of others. Either this is an unethical method - the selection of energy (vampirism), or an understanding of the laws of the Universe and the ability to interact with them. Teaching people to collect and use their powers is one thing, but feeding them with their power is another. And since his health, his mood, and performance directly depend on this, it would be good to understand what is an indicator of the purity of the field. We know examples showing that under the same conditions one person works without getting tired, while another gets tired quickly. Even if someone really knows how to help, he should not constantly "feed" the energy of those who do not know how to do it themselves. He can harm not only himself, but also the patient.\r\n\r\nThere is also the bioenergetics of things. An important role is played by the energy of the material embedded in the object. Secondly, the energy of the person who made the thing (induced energy). After acquiring a thing, the energy of the object will be either negative or positive. It depends on the good or bad thoughts, wishes that accompanied the transmission of this item. \r\n\r\nAny thing in itself is not "bad", carrying destructive energy. This or that charge is carried only by the feelings, thoughts of the person who gave us, sold or produced this thing. One way or another, we come to the conclusion that almost everything depends on the person himself, on his thoughts, on his feelings, on his attitude towards himself and others. The bioenergy field exists in every person. Every second of our lives, we affect our environment with our behavior.\r\n\r\nIt is generally accepted that ancient civilizations knew about bioenergy, and could also use energy and replenish its reserves. But over time, knowledge of bioenergetics by mankind was gradually lost. In the Universe, of which man is a part, everything is interconnected. And if we do not know something, do not understand, this does not mean at all that the phenomenon does not exist. It's just that at the moment it is inaccessible to our consciousness.\r\n\r\nThe advice to turn to nature for help is very good, but the following fact must be taken into account here: Nature has changed after thoughtless management. According to moral laws,\"everything that comes from you comes back\". For thousands of years people have conquered nature. And nature has learned to defend itself from us. Conclusion: if ancient civilizations with knowledge of bioenergetics could draw energy, forces from Nature, it is not always possible for us.\r\n\r\nWe bear full responsibility for all our actions and deeds. We cease to be carriers of negative energy, becoming better. It is very important for a person to understand: each of his actions, each thought, word has its own consequences that affect his environment.\r\n\r\nBioenergetics is a whole science, with its own laws and rules, knowledge about which humanity needs to restore.\ r\n\r\n...

In order to fulfill our destiny on earth and understand the many accompanying problems, we need a kind of map, scheme, plan. And the chakras serve as this card, helping to activate and balance the various levels of our consciousness and life experience.\r\n\r\nEach of the seven main chakras is responsible for a certain aspect of life and different life situations. The same thing happens with the levels of consciousness, each of which takes on a completely new meaning. Blocking the chakra leads to a limitation in the perception of this vital energy and, as a result, to a disorder of the body systems as a whole and will be expressed in illness, discomfort, loss of strength, fear or emotional imbalance. In the same way, with the help of blocking the chakras, more serious results can be achieved at the level of consciousness of the subject, which is the goal of most magical manipulations. Having worked in a certain way with some chakras, the master, for example, can evoke sexual desire and strong emotions.\r\n\r\nAlso, having realized and comprehended the chakra system, its mode of action and the optimal mode of operation, you can remove your own limitations and reach the level on which it is easy to solve all problems and difficulties. Meanwhile, a complete blockage can lead to a complete disconnection from the universal life force, that is, to physical death, and this must always be remembered before you start experimenting on yourself or entrusting some business to outsiders just because they claim that something they can. Magic does not tolerate neglect.\r\n\r\nChakras are often associated with the nodes of the endocrine system. Their location in the body coincides with the location of many such nodes, and the meaning of each chakra is closely related to the functioning of the node that corresponds to it. But it would be a mistake to consider this connection only in the physical plane. Although the chakras are located along the spine and are in front of it, they are not a subtle physical phenomenon.\r\n\r\nThe energy of the chakras is much finer than the gross physical energy, but it pervades all aspects of your life. Having realized the influence of each chakra, you will pay attention to their manifestation, and therefore, you will be able to direct energy in such a way as to effectively change the reality around you.\r\n\r\nSo, how do chakras affect our lives in a practical context?\r \n\r\nThe first chakra, as the source of our existence, most closely connects your body with the Earth. The primary association with this chakra is survival. The first chakra is the most instinctive. Food, clothing, shelter and protection - that's what she is responsible for. Sex as a means of procreation and procreation also refers to the motor functions of this chakra. In other words, her main drive is survival. The first chakra is located at the very bottom, where the process of the birth of a personality occurs. It is very easy to perceive reality from this level, since everyone has an innate survival instinct. There is a beast in each of us.\r\n\r\nFeeling danger is the first sign of an imbalanced first chakra.\r\n\r\nIf your first chakra is out of balance, your perception is dominated by the fear of not having what you need. As a result, you find yourself in a vicious circle - you feel insecure and lead the life of a victim, and therefore, you find more and more reasons for fear.\r\n\r\nSecond chakra. The main driving force of this center is the search for pleasure. Sensual and sexual activity becomes the main aspiration. It is this chakra that helps you feel life more fully and gives us all the richness of emotions.\r\n\r\nExperiencing pleasure is one thing, but recognizing life experience as bringing pleasure, and then appreciating the beauty of the moment is quite another. That's where the real art is. The second chakra is always hungry, it is always hungry for everything that can bring pleasure. It is very easy to get used to such sensations. Sex, alcohol, tobacco, chocolate, drugs - all this is the second chakra, and all this is easy to get used to.\r\n\r\nAddiction to habit consumes a person trapped in this chakra, and the thought of pleasure drives away all other thoughts . Constantly enjoying, you lose your head, cease to be aware of your surroundings. Ram Dass once said: "People who look at life through this prism perceive everyone either as capable of making love, as incapable or as a nonentity! \" We get used to pleasure very easily, and the fear of losing it leads to an unbalanced state of this center. \r\n\r\nThe desire and the ability to appreciate are the two sides of the second chakra, but they differ from each other. Desire is characterized by focusing on what you want but don't have, the ability to appreciate is the highest manifestation of second chakra consciousness.\r\n\r\nInstead of focusing on what you don't have, you learn to enjoy what is available. This is the deep meaning of a positive change that anyone is able to bring into their lives without much effort, and this change will turn out to be a huge leap in development for you and will really change your whole life for the better in a degree much greater than you can imagine. \r\n\r\nThe third chakra is a source of self-confidence, awareness of one's own strength, the ability to distance oneself from the influence of the outside world and at the same time influence this world oneself. The third chakra gives you an understanding of what is right and wrong in the outside world. It is she who gives you the strength to stand up for your beliefs and resist the blows of fate that fall upon you.\r\n\r\nInsight is the main characteristic of a healthy third chakra. You have to know when to stop, when to give up pleasure - it's all part of self-control. It should be directed not only to the outside world, but also inside yourself. This is the correct use of the will itself. Until you balance the internal energy, the events of the external world will not return to normal. If you have managed to balance the third chakra, you know that you can achieve your goals, enjoy the results and feel safe. Your self-confidence is rooted in the awareness of harmony. \"For your life to be calm and harmonious, give up the need to be right\". The level of consciousness of the third chakra is the awareness of one's own strength and significance in the world. A person at this level of inquiry has a powerful willpower.\r\n\r\nThe fourth chakra - the path of the heart fills your being with warmth and joy. This is not a life strategy, not a life plan, but pure joy. It allows you to live your life at this level of consciousness and influence the material world.\r\n\r\nIf you choose the path of the heart, there is no room for fear in your mind. The more you love, the more objects and opportunities for love appear in your life.\r\n\r\nTo awaken the heart is the most important goal in life. You do not have to pay or sacrifice anything to achieve this, it will take only one thing - faith. You must believe that life will not break you if you remove the protection. And this is exactly what will happen: remove the protective shell, so that the flow of life will freely wash over you. And believe that love is the main driving force of the Universe.\r\n\r\nAwakening the heart, you will be able to connect personal life and spiritual life. You will become one. The heart is the connecting thread between the ego and the spirit. The transition from the level of the third chakra to the fourth is very important, as it requires a radical revision of the perception of life. At the level of the fourth chakra, there is no place for a sense of competition, as you begin to communicate with others through the heart. From the level of the heart chakra, only the path of cooperation is possible. This perspective is accompanied by a feeling of abundance, you begin to understand that there is enough of everything in the world for everyone. Compassion awakens, for it is now clear to you that what is good for everyone is what is good for everyone. We are not separate, we are connected.\r\n\r\nAnd lovemaking also changes, once you awaken your heart. From the perspective of the lower chakras, sex is vital as a means to throw out energy, to get pleasure, to satisfy a sense of power. From the point of view of the fourth chakra, sex is an amazing opportunity to receive and give at the same time. It opens the door to higher spiritual intimacy when you are able to make love to the Divine and to your partner at the same time. Sex with your partner is not just a physical act. You interact on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. The awakened heart often becomes the source of one problem. This is an exaggerated desire to give. Never give in to this deceptive urge, for you may harm others and yourself. Those who know will understand.\r\n\r\nThe fifth chakra. The most important property of the fifth chakra is the awakening of your inner voice that can tell you the truth.\r\n\r\nThe fifth chakra is ruled by higher mental realms, which include detachment and observation, as a result of which you get the most diverse view of life, on on which you can form your own point of view.\r\n\r\nThe fifth chakra encourages you to express yourself creatively. This is creativity at the highest level.\r\n\r\nEnergy carries information to us in a coded form, and if you manage to cope with the wave, incredible "flashes" of information will appear in your mind. Your personal mind will merge with the collective mind. Creativity is born from the collective mind.\r\n\r\nSelf-knowledge at the level of the fifth chakra is the discovery of the tendencies of one's development. You gain inner freedom and allow a pure, liberated mind to shine in full force. You become a kind of \"universalist\", gaining the ability to notice the beauty in every religion and in every manifestation of culture.\r\n\r\nWhen attachment penetrates the level of higher chakras, problems arise. If you are committed to any point of view, alternative or consistent, the mind ceases to be free. An extreme example of such a situation is fanaticism that develops into extremism. People who, with the help of strong faith, have opened the fifth chakra, but are not spiritually ready for it, become religious fanatics, which is what we all know. \r\n\r\nThe sixth chakra. The fifth chakra deals with mental ideas, while the sixth deals with imagery and awareness of the powerful life force of which you are a part.\r\n\r\nThe sixth chakra takes us into a world that lies beyond reality, limited by our senses. When a person reaches the level of the sixth chakra, or the level of the "third eye", he has the ability to change polarity. The duality or polarity of the world (good-evil) is very conditional. At the sixth level of consciousness, you can rise above polarity and see life through a broader lens that embraces all aspects of life - this is "one state of consciousness". This approach perceives everything that exists as a manifestation of the One Great Spirit. A sense of grace pervades this perspective. However, since your perception of life has expanded to include all existing points of view, such a feeling does not surprise or annoy you.\r\n\r\nChristian mystics call the sixth chakra \"witness\", Krishnamurti - \"detached observer\", and Buddhists-\"attention \". In the state of consciousness of this chakra, you feel the grace of recognizing Divine perfection in all life manifestations. You become part of the consciousness of Mother Earth.\r\n\r\nThe seventh chakra, the crown chakra, represents pure, unclouded cosmic energy. This chakra, which initiates the process of receiving the energy of the Cosmos, is at the same time the chakra that completes the process of evolution. When you move to this level of consciousness, all life is perceived by you as a spiritual experience.\r\n\r\nEach of us has a goal - the Divine intention that gave us this incarnation.\r\n\r\nThe level of consciousness of the seventh chakra is more correct would be called sacred. You completely surrender to the will of the Highest providence, and your whole life proceeds in accordance with the Divine will. To reach the level of consciousness of the seventh chakra, you must surrender completely to the Higher Power. You should not be left with any questions about your path; you live it - and constantly. You are in this world, but do not belong to it, because your consciousness is on the Divine level.\r\n\r\nThe awakening of the seventh chakra is the awakening of the bodhisattva path.\r\n\r\nThis is the card in general terms. For those who decide to move from theoretical acquaintance to practical implementation - I wish you good luck on the Path.\r\n...

Cleansing the physical body is widely used in traditional and alternative medicine. Lots of ways. The effect is predictable. It is based on the principle of removing deposits from the tissues of the physical body. The use of fasting as a way of cleansing the body is quite effective, but individual tolerance should be observed.\r\n\r\nTraditional yogic techniques can be cited from non-traditional cleansing methods: shankh prakshalama, dhauti, vasti, netti, kapalabhati...\r\ n\r\nAll kinds of methods of cleansing internal organs, blood, lymph, etc. are widely used in folk medicine. using oils, herbal infusions. Honey, elements of trees, minerals, components of animal and insect organisms, their metabolic products are used. Baths, saunas, therapeutic baths are known for their healing effect. Lots of options. There is a large selection of literature on this topic, where the details of the cleansing processes are described in some detail.\r\n\r\nWith practice, the need to cleanse the physical body of toxins and slags disappears. Vegetarian food, abstaining from alcohol and tobacco, eating in moderation, active meditation techniques keep the physical body in relative well-being. The etheric body has a great influence on the preservation of the purity of the physical body.\r\n\r\nThe active cleansing procedures of the etheric body include: dousing with cold water, contrast showers, sports, asanas from Hatha yoga. Another method of maintaining the harmonious state of the etheric body comes later. It includes the observance of its laws, which already implies working with the mind.\r\n\r\nFasting \r\n\r\nUsing fasting to cleanse the etheric body is one of the effective methods where hunger is perceived as a type of energy that activates the physical body to attract the material required in the life of the physical organism.\r\n\r\nA sufficient number of people are constantly concerned with finding products and means for their acquisition or directly with production, the most impatient. Hunger is the main stimulus of their life, the engine of \"individual\" existence...\r\n\r\nWhen starving, the feeling of hunger becomes the most material.\r\n\r\nCold-blooded contemplation of its nature allows creating a distance between the observer and the observed . The power of the desire for physical food gradually loses its magical power of influencing the human consciousness. After three days of complete food restriction - hunger usually goes away, replaced by a steady awareness of a feeling of lightness, weightlessness of the physical body with a vague feeling of the need for food, which takes on psychological forms. And this is that moment of transcendence, which makes it possible to realize the external nature of hunger, its foreignness in relation to individual consciousness.\r\n\r\nSexual relations \r\n\r\nSexual relations have a direct effect on the etheric body of a person. Prolonged abstinence condenses the ethereal energy and when a critical point is reached, the astral accent is activated. The life force, not finding a way out through sexual contact, begins to move in other directions. It is either pushed into manipura, arousing a thirst for power and domination, or into muladhara, inciting the passion for possessing sexual property.\r\n\r\nBut the direct path of physical ethereal energy is sexual contact. The activated astral body selects a suitable partner and the two etheric bodies interact. If all the required conditions match, the creation of a new physical body starts. This is instinct. The physical body generates itself through a more subtle (ethereal) body.\r\n\r\nThe previously accumulated energy goes through sexual intercourse into the future of a new form. The energy potential decreases, the nervous system falls into a depressed state, the brain produces its own problems and there is a feeling of loss, depression, guilt, disappointment...\r\n\r\nSLEEP \r\n\r\nThe effect of sleep on the ethereal physical body is obvious . During sleep, the etheric body is saturated due to the contraction and transformation of the energy of more subtle bodies, as well as its lifting from the gross physical. The food digested by the physical organism finds its further existence in the etheric body, and its most favorable transition is possible at the moment of sleep.\r\n\r\nBut sleep can also be used as a means of destruction, provided that it is turned into an object of passion. A long stay in bed disrupts the necessary circulation of etheric energy, provokes its stagnation and, as a result, there may be disturbances in the nervous system. The tamasic state of mind begins to predominate, opening the way to a negative impact on the functioning of the brain and other internal organs. The vitality drops, and a person can gradually atrophy an adequate perception of physical reality.\r\n\r\nAn insufficient amount of time spent in a state of sleep has an acute effect on human life. Meditational practice, the reasonable preservation of nervous and etheric energy in everyday life shortens the time allotted for rest, the period necessary for rest and replenishment of vitality reduces its duration.\r\n\r\nAddiction to sleep can give rise to ritual tendencies: the need for a certain atmosphere, clothing, preparatory procedures and other activities that are directly related to it. In the end, this can develop into a magical cult based on pleasure, and its consequences can interfere for a long time, drawing attention to all the little things, even indirectly related to sleep, involving in the unnecessary waste of ethereal energy.\r\n\r\nInstinct self-defense \r\n\r\nThe instinct of self-defense is directly related to the etheric body. When a threat to the physical body arises, a survival mechanism is activated, rooted deep in the subconscious. It takes control over the actions of the physical body.\r\n\r\nUnder the manifestation of the instinct of self-preservation, one can sum up the reactions of the etheric body to contacts with other bodies. The main negative feeling, which includes the launch of a protective program, is the awareness of the leakage of etheric energy. Even if the object that provokes the loss is not found by a specific mind, the action to break contact with it is automatically launched and the person, without realizing it himself, makes an effort to leave the zone of influence. At the sensual level, this is expressed by a dual reaction: like - dislike, pleasant - not pleasant.\r\n\r\n\r\n...

Religion and esotericism\r\nTo a limited mind, at a superficial glance, it seems that the religions of religion differ from one another - each has its own gods, sacred books, prayers, rituals, holy places and temples, as well as numerous rules by which believers must live . What is recognized as a virtue in one religion may be considered a sin in another.\r\n\r\nFor example, killing a cow for a Hindu is a more serious sin than killing an ordinary person, while in some other religions it is customary to slaughter cows on holidays . It is forbidden to enter a synagogue and a mosque with an uncovered head, and men are not allowed to be in a headdress in an Orthodox church.\r\n\r\nJews are not allowed to mention the name of the Lord in vain, and Hindus believe: the more often you pronounce the names of the gods, the better. For a Muslim, drinking wine is a sin, while Christians partake of wine in temples. Individual differences between some religions may seem directly opposite, and there are hundreds of such examples.\r\n\r\nWhat do all religions have in common? To answer this question, you need to look at how\"arranged \" each of them. Any religion has a) a cult and b) a special worldview. Cult, or cult practice, involves specific actions of the believer (for example, prayer or visiting a temple). Worldview, or worldview, includes ideas about the surrounding world and man. The most important thing in a religious worldview is the notion of a supernatural, non-material world.\r\n\r\nIndeed, if we remove from each religion what distinguishes it from others, the essence, \"core \", will remain, almost the same for all religions . This essence suggests that the Universe is more complicated than it seems at first glance: in addition to the surrounding world, familiar to everyone, there is another, invisible world that affects what is happening around.\r\n\r\nAnd a person must take this into account, correlating their behavior with certain patterns. It was this knowledge that came from people who later became known as prophets, messiahs, avatars, teachers, and served as the reason for the emergence of all world religions.\r\n\r\nIt is important to emphasize that the founders of any religion spoke only about what was for them a reality, the result of their own experience. They did not have faith in what they were talking about, but direct knowledge of it. Direct knowledge is the result of direct perception. In the same way, a sighted person knows about the existence of the sun because he himself sees it, while a blind person can only believe in its existence from the words of a sighted person. \r\n\r\nTherefore, in every religion an element of faith is obligatory and, as a result, various rituals of worship accompanying it. After all, ordinary people, attracted by the miracles and sermons of the saints, themselves have never experienced anything like the illuminations of the saints. Therefore, for them, the only way to touch the Great Truth was faith and worship. Temples were built, prayers and rituals were created, all of which strengthened faith and helped worship.\r\n\r\nHowever, there were always people who were capable of more. Thanks to special methods of working on themselves, such people improved themselves so much that they themselves learned to experience what their teachers spoke about. Methods of self-improvement were passed from teacher to students, their number grew over time, forming whole schools.\r\n\r\nSo, each religion from the moment of its inception has developed in parallel in two directions. The first - well-known and widespread - is external, based on faith and observance of religious precepts. This direction eventually took shape in religious organizations with their own paraphernalia, rituals and temples, where believers could worship.\r\n\r\nThe second direction - small and closed to the uninitiated - is internal, based on secret knowledge and intensive practices. This is esotericism (from the Greek \"eso\"terikos\" - \"internal\", \"hidden \"), which allowed its followers (esotericists) to practically change themselves in accordance with the ideals proclaimed by the creators of each religion. thanks to direct experience, they learned the deepest truths that underlie all religions.\r\n\r\nFor esotericism, it is important to gain mystical experience, and not to observe rites and rituals that are based on certain religious norms and rules. Therefore, esotericists are also called mystics ( from Greek \"mystikos\" - \"mysterious\").\r\n\r\nMysticism is the expansion of the boundaries of one's perception beyond the material world.\r\nThe mystic manages to directly touch the innermost mysteries of the Universe and man, based not on faith, but on their own experience.Therefore, there have never been disagreements between real esotericists, let alone confrontation, although they could belong to different traditions and schools.After all, mystical experience depends on deep oh, the fundamental structure of man and the universe, and these things are the same for any people and time.\r\n\r\nThe oldest esoteric schools known today arose about 7-10 thousand years ago. Some schools have disappeared, others are still a living tradition. Such schools were or are in Jainism (Digambaras), in Hinduism (many schools of Hindu tantra and yoga), in Bon (Yungdrung Bon), in Buddhism (Vajrayana, Dzogchen), in Taoism ("internal" alchemy, some schools of qigong ), in Judaism (Hasidism, Kabbalah), in Christianity (in Orthodoxy - hesychasm; in Catholicism - followers of Ignatius Loyola and Malabar Christians), in Islam (many Sufi orders), in voodoo, in the indigenous traditions of American Indians (one of such lines described by Carlos Castaneda), among the natives of Australia, in the traditions of pre-Christian Russia. Many prominent mystics (Empedocles, Pythagoras, Paracelsus, Jacob Boehme, G. I. Gurdjieff, R. Steiner, Osho Rajneesh and many others) are difficult to attribute to any one tradition for a number of reasons; they often created new traditions themselves.\r\n\r\nThe mystics have always kept their knowledge secret, because if it is misunderstood or misused, you can harm yourself and others. But the majority of representatives of traditional religiosity have a very negative attitude towards esotericism, not understanding it at all and therefore considering it a harmful heresy. They are right: after all, they are not concerned with the search for perfection, but with \"protection of faith\".\r\n\r\nSuch \"religious figures\" turn their religions into social organizations that aggressively fight for power over minds and are based on dead dogmas . Being living words in the mouths of their founders, the initial ideas were almost always quickly killed by their followers, completely devoid of charisma and therefore preoccupied with the spread of the "true faith" and the creation of appropriate social institutions. Therefore, not a single bright master fit within the framework of the traditions that existed in his time (because they were already dead), but created a new one, in turn, safely killed by his \"followers\".\r\n\r\nEsoteric often confused with the occult or even with black magic, but it has nothing to do with the evocation of spirits or witchcraft. Quite often, prophecies about the future of the Earth, mysterious legends about the distant past, stories about invisible countries, etc. are often called esoteric. Such stories often contain the myth of a continuous secret war of "white" and "black" beginnings. Such theories usually lead a person to search for dark forces around him (at the same time, of course, he is referred to as representatives of the "light" forces).\r\n\r\nSuch teachings are sometimes called mesoteric (from the Greek \"mesos\ "-\"middle \"), i.e., the middle teaching between ordinary knowledge - exoteric (from the Greek \"exo\"terikos \" - \"external\") and esotericism. After all, if a person sees only a small part of the truth, then, naturally, he thinks out this part to the whole by virtue of his ideas about it. This is how mesotericism arose. Homework: name the schools and the most prominent representatives of mesotericism (use the signs that are set out in the first three sentences of this paragraph).\r\n\r\nThus, each religion is conditionally divided into two layers - external (ritual-ritual) and internal (esoteric). These two layers of each religion (in the ideal "healthy" religion) complement each other, as they allow different people to develop depending on their natural data. For example, isolated cases are known when ordinary believers experienced deep mystical experiences during prayer.\r\n\r\nHowever, one of the tasks of esoteric practices is to teach a person to consciously and purposefully achieve such states.\r\n\r\nSometimes external ( ritual-ritual) part of religion is compared with the body, and its inner (esoteric) part - with the soul. Esotericism itself is like a huge iceberg, most of which is under water and hidden from the gaze of the uninitiated.\r\n\r\n...

The so-called "autonomic nervous system" works in the human body. Auto means \"self\", but then who is this Auto that activates the autonomic nervous system? Medicine has called it a self-regulating system, but who is this Self? This Himself is the Spirit. This Spirit dwells in the heart of every human being and is in the state of an unattached witness. Spirit is a reflection of God Almighty, while Kundalini is a reflection of God's energy, His desire. This energy of God is the Primordial Mother and is called Adi Shakti, Holy Spirit or Athena. Thus, Kundalini is a reflection of the Holy Spirit, while Spirit is a reflection of God Almighty. The all-pervading energy of love is the energy of the Primordial Mother, which creates, grows and does all living work.\r\n\r\nThere are three channels in this system\r\n\r\nThe left energy channel is called the Ida Nadi and connects to the right and back side of the brain. The right and left energy channels intersect at the level of the Agnya (Ajna) chakra. The left channel feeds the left sympathetic nervous system. The left channel is responsible for the emotional life of a person and his past. We can say that the past is stored in this channel. Everything that is present today becomes the past tomorrow. The unconscious draws information and images from this energy channel. In addition, the unconscious mind of each person is connected to the centuries-old collective unconscious mind. All events that have occurred since the creation of the world are in a dormant state in the collective unconscious. This collective unconscious accumulates and stores everything that happened in the process of evolution, everything that is dead or dropped out of the process of evolution, as well as everything that comes out of the unconscious mind of people.\r\n\r\nThe right energy channel is called Pingala Nadi . It intersects with the Ida Nadi at the level of the Agnya chakra. It is connected to the left and front side of the brain. This energy channel feeds the right sympathetic nervous system. On the right side is the conscious mind that creates our future. Everything that a person thinks about the future is written on the right side, which has access to the collective superconsciousness. The collective superconscious receives everything that is dead, which has happened due to overly ambitious, future-oriented individuals, aggressive animals or plants.\r\n\r\nThe central energy channel is called the Sushumna Nadi. Kundalini passes through it to then pass through the region of the fontanel bone (Brahmarandhra) and connect with the energy of the All-pervading Divine Love. Sushumna Nadi is the energy channel of the present, only the person whose Kundalini has risen through this channel can objectively perceive reality, being in the state of an unattached witness, in constant connection with God.\r\n...

Gold is not only a precious metal that symbolizes wealth and prosperity - it is capable of absorbing and processing information from the environment at the energy level.\r\n\r\nGold products have a powerful energy field that can transmit information to the human body and thereby influence on his health. So, sometimes a woman suffers from infertility for years, and the reason is in the massive wedding ring that she wears, almost without taking it off, on her ring finger. It is associated with the endocrine glands, and gold can have a negative effect on the ovaries, adrenal glands, mammary glands, reproductive function.\r\n\r\nHowever, gold sometimes serves for medicinal purposes. Healers use golden gizmos as a remedy for various ailments. For example, if your teeth hurt, take a wedding ring hanging on a thread, or a gold pendant, dip it into a jar of water and rotate it clockwise, whispering a spell: “Like you, gold, you don’t deteriorate in water, you don’t change your color, so may my teeth not deteriorate and always be white and healthy. After the ritual, save the water and rinse your teeth with it.\r\n\r\nThere are many signs and superstitions associated with gold. So, the bride should not wear her mother's wedding ring during the wedding - the marriage will be unsuccessful.\r\n\r\nIt is a very bad omen - the loss of the wedding ring: the couple is waiting for a divorce.\r\n\r\nFamilies are usually proud of their family jewels . Meanwhile, gold “records” in memory information about all its owners, including negative ones! Think carefully before putting on the ring of the late great-grandmother, whom her husband cheated on right and left, or the earrings of an aunt who died of cancer!\r\n\r\nIf you cannot part with the family gold, put it in a box so that from time to time time to get and admire. And it’s better to wear new jewelry that no one has worn before you. A modest remake ring is much safer than an expensive fancy bracelet that has survived revolutions, wars and repressions!\r\n\r\nTo turn the power of gold to your advantage, before putting on your jewelry, whisper the plot seven times: “Gold , golden! You have the power of the sun. As you made kings, kings great and rich, so make me, a servant of God (name), have and all-powerful. May it be so!" At the same time, imagine how the sun's rays penetrate the jewelry.\r\n\r\nBy the way, gold can also transmit "signals" from the future! Divination on a chain, common in antiquity, is almost forgotten today. But in vain! After all, it can tell a lot.\r\n\r\nYou can guess when everyone in the house is asleep. Sit down at the table, take the chain and rub it in your hands until it gets hot.\r\n\r\nAfter that, mentally formulate your question. Taking the chain in your right hand, throw it sharply on the table. According to the shape that the thrown gold item forms, they interpret the answer.\r\n\r\nIf the chain has taken the form of a bow, you will meet your loved one, engagement or wedding.\r\n\r\nIf the chain has formed a figure eight, you are expected fateful events.\r\n\r\nThe shape of a circle indicates that you will soon find yourself in a difficult situation (in a vicious circle).\r\n\r\nDid the chain lie like a snake? Be careful - you can be betrayed!\r\n\r\nThe triangle promises success and good luck, especially in love.\r\n\r\nAn even streak predicts luck, winnings and pleasant surprises.\r\n\r\nBut if the chain lies in a tangled knot, illness and trouble await you.\r\n\r\nThe shape of the heart indicates that you are dearly loved by someone and this love will bring you happiness.\r\n\r\nThe main thing is not to buy fake gold chains, otherwise all divination will go down the drain!\r\n\r\n...

There are several occult rules that it is advisable to adhere to - in this case, your new family life will not repeat past mistakes.\r\n\r\nHere they are:\r\n\r\n1. You should go to bed first and get up second.\r\n\r\n2. While sitting at the dinner table, spouses should start eating at the same time and try to finish their meal together as well.\r\n\r\n3. Be sure to give each other \"unordered\" gifts on the wedding anniversary, from which a collection would eventually turn out (these can be souvenirs, cups, trinkets, icons).\r\n\r\n4. During sexual intimacy, it is advisable to practice the pose \"face to face\".\r\n\r\n5. During a quarrel, cross the little fingers with the ring fingers, and the middle fingers with the index fingers. At the same time, mentally say: \"Together four times!\" These not entirely clear words somehow help to neutralize the conflict.\r\n\r\n6. Meet and see each other off with a kiss at the front door. Old people claim that it would be good for those who have not yet divorced to adopt these rules, but for some reason young people are not interested in them.\r\n\r\n...

The mirror has always been considered by the Slavs as a symbol of the doubling of reality and as a border between the earthly and other worlds. The most stable and widespread customs among all Slavic peoples include the custom, immediately after death, to hang a mirror with some kind of cloth, turn it against the wall, or even take it out of the room in which the deceased is located, which was precisely explained by the fear of an open border to the other world. .\r\n\r\n\r\nHaving up or turning away the mirror, as well as the prohibition to look into it, also applies to some dangerous time, for example, at midnight or during a thunderstorm. It is considered dangerous to look in the mirror after midnight, because\"you will see the devil\", and it is especially scary on Good Friday. They believe that \"to look at the mirror at night is to invite trouble on yourself. Slavic traditions prescribe a woman not to look in the mirror during menstruation, pregnancy and the postpartum period.\r\n\r\nAll Slavs know the ban on bringing a child aged up to one year to a mirror. It is believed that a child may be frightened of his own reflection, and after that he will not sleep well or have bad dreams. If an infant is brought to a mirror before the official baptism and naming at night, this may bring misfortune to him.\r\ n\r\nIn other places, they believe that \"they don't show a child in a mirror until they are a year old, otherwise they won't talk for a long time\".\r\n\r\nIn all these cases, the danger lies not only in contact with the other world through the mirror world, but also the possibility of bifurcation between the world of people and the other world and thus turning into a sorcerer, witch, ghoul, etc.\r\n\r\nThe same applies to the prohibition that exists today: to eat in front of a mirror - otherwise \"eat your beauty\". going through the \"window\" into the other world \"draws in\", takes away the beauty of the original.\r\n\r\n\r\n...

Divination is one of the most ancient types of knowledge, and its origins go back thousands of years. How many cultures exist, how many divination and occult knowledge exist, and faith in the magical powers of nature and man is the strongest faith that makes up the essence of the human psyche. Quite an interesting question - why do people turn to divinatory practice and what questions do they most often do this with?\r\n\r\nOf course, magic is closely connected with the practical life of a person, and it was formed based on the belief that the whole world is permeated information, we are in their streams, and the past, present and future are inextricably linked with us, and we can influence the present and future with the help of certain rituals. People who are most skeptical of fortune-telling should note for themselves the fact that in history there is not a single culture or association of people (for example, in a tribe or ethnic clan) in which there would be no rituals of magic and fortune-telling. Everyone in the world can't be wrong, right? Especially at all times and peoples, so to speak.\r\n\r\nThe origins of love magic \r\n\r\nLove magic, as most specialists call it, also comes from the most ordinary human need to be loved and the only one, to be needed by someone, perhaps, it is in love that the need to take care of someone is also realized and, of course, questions of a sexual nature. The world was created dual, i.e. divided into two halves - men and women, and for the continuation of the race, love and the continuation of the human race are needed.\r\n\r\nOf course, sometimes everything is not as perfect as you want. And quite often those with whom you want to be are not free, or they simply do not want to be with you, or rivals appear. It is generally accepted that it is women who use love magic more. But, however, it is not so. And men also resort to the help of magic potions, and to the help of fortune-tellers and sorceresses, and to fortune-telling. In this regard, the human psyche is not divided into male and female, everyone is driven by only one factor in this direction - to possess what you want to possess.\r\n\r\nWhy people often guess at a guy\r\n\r\n the statistics show that it is women or girls who are more likely to guess at a guy than men or guys at girls or women. In Russian culture, there is even a whole layer of Christmas divination for a guy and further marriage, but there are no male analogues of this kind. This stems, of course, from the historical place of a woman, especially in Russia - her oppressed-subordinate position, dependence on her father, husband and brothers, severity of morals and upbringing, although the latter is not so much in doubt as real reality when studying folklore of different periods. and that attitude towards a woman, which runs like a red thread through various proverbs and sayings. The need to tell fortunes about a guy also stems from the fact that in our society there is still a stereotype of the wealth and success of a woman in the presence of her husband. Therefore, there is a great need to know all the details about a loved one. But men are arranged somewhat differently, if they like a woman, then they study her for a long time, examine her, i.e. conduct field observations. Therefore, it often turns out that men know women better than women know them. If you don’t believe me, then answer the question why there are much more family or love couples in which a man cheats on a woman, and exposure to them is not such a frequent question, but on the contrary, there are very few? And the answer is not in the psychology of a man's polygamy, but precisely in this - a man knows his woman much better than a woman knows her man. And women are much more likely to go to self-deception, not wanting to see completely obvious things to the last.\r\n\r\nHow best to tell fortunes to a guy \r\n\r\nThere are many ways to tell fortunes to the opposite sex, starting from ordinary types divination (cards, Tarot, runes, kumalak, I-Ching, etc.), including a complex series of Christmas divinations (throwing a felt boot, spinning hair into a comb, putting a glass under the bed, etc.) and the use of love spells and spells. The openness of the latest information in almost easy access caused just a stream of love spells and lapels, of course, made in a fit of passionate desire (which enhances the effect), but not taking into account the moral side of the issue. And the moral side is far from the last moment in difficult ethical situations.\r\n\r\nLet me give you one example. A few years ago, a very young girl, no more than 17-18 years old, turned to me to guess. She said that her problem was that she could not arrange her personal life in any way, although at such an early age, in my opinion, this is not a problem at all. Nevertheless. Fortune-telling showed, however, that she had once bewitched the guy. To my question about this, she thought deeply, then remembered that at the age of 13 (!) She bewitched the guy by burying his photograph in the cemetery. This, of course, is some kind of terrible ritual. The girl safely forgot about it, she made friends with that guy for some time, they parted, but then - that's it. And her question about what she should do now can be perceived as a payment for the moral and ethical side of this issue. You can’t joke with love magic.\r\n\r\nTypes of love damage\r\n\r\nAs you can see from the previous example, love magic is not only harmless fortune-telling, it is also sabotage, unfortunately, more and more having distribution. The types of love spoilage include the crown of celibacy. Some experts in the field of practical magic claim that it is quite rare, but the practice of divination says quite the opposite. This type of damage is very, very common. Such damage can be a family curse (in some occult practices it is even considered bad for the family, if girls are born in the family for three generations in a row, then the family degenerates), it can be the result of accidental engagement of damage (that is, someone did it, and the person accidentally hooked it - stepped on or took away some thing that was damaged) or an intentionally perfect ritual (from ordinary strong envy to a magical rite, as in the above case). Thus, we can say that most people really want to know their future. A lot of women really want to tell fortunes on a guy. These are normal human desires. And most importantly, when they receive information, do not go to extremes, do not resort to undesirable rituals in order to bewitch or bewitch someone. This is precisely the main danger, because human happiness is born in trials, and when they say “Lucky” to a well-established fate, then this is wrong. Each of us deserves our destiny. Not "lucky" - but "deserved". And you need to deserve it from a very young age.\r\n\r\nThen there is every chance to tell fortunes about a guy and see strong love until the end of your life, the one and only.\r\n...

Esotericism is a doctrine accessible only to initiates who do not have the right to spread it further. For example, Jewish Kabbalah, ancient Greek mysteries, and Gnostic teachings are considered secret teachings. At present, the teachings of Freemasons, Theosophists, Anthroposophists are secret.\r\n\r\nEsoteric knowledge is secret, hidden knowledge - everything that has been collected and stored by different peoples for centuries, passed down from generation to generation, lost and reappeared . This is age-old wisdom, understanding of oneself and knowledge of life.\r\n\r\nUntil recently, true esotericism has never been intended for the attention of the general public.\r\n\r\nThe sacredness of esotericism was due to many reasons, but the main ones are are the following: there was no permission from above; there was no need for widespread distribution; difficult to comprehend for a simple layman. At the end of the 20th century, in many esoteric circles (and above all in the Kabbalistic tradition), a decision was made to spread esoteric knowledge among the masses. This decision is based on the maturation of the main reasons listed above.\r\n\r\nAstrology, Magic, Meditation, Mysticism, Clairvoyance, Parapsychology, etc. - it all has one thing in common: the mystical basis of the worldview, which is at the opposite pole with the scientific worldview: science is based on empirical, reproducible data - axioms, and mysticism - on unknowable, indefinite concepts.\r\n\r\nThe inexplicable attracts charlatans like a magnet and how to find the truth among the sea of ​​deceit? And how often does it exist at all?\r\n\r\nUnfortunately, inexplicable phenomena usually, for some reason, cannot feed the hungry, cure alcoholism and make the economy efficient. They cannot help where the real deal is needed. But they can help find those tools that would allow you to find ways out of difficult and confusing situations. Maybe that's why they are so difficult to test and explain?\r\n\r\nIt's easy to write a beautiful theory to describe the unknown. It is easy to talk smartly about something that is difficult to verify. And if the mystery of being is not fiction?\r\n\r\nA strong spirit is interested in the world around, it is they who subsequently become interested in these things.\r\n\r\nEsoterics, mystics, through direct experience, learn the deepest truths. It is assumed that they manage to directly touch the deepest secrets of the Universe and man, not due to blind faith, but through their own experience.\r\n\r\nTherefore, there have never been disagreements between real esotericists, even those belonging to different traditions and schools, and even more more than confrontation - mystical experience depends on the fundamental structure of man and the universe, and these things are the same for any people and time. Dogmatic heterodoxy is the most important sign of esotericism.\r\n\r\nBut real miracles and phenomena happen between people when they do good deeds. When they smile at each other. When love settles in their hearts...\r\n\r\nHere is the true esoteric that opens up through search, knowledge and love!\r\n\r\n...

When troubles begin to pour on our heads, we sigh sadly: \"Oh, I would know where to fall, I would lay straws\". In fact, our guardian angel always warns us about future misunderstandings. But not many of us hear it...\r\n\r\nOn the street, you now and then meet a humpbacked man, an old man or an old woman. The guardian angel warns that on this day it is undesirable for you to stay late at a party or at work. Do not leave the house after dark: there is a high risk of becoming a victim of a bully, a robber or a person with an unbalanced psyche.\r\n\r\nThe watch has stopped. The guardian angel warns: do not lend money to anyone and under any pretext today. You can hardly return them back. If you succeed in collecting the debt, your relationship with an unscrupulous borrower will be seriously damaged, and you will regret a hundred times that you have done a good deed.\r\n\r\nEvery now and then you come across a flock of noisy sparrows. On this day, it is better to cancel any trip, whether it be a vacation, a business trip or a trip to the country. Along the way, you will encounter a lot of problems and troubles. Possible loss of a large amount of money and deterioration in health.\r\n\r\nThe ballpoint pen leaked. In the coming days, in no case do not hint to the boss about a salary increase or a possible transfer of you to a higher position. You still won’t achieve what you want, and even ruin your relationship with your boss.\r\n\r\nThe vehicle you are driving suddenly broke down. Today, you are strictly forbidden to make large purchases, take out a loan, put money in a bank, sign important contracts and financial documents. None of the above operations will bring you luck, but there will be more than enough headaches.\r\n\r\nYou are constantly seen by the car, the number of which consists of three identical digits. Thus, the Guardian Angel says that today you should not take decisive steps, on which your future life depends to one degree or another. Wait a little with a marriage proposal, a new job, buying a home, building a summer house. Now is not the right time for that.\r\n\r\nYou're getting out of hand. Keep a close eye on your property: handbag, wallet, do not open the door to strangers, avoid hot places - the risk of becoming a victim of a thief or fraudster is greater than ever.\r\n\r\nYou are late for an important meeting, but the bus (tram) is all no, the minibuses go past overcrowded, and the taxis have disappeared somewhere. The guardian angel is doing everything possible to keep you out of the trip. Even if you are heading to a very important meeting, on which, as you think, your future well-being depends, put it aside and return home.\r\n\r\nHome appliances keep failing, flowers wither, dishes break. Take a closer look at your household. Perhaps one of them urgently needs your help or advice, and for one reason or another they do not dare to contact you, it is possible that it will be too late for a moment.\r\n\r\n...

A pregnant woman and already a mother are often surrounded by a huge number of superstitions and signs. Listening to some signs and observing superstitions is not so bad. First of all, because it removes many fears, and calmness in such a state is very important for a woman. Not everything can be explained from the point of view of reason.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nA woman who has \"critical \" days should not visit babies - otherwise they may develop skin diseases.\ r\n\r\nPregnant women should very rarely look in the mirror.\r\n\r\nA newborn should not be placed at the mother's feet - otherwise the baby will get sick.\r\n\r\nWhen swaddling a baby, the knot is tied in front to speak faster .\r\n\r\nYou can't feed a baby in front of strangers - the mother may lose milk.\r\n\r\nIf there are children under one year old in the house, then nothing should be taken out of the house after sunset, especially garbage. \r\n\r\nUntil the age of one year, the child's hair is not cut - otherwise he will have a bad fate.\r\n\r\nDo not hang anything on the handrails of the cradle.\r\n\r\nWhen you take the child away from the breast , do not do this on the day of the great martyr. At the same time, you need to cut off a small piece from the whole bread, sprinkle it with a pinch of salt, give it to the baby’s hands and say: “Here, go to your bread so that you are rich and big, like this bread is big!\”\r\n \r\nDo not allow small children to kiss each other - they may get sick.\r\n\r\nMake sure that your baby's diaper does not fall on the ground, otherwise he may get sick.\r\n\r\nLay your baby down at night in such a way that moonlight does not fall on him, otherwise he may get sick (the window should be curtained if there is no other place in the apartment).\r\n\r\nTry not to look drunk and crazy people, as well as street fortune-tellers, gypsies (even talking to them and answering questions should not be done, bad things can happen). Also, you should not look into the eyes of people with pronounced defects in appearance for a long time.\r\n\r\n...

The study of lines in the palm of the hand has been studied for a very long time: in China, palmistry appeared as early as 3000 BC, already in the Indian Vedic texts of 1550 there are references, in ancient Greece and Rome, many doctors could not imagine treatment without palmistry. Both Hippocrates and Aristotle were engaged in palmistry, and in the Middle Ages this science was studied in most medical institutions. What do the lines and bulges on our palms mean? \r\n \r\nWhen examining your hands, remember that, according to many palmists, the lines on the right hand are the past, and on the left - the present and future. According to another version, the lines of the left hand are what is predicted by fate to a person, and the right hand is how much a person realizes his fate corresponds to it. (In the second interpretation, predictions on the right hand are more accurate - after all, our life consists not only of what is predicted, but also of our own volitional actions and decisions.) \r\n \r\nThe life line begins between the thumb and forefinger, goes around tubercle near the thumb (mount of Venus) and goes to the bracelets on the arm. A clear, even, without breaks, breaks and points, the line of life promises its owner a smooth, calm and happy life. Thick and "strong" - health, success. Thin, intermittent - diseases (for most people, the life line is intermittent both at the beginning and at the end, which indicates childhood illnesses and problems in old age). At the same time, large gaps can mean serious illnesses and even clinical death (compare with the second hand - it will either confirm the “diagnosis” or refute it). Various islands on the life line, dots, dashes can also indicate various kinds of diseases.\r\n\r\nThe head line starts near the life line (between the fingers) and horizontally crosses the palm (but does not always reach the other end of the palm). This line tells not only about the mental abilities of a person, but also about his rationality, temper, emotionality. Clear, direct, clearly marked, long - a good analytical mind; wide - irascibility, aggressiveness; thin and long - frivolity, variability; “broken” (with breaks, small lines) - anger, duplicity, pretense, artistry. Fracture in the line of the head, a small "island", dots - damage to the nervous system, head, wounds in the head, severe headaches (depending on size).\r\n\r\nThe line of fate begins at the wrist and rises through the entire palm up to the fingers. It characterizes fate, life path, change of occupation, life successes and failures. The longer and clearer the line of fate, the more success awaits a person throughout life (Napoleon had a very clear line of fate - one line across his entire hand). Double line - success, satisfied pride; serpentine - a lot of trouble in life; breaks - life changes (work, service, marriage). If branches extending from the line lead up - successes, down - failures. Islets and dots on the line of fate mean deceit and betrayal. End of the line: near the index finger (on the hill of Jupiter) - honors, wealth; near the middle (on the hill of Saturn) - success in matters of religion, philosophy, in everything related to land, agriculture, gardening, houses, construction; near the ring finger (on the hill of the Sun) - success in art; near the little finger (on the hill of Mercury) - success in trade and industry.\r\n\r\nThe line of the heart starts below the little finger (under the hill of Mercury) and usually goes towards the thumb. The best option is a flat line of the heart with "spikelets" (small lines), ending in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe index finger - a lot of happiness and success in love. The descent of the heart line to the thumb (towards the Venus Hill) means that a person does not always think with his head, relying more on emotions (the double line of the heart also knows this) - such people need to learn to control their emotions. And an absolutely straight line that runs through the entire hand, usually in cold, straightforward people.\r\n\r\nThe line of health is the furthest line from the thumb. It usually starts at the wrist (sometimes higher - on the hill of the Moon) and ends near the little finger. This line on the hand may not be at all, which indicates a person’s good health. Some professional palmists can predict diseases along this line that are destined for a particular person. But without knowing the subtleties, one can only say that serious breaks in the line mean the fight against diseases. At the same time, a line that is too bright or wide indicates a person's poor health and sensitivity to external phenomena. \r\n\r\nThe Sun Line is located between the line of fate and the line of health, starting at the bottom and ending near the fingers. Everything that is said about success can be seen on this line. The longer, stronger, brighter this line is expressed, the greater success awaits a person in life (for example, Goethe had a line of the Sun that passed through the entire arm and ended at the end of the upper joint of the ring finger), while the serpentine line is the inconstancy of success. Branches from the line pointing upwards (towards the fingers) mean success; downward - failure; transverse - problems in achieving the desired; "Islands" - scandals, betrayals. But most palmists interpret any dashes, dots and islands on this line as an aspiration and an opportunity for success. Especially successful (and quite rare) is the beginning of the line near the bracelet - this means that a person will be lucky from birth.\r\n\r\nBracelets most often mean the length of life. On average, 30 years are allotted for a bracelet. That is, a triple turn around the wrist means a life of at least 90 years. But some palmists attribute 35–37 years to bracelets, but at the same time they necessarily rely on the line of life. Hills in palmistry\r\n\r\nWhen we first study the palm, we always pay attention to the lines, we learn from them what awaits us. But if you look more closely and delve a little deeper into the essence, then the small mounds between which these lines pass can tell no less. \r\n\r\nThe hill of Venus is a hill near the thumb, separated by a line of life. He talks about everything related to love and human feelings. If the upper part of the hill (closest to the index finger) is more developed, then this indicates the elevation of a person, his purity and bright feelings. A highly developed, raised lower part (near the wrist) will tell you that you have a sexually vicious person in front of you, perhaps too preoccupied with this. The almost flat hill of Venus speaks of the coldness of feelings; smooth and beautiful - about the harmony of relationships. Deep and frequent lines on the hill of Venus tell about passion and ardor in love. The cross on the hill of Venus (quite rare) predicts one love for life.\r\n\r\nThe hill of Jupiter is located near the index finger. Its presence tells that a person at least strives for happiness. A flat hill or its absence (occurs infrequently) represents a lazy, selfish person. A smooth hill portends happiness and a calm life, a straight line on it is a sign of success, small lines are ambitious aspirations, many of which will be crowned with success. An overdeveloped hill of Jupiter, according to palmists, betrays a person who loves to enjoy the delights of life, sometimes even too much.\r\n\r\nThe hill of Saturn is located at the base of the middle finger. A well-developed hill indicates that a person has such qualities as wisdom, caution, wit, courage and independence. The almost flat hill of Saturn speaks of the absence of joys in life and the isolation of character. An overly developed hillock, which clearly stands out on the hand, emphasizes such qualities as isolation, asceticism, melancholy temperament, and a tendency to suffer from remorse. One straight line on the hill - great happiness, many small ones - misfortunes.\r\n\r\nThe hill of Apollo (Sun) is located near the ring finger. A well-developed hill speaks of intelligence, genius, religious tolerance, love of literature, arts and, in general, everything beautiful. An overdeveloped hill of the Sun emphasizes the passion for money, extravagance, vanity and boastfulness of the owner of such a hand. The almost complete absence of this hill reveals a callous materialist and prose writer who is alien to ideals and understanding of beauty and art. One clear line on the hill of Apollo means talent and glory, and two intersecting lines - a talent left without external success or without realization.\r\n\r\nThe hill of Mercury is located directly under the little finger. Excessively developed, this hill indicates slyness, a tendency to steal, impudence and deceit. But at the same time, the smooth but full hill of Mercury shows an intelligent and witty person. Well developed means a love of science, ability and interest in spiritual activities and oratory talent, it can also indicate a commercial streak, the ability to look into the mysteries of the supernatural, resourcefulness, presence of mind, wit and a penchant for magical activities. Indented with deep lines, this hill can indicate a person's thievery (especially if it is also overdeveloped), but just one or two shallow lines predict cardinal changes in fate.\r\n\r\nThe upper hill of Mars is located under the hill of Mercury and responsible for courage, determination, self-control, justice and chivalrous nobility. The more developed this hill, the easier a person takes risks and copes with difficulties. If there is a hollow in this place, then the person is prone to cowardice.\r\n\r\nThe lower hill of Mars is located under the hill of Jupiter and is responsible for aggressiveness, gambling, cruelty. With a moderately developed hill, you should not worry, but if it is too convex, then these qualities can become negative.\r\n\r\nThe best option is when both the Upper and Lower hills of Mars are approximately equally developed.\r\n\r \nThe Hill of the Moon is located under Upper Mars. A normally developed lunar hill indicates purity, meekness and purity of heart, as well as a lively fantasy and strong intuition, sometimes a tendency to mysticism and sentimentality. The flat hill of the Moon emphasizes the weakness of the imagination and the underdevelopment of poetic taste; overly developed betrays a nature prone to sadness and sadness, such a person often and unreasonably falls into despair, is constantly dissatisfied and has an unrestrained fantasy that makes him dream of the impossible and chase after the a priori unattainable. The lines on this hill cause the holders of such a hand to often experience bad feelings, and as a result, migraines and headaches.\r\n\r\nThe hill of Neptune is located near the wrist, between the hills of Venus and the Moon. Its presence speaks of a penchant for mysticism, the abilities of a medium, a reasonable craving for everything mysterious. More often than not, people who have high ground in this place have some kind of gift or talent.\r\n...

The Russian people are dominated by a respectful attitude towards the brownie. In the house, the brownie is considered a zealous owner, he loves those families in which peace, harmony and love prevail, where the house is always tidy, order and cleanliness.\r\n\r\nTo avoid trouble, it is necessary to it was necessary to carry out a small ritual so that the brownie moved with the owners. Since it is believed that the brownie cannot live without people.\r\n\r\nAbandoned in an old and abandoned house, having lost his owners, the brownie cries and howls bitterly...\r\n\r\nWithout human society, the brownie begins to rage , become evil. Such brownies cannot be re-accustomed to people. They must be driven away or even killed, if, of course, there is enough strength, since this brownie can harm a person.\r\n\r\nOn big holidays (Maundy Thursday, Easter, Christmas) in good families after a gala dinner be sure to leave the brownie treats on the table. Even the name day of the brownie "housekeeper" was celebrated, they were celebrated on February 10, on Efrim Sirin. On this day, it was necessary to leave the “owner” of the hotel on the table. Usually it is bread with porridge. At the same time, they said: “Owner-priest, take care of the cattle”, “Host-priest, take bread and salt, drive the cattle.” After the celebratory supper, the "susedko" was humble and obliging all year round. If this is not done, then the brownie from a good creature could turn into an evil and harmful one, and after that all things in the household will go awry.\r\n\r\nOn the ninth of June, on the day of Fedor, the brownie settles down to sleep on a broom, and he accidentally can be taken out of the house with the trash. Therefore, on this day, the peasants in Russia did not grind the floors at all, so that prosperity and comfort would not leave the house together with the brownie.\r\n\r\nBut on the twelfth of April, on John of the Ladder, the brownie could play tricks and rage all night until the roosters will not sing.\r\n\r\nHow not to offend the brownie\r\n\r\nThe brownie does not like it very much when they whistle in the house, and can leave the house forever.\r\n\r\nThe brownie is also very unhappy I like tobacco smoke, so you should never smoke in your house, since this smoke settles on household utensils, furniture and does not disappear.\r\n\r\nIf evil people are visiting you, the brownie will try to survive such people by any means: he can choke, put pressure on them.\r\n\r\nThe brownie also anticipates the approach of damage. He tries to warn the owner if a person with evil intentions and black thoughts has come to the house. In such cases, from the hands of this person, the dishes may fall to the floor and the dishes may break, something may spill on the tablecloth. It can also happen with the owner himself, as the brownie will try to warn him.\r\n\r\nAccording to popular beliefs, piercing and cutting objects (forks, knives, etc.) should not be left on the table at night, because this prevents the brownie from protecting the house and resisting evil forces.\r\n\r\nHow to communicate with the brownie\r\n\r\nBefore, people believed that if you talk to the brownie, you can either become dumb or become a stutterer forever. Therefore, it is recommended to simply listen to what the brownie warns about. If the dishes rattle, a fire may occur; if it is doused with water, then to illness; and if he cries and groans, then I will burn; if he starts to howl and slam doors - to death.\r\n\r\nSometimes, in order to warn, the brownie can jump on the chest of a sleeping person and wake him up, at this moment he must be asked: “For better or for worse?” The brownie should answer very quietly in a human voice. Some threw him on the floor, while the brownie groaned, but did not take offense, since this is excusable for a sleepy person.\r\n...

In ancient times, amulets - objects that protect a person from trouble and bring good luck, were made by healers and sorcerers. There were rules, rituals, prayers and spells were read over the amulets. For example, a horseshoe, designed to protect the house from unwanted guests and bring wealth, was forged by a blacksmith in the dead of midnight, being completely naked.\r\n\r\nNow you can choose your own amulet. To do this, it is enough just to believe that this or that object helps you in life. But it doesn't hurt to know some rules and traditions.\r\n \r\nA red woolen thread tied around the wrists and ankles makes the disease go away and removes the evil eye. Have you noticed that many amulets are worn not on chains, but on simple ropes? A thread that is made by one's own hands within one day is the best suited for ritual actions. And a knot tied with a spell on such a rope carries a strong magical power. Scandinavian sailors, for example, believed that a sorcerer could sharpen the power of the wind into three knots: if you untie the first one, a light breeze will blow, the second one will be stronger, and the third one will start a real hurricane!\r\n\r\nSmall pendants - horseshoes bring good luck. In general, all items associated with the image of a horse are lucky.\r\n\r\nSmall copy of a weapon - good luck in battle. And separately, hatchets are symbols of a prosperous family life.\r\n\r\nThe scallop is from the evil eye.\r\n\r\nThe tooth or claw of the beast, albeit artificial, scares off enemies and adds strength and dexterity to the owner.\r\n \r\nThe key on the neck closes the house from harmful visitors and helps to achieve wealth.\r\n\r\nPisces is a symbol not only of the zodiac sign, but also of good luck. By the way, in Christian traditions it is also a symbol of Jesus Christ.\r\n\r\nThe figurine of a bird contributes to happiness in the house and protects the owner.\r\n\r\nThe dolphin personifies calmness, strength, love.\r\n\r \nThe star protects from evil magical forces, denotes constancy and striving for the goal.\r\n\r\nAnchor is a symbol of strength, reliability and security.\r\n\r\nWhich stone will keep you from the evil eye, add health and attract love ? And I also wonder how much it costs.\r\n\r\nIf no stone, except for a 20-carat diamond, warms your heart yet, do not despair. Smart people have already figured out which stone will help you in life.\r\n\r\nFirstly, the stones have long been distributed according to the signs of the zodiac.\r\n\r\nAries - amethyst\r\nTaurus - emerald\r\ nGemini - aquamarine\r\nCancer - jade\r\nLeo - ruby\r\nVirgo - carnelian\r\nLibra - diamond\r\nScorpio - topaz\r\nSagittarius - turquoise\r\nCapricorn - agate\r\nAquarius - sapphire\r\nPisces - coral\r\n\r\nSecondly, the planet under which you were born also influences the choice of the “right” pebble. Therefore, the list of stones for each sign is much longer than the one given. If you are interested in the complete set, ask our astrologer.\r\n\r\nThirdly, a certain stone is activated every month. If you have the financial ability to change stones by month, here is a list of which stone will be most successful in which month.\r\nJanuary - pomegranate, hyacinth\r\nFebruary - amethyst, hyacinth\r\nMarch - jasper, amethyst\r \nApril - sapphire, jasper\r\nMay - agate, emerald, sapphire\r\nJune - emerald, agate\r\nJuly - onyx, emerald\r\nAugust - carnelian, sardonyx\r\nSeptember - chrysolite, sardier\r \nOctober - beryl, aquamarine, chrysolite\r\nNovember - topaz, beryl\r\nDecember - ruby, topaz\r\n\r\nAn old brownie is considered the guardian of the hearth, comfort and peace in the house. Domovyata dolls are sold in almost every transition or shop with folk art products. True, this does not mean that by hanging a straw brownie on the kitchen wall, you will make your house a full bowl. But this is definitely the first step, because his own image will delight the “real” brownie.\r\n\r\nAnother reason for his joy is the so-called brownie, like a toy, decorative broom, wreath or any other household item in beautiful frame. Each item means different things.\r\n\r\nThe broom protects the house from any evil that comes from outside. By the way, a broom designed for such purposes, and not for cleaning, is customary to change to a new one every year. So, the troubles that have accumulated over the year will be swept away in the literal sense of the word with a "shameful broom."\r\n\r\nThe sun is generally the main Slavic amulet. It drives out evil spirits and promotes well-being. Decorative sunflowers have the same meaning.\r\n\r\nA wreath is a home amulet for almost all occasions. It affects the sphere, the symbols of which are woven into it. Rings - for the wedding.\r\n\r\nBread ears - for wealth, for a good harvest in every sense. Garlic - to scare away evil spirits.\r\n\r\nLinen boxes in brownies remove damage, the evil eye.\r\n\r\nA bast shoe, even the smallest, attached to a kitchen cabinet, is considered to be a house for a brownie. Hanging a bast shoe on the wall, you need to invite the brownie there with the words: “Here's a sleigh for you, go with us.”\r\n\r\nBy the way, about the location of the brownie. Sometimes, according to legend, brownies choose spruce or pine twigs as housing. But the brownie does not hang from above, like a New Year's ball, but is buried under the branches ....

Despite the fact that, in the courtyard of the third millennium, we still continue to believe in omens. For example, these:\r\n\r\n avoid borrowing money on Tuesday - you will be in debt all your life \r\n \r\n take money with your left hand, and give it with your right \r\n \r\n money likes an account , but not from the piggy bank (they will stop accumulating) and not late in the evening \r\n \r\n money goes to money, but just as willingly into the house if the broom is upside down \r\n \r\n money they leave like water: you can’t have uncorrected plumbing in the house in order to avoid water leaks. \r\n\r\nPeople have always considered it dangerous to pick up small things on the street, especially at crossroads - a small thing can be charmed. Raising a coin, you run the risk of getting a whole bunch of karmic sores in addition. In general, any found\"easy \" money-a rather dangerous thing. For example, in Japan, no one ever picks up a lost wallet (except to take it to the police station). The inhabitants of this country believe that for such an unexpected gift, an expensive find, fate will soon ask very severely, depriving you of something more valuable. Our wise ancestors advised us to use the found money wisely, spending it on good deeds: distribute it to the needy, help the sick, support the orphans. Then the money spent will be returned a hundredfold.\r\n\r\n\r\nAnd yet, money must be lured. This has been known to people for a long time. Over the centuries, they have accumulated many ways to bring money into the house. Every nation has always had money talismans: the Russians have an unchangeable nickel, the Americans have the first dollar earned. The Germans kept a bent or drilled coin in their pocket or purse. The Chinese have a money amulet - as many as three yuan (small coins) connected through holes with a red silk ribbon.\r\n\r\nBoth the talisman and the money itself are supposed to be gently stroked and protected from time to time. With the advent of paper money, the custom arose to put banknotes in a wallet with the front side to the owner, always unfolded and neatly straightened. The British advise those who have financial problems to throw a little spider into their pocket. But Russian merchants, having heard the voice of the first cuckoo in the spring, jingled money in their pockets. It was believed that in this case the money would never run out. In order for capital to grow, you need to show a coin to the young month.\r\n\r\nAnd, finally, the most environmental advice. Plant a money tree - a fat woman (it is also called a tree of happiness). Moreover, you should not buy a finished plant, you need to break off a small process yourself, put it in a pot, cherish it and groom it. The tree-like fat woman has a rare stability and unpretentiousness. In general, the fat woman is a light-loving plant. But he doesn't like heat. During the growth period, it is best to keep the fat woman at a temperature of 20-22 degrees. In winter, she prefers cooler temperatures. When airing the room in the cold, be careful. Frosty air can kill the plant. Doesn't like over watering. The soil should dry out between waterings. In order to give the fat woman the shape of a small tree, pinch it at a height of 25-30 cm to form a trunk. For planting, you can use the soil mixture for cacti or succulents.\r\n\r\nThe tree will not only decorate your interior, but also improve your financial situation.\r\n...

Why, after communicating with some people, there is a feeling of unreasonable irritability, the mood deteriorates sharply. There is a feeling that you were "squeezed out like a lemon." Where does this mysterious feeling of fatigue come from? Most likely, your friend is an energy vampire. But how to distinguish an energy vampire from an ordinary person? How to calmly communicate with him and not feel a breakdown later?\r\n\r\nThere are several signs by which you can identify an energy vampire.\r\n \r\n1. The main distinguishing feature of a vampire is that they always annoy and piss off other people. Any little thing can serve as a reason for a quarrel. They can also humiliate the interlocutor in the presence of others, laugh at him and play an evil joke to cause irritation. They can borrow money and not give it back. However, they will constantly promise "as soon as possible".\r\n\r\n2. Energy vampires are suspicious people, bores and selfish. Often they simply do not hear the interlocutor, because the vampire does not care about his opinion, his thoughts and feelings.\r\n\r\n3. The energy vampire is very jealous and vindictive. The vampire protects his personal donor from the outside world, surrounds him with increased attentiveness and care, and is jealous of other people.\r\n\r\n4. Energy vampires can talk on the phone for hours. They immediately load their interlocutor with their problems and failures. The conversation resembles the usual chatter about nothing, but after it, for some reason, you begin to feel tired and depressed. It is very difficult to get rid of the energy vampire, resentment immediately begins. Sometimes you just have to turn off your phone.\r\n\r\n5. There is an opinion that in the presence of energy vampires, equipment constantly breaks down and flowers wither. At home, they also most often do not have flowers, they simply do not like them, or the flowers themselves do not grow.\r\n\r\n6. Vampires love crowds: lines, demonstrations, big stores. Vampires like to appear where there is a high probability of scandal. Scandal is an additional source of energy for them.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nIt is worth saying that there are mixed types: the same person can manifest himself in different situations both as an energy vampire and as donor. Among energy vampires, there are often charming and kind people who simply do not notice their negative impact on other people.\r\n\r\nIt often happens when one relative lives off the energy of another. This can be expressed in scandals, showdown. However, the family can be considered generally ideal, but someone in the family is constantly sick and is generally considered a loser. This person gives his energy to the vampire. By the way, when there are two vampires in a family, they either constantly quarrel and break up, or they live in perfect harmony and draw energy from casual connections.\r\n\r\nIt happens that a vampire is waiting for you at work. What if it's also the boss? Such a vampire does not like when a good mood reigns around him, he will do everything to spoil this mood. And it's useless to convince him.\r\n\r\nThere is another curious type of vampire - sex vampires. At the moment of orgasm, a person is filled with positive energy. And vampires take this energy and give nothing in return. After sexual contact with an energy vampire, his partner feels disharmony and dissatisfaction.\r\n\r\nSo, if among these characteristics you recognize your acquaintance, friend, relative or even loved one, the question arises what to do? \r\n\r\nFirst of all, don't get annoyed! The purpose of the vampire is your irritation, this is your weak point. Instead of becoming annoyed and angry, simply either walk away from the conflict, or vice versa, make your reaction unexpected for the vampire. For example, make a joke or smile instead of crying.\r\n\r\nSecondly, it is better not to communicate with an energy vampire at all. And especially if the person is unpleasant and uninteresting to you. Do not attract the attention of an energy vampire, do not enter into friendly relations with him, and do not do good deeds for them by bending yourself. They still don't appreciate it. And they will simply take away the energy as soon as they feel weak.\r\n\r\nThirdly, protect your energy and biofield. To do this, cross your legs or arms while talking to the vampire. You can keep a fig in your pocket. You can imagine that between you and the vampire there is a thick mirror, the reflection of which is directed at the vampire.\r\n\r\nIf it is impossible not to communicate with the energy vampire, then try to perceive your interlocutor with humor. And laugh off the vampire's rude statements. Rest assured, he cannot stand it and will not be able to harm you.\r\n\r\nAnd irritation and fatigue from an energy vampire can be removed with the help of your favorite music, films, poems, books, aromatic oils. After contact with a vampire or after being in crowded places, you need to take a contrast shower and drink your favorite hot tea. Take a walk among the trees, they draw off negative energy and process it into positive energy.\r\n\r\nBut the most important thing - let's enjoy every moment, let's see only the best and brightest in life! Let's take life with humor and love, and then no vampire can defeat us!\r\n...

It is quite easy to determine the presence of damage, the evil eye, a curse or other violations yourself. You need to answer a few questions:\r\n\r\nIt is quite easy to determine the presence of damage, evil eye, curses or other violations yourself. You need to answer a few questions: \r\n\r\n1. Do you often feel pain, tingling, or discomfort in the back of your head?\r\n2. Do you often feel cold in your feet?\r\n3. Do you feel pain, tension, discomfort while in church?\r\n4. Do you often feel sticky or "stone" in your chest?\r\n5. Do you often lose control of your emotions?\r\n6. Did someone in your family practice conspiracies, rituals, divination for the future?\r\n7. Have you ever found needles stuck in clothes or bedding?\r\n8. Do you often dream of the dead?\r\n9. Have you noticed that you often yawn while in church?\r\n10. Do you often feel sticky or “stone” in your lower abdomen?\r\n11. Do you have nightmares?\r\n12. Do you repeat the fate of your parents?\r\n13. Have you accepted dubious gifts from ill-wishers or taken things lost by someone?\r\n14. Have you wished, for a long time, to bring back to life one of the dead friends or relatives?\r\n15. Do you often feel like a lump in your throat?\r\n16. Have you suppressed in yourself (someone you have) the qualities of a leader or manager?\r\n17. Does your face/eyes express a frozen mask of pain, anger, depression?\r\n18. Do you have health problems similar to those of your parents that are not considered hereditary?\r\n19. Have you found any suspicious objects/bones/wool/earth/rusty nail outside your doorstep?\r\n20. Do you often have suicidal thoughts?\r\n21. Do you often feel heavy in your legs?\r\n22. Have you suppressed in yourself (someone you have) the desire for creative realization?\r\n23. Do you feel "hungry" for any particular type of negative emotion?\r\n24. Do you often have a recurring problem that you thought you had solved?\r\n25. Did you develop health problems after encountering a person who tried to persuade you to do something against your will?\r\n26. Were there any abortions, miscarriages, suicides, violent deaths in the family?\r\n27. Do you have sleep disorders?\r\n28. Have you suppressed in yourself (someone you have) faith in the supernatural?\r\n29. Do you sometimes notice incomprehensible air movements out of the corner of your eye or feel someone's presence when no one is around?\r\n30. Is it necessary to show titanic efforts in order to achieve the implementation of the task? \r\n\r\nIf you answered \"YES\" to the following questions: \r\n\r\n1, 7, 13, 19, 25 - Corruption, curse\r\n2, 8, 14, 20, 26 - Bindings of the world of the dead\r\n3, 9, 15, 21, 27 - Heavy, alien, inorganic energies, household influences\r\n4, 10, 16, 22, 28 - Problems with chakras\r\n5, 11, 17, 23, 29 - Obsession\r\n6, 12, 18, 24, 30 - Karmic load\r\n\r\nThe more positive answers, the worse. \r\n\r\nExplanation: \r\n1. Wherever there is damage, it is first of all reflected on the back of the head.\r\n2. The bindings of the world of the dead begin to pump out energies through the legs, or vice versa, grave cold can flow through the legs.\r\n3. The Church automatically begins to cleanse anyone who enters it, which can lead to aggravations.\r\n4. These sensations accompany the blockage of the heart chakra\r\n5. As a rule, rash acts in a state of passion are provoked by obscurantists\r\n6. Failure to comply with safety regulations usually weighs on future generations\r\n7. The impact is made on a needle and injected into the victim's personal belongings\r\n8. Frequent dream communication with the dead can lead to or result from a close connection with the world of the dead\r\n9. Yawning is usually the reaction of the body when trying to get out of the suppression of consciousness\r\n10. This is how the block of the sexual chakra manifests itself\r\n11. Nightmares can provoke demons that feed on the emotions of grief and fear\r\n12. The stronger the birth load, the closer the apple is to the apple tree\r\n13. Impacts can be given with gifts or left with a personal item for someone to pick up\r\n14. Usually, this greatly immerses the consciousness into the world of the dead, and then the body, or it can interfere with the repose of the deceased, as a result of which he will feed on the energy of the one who tries to hold him.\r\n15. This is how unspoken grievances can manifest themselves\r\n16. This deforms the work of the belly chakra\r\n17. Sometimes demons take such great control over a person that they can control his facial expressions\r\n18. Very often we get karmic sores in the image and likeness of our parents\r\n19. These are ritual objects that transmit the impact upon tactile contact\r\n20. There is an inverse relationship between thoughts about death and attachments to the world of the dead\r\n21. Destructive energies are heavier than ordinary bodily ones, under the influence of the earth's gravity, they can accumulate in the legs\r\n22. This leads to deformations of the throat chakra\r\n23. This "Hunger" is also provoked by demons\r\n24. This is a sign of unworked karma\r\n25. From suppression of will to damage, half a step\r\n26. Losses like this without breaking ties with the dead can bind you to the world of the dead\r\n27. Sleep disorders occur when the astral body is damaged\r\n28. This closes the connection with the guardian angel and warps the crown chakra\r\n29. This happens when a person connects with the lower astral plane, the habitat of obscurantists\r\n30. People with pure karma don't need\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n...

Ecology of knowledge: People from ancient times considered fire as a sacred element. He warmed, gave light, saved from animals. Now we do not need to cook on a fire and warm ourselves with fire, but sometimes we are drawn to fire

Since ancient times, people have considered fire as a sacred element. He warmed, gave light, saved from animals.Now we do not need to cook on a fire and be warmed by fire, but sometimes we are drawn to fire. In the modern world, we rarely go out to light a fire, but you can just light a candle.

Healing candle flame

It is useful to look at the flame of fire. Fire has many useful properties:

  • Cleans;
  • Soothes;
  • Heals;
  • Appeases.
  • Nourishes with useful energy;
  • A person is cleansed of negativity;
  • Together with the flame, anxieties and sorrows burn;
  • The soul and body are cleansed;
  • Takes away diseases;

An ordinary candle can help a person.

  • If you light a candle when the whole family gathers, then it brings together, brings harmony to the relationship.
  • It has a healing effect on everyone who is nearby.
  • The flame of a candle helps to increase the energy of a person.
  • Arriving forty minutes near the flame of a candle is useful for allergies, hypertension, neurosis, depression, stress.
  • The flame of a candle cleanses the home, restores the human biofield.

Cleansing with a candle flame

It takes a lot of energy and mental strength to clean your home. Light a candle, relax, and all your thoughts should be that you want to rid your apartment of everything bad. Starting from the front door, go around the apartment along the wall in a clockwise direction.

Keep your eyes on the flame of the candle all the time and think how warm and comfortable it is in your home, the atmosphere of peace, harmony, love, mutual understanding, no one should penetrate it with bad thoughts.

Believe that the flame will protect your apartment from evil, envy, negativity.

If you suddenly notice that the flame begins to deviate or smoke, linger, say a prayer and say good wishes. When you are done walking around the house, leave the candle to burn out at the threshold.

To purify a person, restore energy, you need to take a candle in your right hand and go around yourself with a flame throughout the body, first from the head, then along the left arm and side, left and right legs, external and internal areas.

Transfer the candle to your left hand, go around the flame of your right hand, the top of your head.

Now hold the candle in your right hand, around the top of your head, at the forehead, throat, chest, stomach, pubis, tailbone (near our energy centers), you need to make seven movements in a circle in a clockwise direction. Remove carbon deposits from the candle and leave without extinguishing.

Candle Flame Healing Techniques

The flame of a candle can help with a number of diseases. Consider one healing technique.

Take and light the wax candle. Take the lower end with your thumb, middle and index fingers. One must imagine that a stream of red energy comes from the fingertips and colors the candle.

Then we bring the hand with a candle to the diseased organ and transfer the image of the flame inside this organ. We move the image inside the organ to be healed in order to burn out the disease. The session lasts about seven minutes, it is better to start it on the full moon.

If you light a candle and look intently at the flame, after a few seconds it is impossible to tear yourself away from the power of fire. As you watch the candle flame waver, healing and healing takes place.

It is better to do cleansing with the flame of the battle at night, you will calm down, you will sleep better, along with the flame, all the stress accumulated during the day will burn out. Everything that worries you, worries, will leave, peace and tranquility will come.

If you have problems, something worries you, worries, look at the flame, express everything. And then mentally imagine that everything bad is a pile of garbage that burns in the flame of a candle. And you will see that you feel better.

Candle Flame Exercises

Fire is like a massage, but without contact, improving the function of the eyes. If you are at the computer for a long time, to relax your eyes, you just need to put a candle near you and look at the fire.

I offer wonderful exercises that improve vision. You need to put a candle at a distance of 90 cm from yourself. The flame of the candle should be at the same level as the eyes.

Look at the fire for 10 seconds, then close your eyes and look at the remaining image of the flame for another 30 seconds.

Look at the fire with your left eye, then with your right, with both eyes. Turning head to the right, to the left. In order not to strain your eyes, close them with your palms.

Exercises should be repeated first for 10 seconds, then twenty, then 30. Every week, add ten seconds until the time reaches three minutes.

Place the candle at eye level. Approach the candle and move away from it by two meters, do not take your eyes off the flame. Do 9 times.

After exercising, sit down, relax, close your eyes with your palms and sit for five minutes.

The following exercise will help with astigmatism, but you need a helper. One candle must be placed a meter from the eyes, and the second seven. Look first for three minutes at one candle, then let the assistant light the second candle. Now look at her for three minutes. Then the second must be extinguished and the first must be lit and look at it again. You have to repeat six times.

Conclusion: the flame of a candle has a unique healing effect, if you feel bad, you have problems, you are tired, take a candle and look at the fire, you will relax, calm down and regain strength. published

Since ancient times, people have treated fire as something mysterious, even divine. Why is fire so powerful? What is the structure of a flame? There are many questions, let's try to understand the most interesting ones.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

Why in

Flame, fire: what is it?

Flame is one of the forms of fire that occurs during combustion, a gaseous medium consisting of particles of ions. The temperature can be different, the fire itself with a colored flame, yellow or even invisible. The flame that a person usually observes is a stream of hot gas raised up due to the Archimedean force (gases always rise). Paraffin or wax gradually warms up from burning. Therefore, at the base of the wick, the flame is blue due to the fact that there is practically no oxygen access there. Combination with oxygen, forms a yellow burning. The yellow flame zones are hotter, the blue zone is colder.

Candle material and burning temperature

There are several types of candles based on the material used in the manufacture. This:

  • wax;
  • paraffin;
  • stearic.

Sometimes those specimens that enter the retail network contain a certain proportion of stearin (about 25%). In its pure form, stearin candles are practically not found on free sale. This is due to security measures, since the temperature of a stearin candle during combustion, or rather its flame, can reach 1500 degrees. But the use of stearin is more profitable, since it emits less harmful substances during combustion, decomposes in the ground, and does not smoke during combustion.

For many people, the question often arises: is the flame of a candle a physical body? The question is strange and the answer can be found in any encyclopedic reference book. Fire, like a flame, does not have a constant mass, volume, and therefore cannot be a physical body. A flame is a thermal, chemical reaction between a combustible substance and oxygen. Fire has neither constant weight nor volume.

Original novelty - candles with multi-colored flame

Also, people who were not serious about physics lessons at school are interested in why candles burn with a multi-colored flame. Entrepreneurial people have used this property to set up their own business. Today in the retail network you can find sets of holiday candles that can burn in different colors. As a rule, the candle itself is painted in the color of the intended fire.

The technology was recently applied by a Chinese businessman who created a company and filled the world market with original candles. Such candles are not made from wax or paraffin. These are special salt compounds. The appearance and structure is no different from the usual counterparts, but when ignited, it seems that some kind of sacrament is being performed. Nothing mysterious, just need to whine about what to connect with. For example:

  • the presence of sodium nitrate (kitchen salt) gives a yellow, orange color;
  • strontium nitrate will color the flame bright red;
  • the presence of copper salts and barium chloride guarantees the green color of the flame;
  • copper stearate - blue;
  • salts of potassium chloride will color the fire in a beautiful, rich purple color.

Faraday candle flame

If you look closely at the candle, you can see that it burns in different shades. In total, three zones are distinguished, among which the hottest part is the upper part of the flame. The tip and its temperature can reach 1300°C.

The temperature in degrees near the wick itself usually does not exceed 350 ° C. The upper fiery part, which is the hottest, has the lightest color of the flame and usually consists of incandescent moisture vapor.

Based on the teachings of Faraday, teaching takes place in modern schools. And it's good if teachers take the experience of a scientist as a basis. After all, he taught lessons so enthusiastically that there were no uninterested students in the audience. He was simply in love with his science, and this love was instantly transmitted to the listener. Therefore, all Faraday's theories are interesting to this day.

The shape of the flame, its colors were compared by him with precious stones. He was able to explain why the fire has such a form, in the form of a drop, and why the blue flame at the bottom. This issue has already been discussed here. It is worth recalling that blue means the coldest and combustion is carried out without access to oxygen. The shape of a loop or drop, as the fire, on the basis of the Law of Archimedes, stretches upwards.

Sometimes you can find that carved candles give an unusually bright flame. It seems that this is a double flame, since two tongues are clearly visible. And this fact is known to science, so it is not difficult to explain it. This is nothing more than a decorative effect. In such a candle, they are simply present for the wick.

Why does a candle flame burn vertically?

Another question that is extremely important for cognitive personalities: why is the flame of a candle set vertically in a calm? Everything is quite simple and the answer is in the school curriculum. If a candle burns in a calm space, then this is the merit of such a phenomenon as a convention. Hot air has a low density and it is drawn out, tending upwards, giving the flame a shape that is familiar to all of us. Even if you tilt the candle to the side, the flame still tends to rise.

Many magical powers are attributed by people to candles. For example, with a swaying flame, one can suspect a disorder in the house, family. But let it remain in the power of magicians and sorcerers. Science can explain why the flame burns unevenly, why it twitches. Even practical work in the classroom gives a scientific explanation for these facts. Here are some examples of tasks:

  1. Open the front door and analyze how the flame burns in the floor area near the door and in the upper part. If it dances, jumps near the floor and deviates towards the room, it means that a cold stream of air comes inside. The flame is directed upwards, towards the corridor, streams of warm air come out.
  2. Extinguish the candle and observe the direction of the smoke. Can you see that the stream is directed upwards? This means that there is no movement of cold, warm air in the room. Until the paraffin cools, the direction of the smoke indicates how the flame would burn.
  3. A small candle is placed on a saucer and set on fire, then covered with a glass. The flame is first drawn out, sharpened at the top, and then extinguished. The conclusion is simple, without access to oxygen, the fire will not be maintained.
  4. Light a candle, you can see that the flame stretches, burns brightly, strongly, but the wick does not burn out? The material from which the wick is made quickly absorbs liquid paraffin, protecting it from premature combustion. Paraffin, as it is heated, releases carbon, which supports combustion.
  5. If you light a candle and notice how strongly the flame flutters, this may indicate a change in the movement of warm and cold streams. It moves with warm air and resists cold air.

Watching the movement of the flame of a burning candle is interesting. There is something magical, extraordinary in this. This fire calms the nerves, pacifies the soul. No wonder all church ceremonies are held with burning candles. But many do not know at all why they are constantly burning in churches.

Why are candles constantly lit in churches?

The custom of lighting candles during prayer is quite ancient. It is believed that he came from Byzantium. It was believed that the fire from a candle is a symbol that shows the way to a person. Over time, certain rules began to be developed for lighting candles. At first, one candle was lit while the Gospel was being brought out, and only during its reading could all the others be lit. Later, they began to light candles in front of all icons and in front of sacred church objects.

This custom has come down to our time. Lighting a candle, a person not only mentally turns to God in prayer. At this moment, he considers his actions. And a burning candle is a symbol of repentance, striving for God. It makes it possible to understand that a person is sinful and repents of his sins, asks for forgiveness not only for himself, but also for his loved ones, living or those who are no longer in this world.

Candles cannot be set automatically. At this moment, everyone's heart should be filled with repentance, humility and a feeling of complete love for the one to whom the prayer is said. A candle purchased in a church is a symbol of boundless love and faith, complete repentance.

Do not forget to put candles at home when you turn to the Almighty with requests. When burning, the candle cleanses the house of negative energy, and fills the mind with bright, positive thoughts.

No title

1. If everything is in order in a person’s life, the candle set by him burns with an even high flame, without forming any sagging.

2. As soon as some mental problems arise, the candle begins to “cry”: influxes run along it.

3. If the lines of influxes go obliquely and intersect, this means that a person is threatened with death from a serious illness, and he himself or the one who “made” him such a fate may be to blame.

4. If a line of influx runs through a candle just placed from top to bottom, this means: a curse has fallen on a person. If two lines - two curses. Larger numbers are extremely rare.

5. If you drive a burning candle clockwise in front of the human body from the head and it starts to smoke with black smoke in some place, it means that the internal organs in this place are blocked by the disease and they must be treated until (with re-diagnosis) the candle stops smoking .

6. Keep in mind, the candle should always be kept with one side towards the patient. If influxes are formed on his part, he himself is to blame for his illnesses. If with the opposite, then the disease “made” him.

7. If a “tear” rolls down the candle on the left or right, this is a sign that there is an energy struggle between the patient and someone else. If the “tear” is black, then the person is in a state of negative energy. If the traces on the candle are the same color as itself, then the end of sagging is close.

8. When candles are placed in the church, the picture remains approximately the same as at home, but in the temple the candles are sometimes bent. This means that the person is possessed by an evil spirit. The influxes sometimes resemble the profiles of the devil or the person who sent the curse.

9. If the candle goes out, it smells like death and you need to urgently take action: repent, ask for forgiveness from those who offended you, and forgive those who offended you.

10. You can put a stearin candle near your feet, heating its lower end and sticking it to a large saucer. If, having started to “cry”, the candle forms at its base uniformly around the circumference of cakes with a diameter of 2-3 cm adjacent to it, this is a serious indication of possible oncological diseases.

"A candle is an obligatory attribute of my work. A person comes, we sit down at the table, and the first thing I do is light a candle. If the fire is even, calm, it connects our words and thoughts, helps to understand the fate of a person. If during a conversation wax, like tears, slowly flows into the candlestick - this is the first sign that the human soul is crying, that it hurts. a lot of darkness and malice, insidious thoughts. The candle feels this and therefore smokes. And if the person who comes lies, it begins to burn out from one side. No witchcraft is needed, the candle will tell you who is who. If you want, check for yourself: a person will come to you, put between yourself and him a candle, you will find out who has come to you.

If you have been greatly offended, offended in the best of feelings, and late in the evening sleep does not come to you, go to the kitchen or into the room - where no one will disturb you - and light a candle. Put her on the windowsill, sit next to her and, slowly, whisper to her about what happened. Tears will appear, do not be shy about them, cry. Let resentment and pain come out in tears. The fire of the candle will tremble, flicker, listen to you and soothe. And as the wax melts, your grievances will melt, they will not seem as significant as at first.

Another secret: if there was a scandal at home and a lot of rude, cruel words were said, patiently wait for the night when everyone falls asleep and silence reigns. Light a candle and go around all the household with it in your hand. Standing at the head of each bed, mentally wish them good night. Don't think bad.

Remember how many happy, joyful days were lived together.

Wish they were repeated many, many times. The candle will burn in your hands, and words of kindness, tenderness and love will fall like smoke on the faces of the sleeping people. All the good that is in your heart, through the fire of a candle, will be imprinted on the faces of your relatives and friends.

And finally, the last secret. If they themselves have sinned, acted dirty, hurt someone - it is never too late to admit and confess. First, to yourself. Light a candle in front of a mirror. Looking at your reflection through her fire, tell everything as it was. Don't lie or it won't work. Speak - fire will destroy vile deeds and deeds. Purifying in the flame of a candle, you will feel that even the worst in yourself can always be corrected for the better. And it will become much lighter and brighter on the soul.

Fire in magic has always been used as an indicator of a person's personality and state of mind. By the flame of a candle, you can determine your energy state and identify the most important problems in life.

Light a candle, turn off the light. This ritual is best done in complete solitude and silence. Take a close look at her flame and try not to think about anything. Bring your palms to the fire, holding them by the candle for a few seconds. Next, observe the behavior of the candle.

  • If the candle burns steadily, without forming influxes, it means that everything is going well in your life.
  • If the candle "cries"- Numerous wax influxes appear - this is a sign of an unstable state of mind. Something is bothering you, you cannot solve your problems.
  • If after you light the candle, a drop of wax flowed down it from top to bottom, which means that the evil eye is on you, or someone wishes you harm to such an extent that problems and troubles appear in your life from the negative thoughts of your ill-wisher.

  • If the flow lines intersect, then this is a very bad sign, indicating a serious illness.
  • If the candle went out- this is an omen of something inevitable, very dangerous. In such cases, you need to urgently correct your mistakes - repent for what you have done, ask for forgiveness, forgive yourself, get rid of everything that makes life miserable.
  • If the candle began to crackle, It means that it is time for you to get rid of your negative emotions. Try to let go of all negative feelings, guilt, resentment.
  • If the wick of the candle is strongly bent, then this may mean that you are at the end of your moral and physical strength. You need to rest and gain energy.
  • If the influxes on the candle are black, this means that now you are not able to deal with the circumstances and problems that have fallen on you. You feel that you cannot go further, you do not feel the strength in yourself. You have a black streak in life.
  • Right during this ritual you can get rid of the negativity sitting inside. To do this, you need to bring your palms to the left and right of the candle, look at its flame and think about what worries you the most. At this moment, you also need to sincerely ask for forgiveness from those to whom you could offend during your life and say goodbye to your grief, resentment and guilt.

    A candle will relieve your stress and harmonize your state of mind. This ritual is best done at least once a month. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    19.05.2015 09:40

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