14 understand pedagogical technology. Cheat sheet: Pedagogical technologies

Guidance for the assimilation of educational material

- get acquainted with the change in the concept of "technology" in pedagogy;
- to study the reasons for the use of technology in the educational process.

Task 1. Read the appropriate text. Answer the questions: How has the concept of "technology" changed in pedagogy? What are the reasons for the technological approach to the organization of the educational process? What is meant by pedagogical technology? Highlight the definitions of educational technology in the text and indicate how these definitions complement each other. Which definition of technology is closer, clearer to you? Why? Justify your answer.

Task 2. What are the differences between educational technologies from the standpoint of psychology. Analyze the method(s) you use to organize the teaching of schoolchildren from these positions.

Task 3. Make a diagram of this text.

We remind you: You can use the well-known "Spider" or "Family Tree" schemes.

The concept of "technology" in pedagogy

At first glance, the student-centered approach, which we define as the leading one in the field of education, and the technological approach contradict each other. Indeed, the first approach involves an appeal to the inner world of the student, his values, views. And in the technological approach, there is initially an orientation towards the controllability of the educational process, which implies a clear set of goals and ways to achieve them. And then the question arises - is it possible to clearly describe the inner world of the student and how to use it in the educational process? What to do in this situation?

It is obvious to everyone that the modern educational process should be focused on the student. And this means that in accordance with the synergetic approach, spontaneity, uncertainty, non-linearity have the right to exist in it. Is it possible to talk about the technological effectiveness of the educational process and immediately make reservations about the synergy of subjects? In order to answer these questions, let us turn to the definition of the concept of "technology" and, in particular, the concept of "educational technology".

The dictionary of foreign words gives the following definition technology . Translated from Greek Techne - art, craftsmanship, skill and - logic - a set of methods for processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, shape of an object.

In the explanatory dictionary, this term is defined as a set of techniques used in any business, skill.

Technology is a procedural category; it can be represented as a set of methods for changing the state of an object. The technology is aimed at designing and using efficient and economic processes (M. Choshanov).

Pedagogical technology is a field of study of theory and practice (within the education system), which has links with all aspects of the organization of the pedagogical system in order to achieve specific and potentially reproducible pedagogical results(P. Mitchell).

Pedagogical technology - a set of psychological and pedagogical techniques, teaching methods, educational tools. It is an organizational and methodological tool of the pedagogical process ().

Pedagogical technology is a meaningful technique for implementing the educational process ().

Pedagogical technology is a model of joint pedagogical activity for the design, organization and conduct of the educational process with unconditional support comfortable conditions for students and teachers ().

Pedagogical technology is a systematic method of creating, applying and defining the entire process of teaching and learning, taking into account technical and human resources and their interaction, which aims to optimize the forms of education (UNESCO).

From the above definitions, the following features of technology can be distinguished: the procedural two-sided nature of the interconnected activities of the teacher and students; a set of techniques, methods; design and organization of the process; availability of comfortable conditions. However, in our opinion, the managerial aspect is not fully taken into account here.

From the position of management, the educational process is a combination of the managerial activity of the teacher and the student's self-government in a holistic management cycle as the interaction of participants in the educational process. The noted gives us the basis for the following definition of the concept of "educational technology".

educational technology is a process system of joint activities of students and teachers in designing (planning), organizing, orienting and correcting the educational process in order to achieve a specific result while providing comfortable conditions for participants.

Let us give explanations in connection with the above definition. First, it indicates collaboration between teachers and students , which means the actual denial of programming only by the teacher of the final results and the construction of a rigid program of the student's activities to achieve them. In other words, we are talking about the student as a subject of learning, who determines both the final results of his activity and the process of achieving them. Secondly, in the above definition we fix a full cycle of student management of their educational activities . In this regard, it can be stated that educational technology is designed to provide students with self-management of learning. Thirdly, the definition draws attention to the creation of comfortable conditions for the activities of the subjects of the educational process, which orients, first of all, teachers to the search and creation of conditions for the disclosure, implementation and development of students' personal potential.

Any educational technology includes: target orientation; scientific ideas on which it relies; systems of actions of the teacher and the student (primarily in the categories of management); criteria for evaluating the result; results; restrictions on use.

So, modern technology is characterized by the following positions:

    the technology is developed for a specific pedagogical plan, it is based on a certain methodological, philosophical position of the author (there are technologies of the process of transferring knowledge, skills and abilities; technologies of developing pedagogy); the technological chain of actions, operations, communications is built strictly in accordance with the target settings, which have the form of a specific expected result; the functioning of the technology provides for the interconnected activities of the teacher and students on a contractual basis, taking into account the principles of individualization and differentiation, the optimal implementation of human and technical capabilities, the use of dialogue, communication; step-by-step planning and sequential implementation of elements pedagogical technology should be, on the one hand, reproduced by any teacher and, on the other hand, guarantee the achievement of the planned results by all students; an organic part of pedagogical technology are diagnostic procedures containing criteria, indicators and tools for measuring performance.
To date, the term "learning technology" is not generally accepted in traditional pedagogy.
From one position, teaching technology is a complex of methods and means of processing, presenting, changing and presenting educational information, on the other hand, it is a scientific discipline about the ways a teacher influences students in the learning process using the necessary technical or information means.
Learning technology is a system category, the structural components of which are:
  • learning objectives
  • learning content
  • means of pedagogical interaction
  • organization of the educational process
  • student and teacher
  • performance result
There are many definitions of the essence of pedagogical technologies. This term has become very popular in recent years. Let's look at some of its interpretations.
Technology- this is a set of techniques used in any business, in art ("Explanatory Dictionary").
Learning technology is an integral procedural part of the didactic system (M. Choshanov).
- this is a meaningful technique for the implementation of the educational process (V.P. Bespalko).
- this is a description of the process of achieving the planned learning outcomes (I.P. Volkov).
- a system set and the order of functioning of all personal, instrumental and methodological means used to achieve a pedagogical goal (M.V. Klarin).
The concept of "pedagogical technology" can be represented in 3 aspects:

The concept of pedagogical technology in foreign and domestic literature
(Kukushin V.S. Pedagogical technologies).
Having originated more than three decades ago in the United States, the term "pedagogical technology" quickly entered the lexicon of all developed countries. In foreign pedagogical literature, the concept of “pedagogical technology”, or “teaching technology”, was originally correlated with the idea of ​​technologization of the educational process.
In the 70s. in pedagogy, the idea of ​​complete controllability of the educational process was sufficiently formed, which soon led to the following setting in pedagogical practice: the solution of didactic problems through the management of the educational process with precisely set goals, the achievement of which should be clearly described and defined.
Accordingly: pedagogical technology is “not just research in the field of using technical means learning or computers; these are studies with the aim of identifying principles and developing methods for optimizing the educational process by analyzing the factors that increase educational efficiency, by designing and applying techniques and materials, and also by evaluating the methods used.
The Japanese scientist T. Sakamoto wrote that pedagogical technology is the introduction of a systematic way of thinking into pedagogy, i.e. "systematization of education".
There are discrepancies in the understanding of the term "pedagogical technology" in the domestic pedagogical literature. V.P. Bespalko defines pedagogical technology as a set of means and methods for reproducing theoretically substantiated learning and upbringing processes that make it possible to successfully achieve the set educational goals. B.T. Likhachev believes that pedagogical technology is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and arrangement of forms, methods, methods, teaching methods, and educational means. According to M.V. Klarin, pedagogical technology means a system set and the order of functioning of all personal, instrumental and methodological means used to achieve pedagogical goals. G. K. Selevko distinguishes three aspects in “pedagogical technology”:
scientific: pedagogical technologies - a part of pedagogical science that studies and develops the goals, content and megomas of education and designs pedagogical processes;
procedural and descriptive: a description (algorithm) of the process, a set of goals, content, methods and means to achieve the planned learning outcomes;
procedural and effective: the implementation of the technological (pedagogical) process, the functioning of all personal, instrumental and methodological pedagogical means.
M.V. Klarin rightly noted that the concept of "pedagogical technology" in domestic pedagogy correlates with the processes of education and upbringing, in contrast to foreign ones, where it is limited to the field of education.
In educational practice, the concept of "pedagogical technology" is used at three hierarchically subordinate levels (G.K. Selevko):
General pedagogical (general didactic) level: general pedagogical (general didactic9 general educational) technology characterizes a holistic educational process in a given region, educational institution, at a certain level of education. Here, pedagogical technology is synonymous with the pedagogical system: it includes a set of goals, content, means and methods of teaching, an algorithm for the activity of subjects and objects of the process.
Private methodological (subject) level: the term “private pedagogical technology” is used in the sense of “private methodology”, i.e. as a set of methods and means for the implementation of a certain content of education and upbringing within the framework of one subject, class, teacher's workshop (method of teaching subjects, method of compensatory teaching, method of work of a teacher, educator).
Local (modular) level: local technology is a technology of separate parts of the educational process, the solution of particular didactic and educational tasks (technology of certain types of activities, the formation of concepts, the education of certain personal qualities, the technology of the lesson, the assimilation of new knowledge, the technology of repetition and control of the material , technology of independent work, etc.).
The definitions presented above make it possible to single out the main structural components of pedagogical technology:
a) conceptual framework;
b) the content of the training:
  • learning objectives - general and specific;
  • content of educational material;
c) procedural part - technological process:
  • organization of the educational process;
  • methods and forms learning activities schoolchildren;
  • methods and forms of work of the teacher;
  • the activities of the teacher in managing the process of assimilation of the material;
  • diagnostics of the educational process.
Finally, any pedagogical technology must meet the basic methodological requirements.
Conceptuality. Each pedagogical technology should be based on a certain scientific concept, including the philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-pedagogical justification for achieving educational goals.
Consistency. Pedagogical technology must have all the features of the system: the logic of the process, the interconnection of all its parts, integrity.
Manageability implies the possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, designing the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct the results.
Efficiency. Modern pedagogical technologies exist in competitive conditions and must be effective in terms of results and optimal in terms of costs, guarantee the achievement of a certain standard of education.
Reproducibility implies the possibility of application (repetition, reproduction) of pedagogical technology in other educational institutions of the same type, by other subjects.

Technology for solving pedagogical problems.

What are the pedagogical problem, task and pedagogical situation?
Pedagogy should be considered as a special sphere of activity for the upbringing and education of a person.
How are they resolved? Everyday life and professional?
In life, there are various pedagogical problems - the formation of a humane and harmoniously developed person, the development of effective methods of adaptation to changing living conditions, the preparation of a student striving for new knowledge.
Pedagogical activity is defined as the solution of pedagogical problems.
The pedagogical task always arises when it is necessary to prepare a person’s transition from the state of “ignorance” to the state of “knowledge”, from “misunderstanding” to “understanding”, from “inability” to “ability”, from helplessness to independence.
That is, the pedagogical task is the result of the teacher's awareness of the purpose of training or education, as well as the conditions and methods for its implementation in practice. A person as a subject and object of interaction with a teacher in the process of solving a pedagogical problem should, as a result, have a new formation in the form of knowledge, skill or personality traits.
Since each person is unique, the solution of the pedagogical problem is complex and ambiguous. Therefore, there are various ways of transferring a person from one state to another.
All pedagogical tasks are divided into two large classes - tasks for teaching and tasks for educating a person. Each of the main classes is divided into task groups.
The pedagogical situation determines the set of conditions under which the pedagogical task is solved. These conditions can either promote or hinder the successful solution of the problem.
Algorithm for solving a pedagogical problem:

  • putting forward a hypothesis (choosing the directions of the teacher's actions, general methods of education, forecasting the results)
  • the choice of the optimal variant of the teacher's actions (the choice of methods of pedagogical influence, the choice of organizational forms, the choice of means)
  • detailing (thinking over the operational structure of the teacher's actions)
  • analysis of expected results (what changes should occur).

Education technologies. Continuity and novelty of domestic technologies of education

Pedagogical technologies of education have their own specifics. “Any activity,” says V.P. Bespalko - can be either technology or art. Art is based on intuition, technology is based on science. Everything begins with art, ends with technology, so that everything starts all over again.” This is most directly related to: the theory of education, for education is both a science and an art.
Difficulties in the creation and implementation of education technologies are explained by a number of features of education:
Education, understood in a broad and narrow sense, acts ambiguously in each specific case.

Education is of a holistic nature, it is difficult to divide it into components, which means that it is difficult to create a kind of algorithm for the educator's actions.

The child in the process of upbringing is both the object of influence of the teacher and the subject of diverse activities.

Education is a multifactorial process: many factors, including spontaneous ones, make their own adjustments.

Two of the three components of upbringing (educator, pupil, process) are living people, they assimilate everything that happens in a certain way, their actions are difficult to predict; Perhaps the emergence of "resistance to education."

Education is closely related to life: the logic and position of the subjects of education can be contradictory depending on the personal and pedagogical position; contradictions can also arise from the understanding of education either at the level of everyday life or at the scientific level.

Differences in the concepts of education among different teachers, and, consequently, different techniques education and upbringing in the approach to one child. О The purpose and objectives of education are most often associated with abstract categories: "relationships", "spirituality", "love", "self-actualization".

The theory and methodology of education cannot be unemotional, because love for children is the most important quality of a teacher, which determines the success of education. Often the teacher's actions are based on intuition.
At the heart of the development of upbringing technologies is the system of selection by the teacher, leading to a certain pedagogical position, i.e. to the confession of a certain concept of education and the corresponding methodology for its implementation in their own pedagogical experience, its further improvement and transfer to colleagues.

So, the choices that the educator makes:

  • The need to decide in relation to the main paradigm of education.
  • A clear formulation for oneself of the concept and essence of education (from a variety of modern definitions).
  • A clear formulation of the goal and strategic objectives of education.
  • Certainty in the selection of tactical tasks, clarity of planning.
  • Selection of a system of methods and techniques, selection of means of education.
  • Selection of the content of education.
  • The choice of a system of organizational forms of education that most fully realizes the goal and objectives.
  • The choice of style and tone of relations with pupils.
Determination of attitudes towards pedagogical axioms such as “children must be loved”, “do not humiliate the dignity of the child”, “there must be a measure in everything”, “children cannot be pampered”, etc.
The basis modern technologies education put some leading ideas that characterize them:
  • the transition in modern conditions of transformations taking place in society and in education, from the paradigm of education as the formation of personality in the command-administrative system of relations to the paradigm of education as the creation of conditions for self-actualization of the personality;
  • humanization and democratization of the educational process in school management, in relations between administration and teachers, teacher and students, in relations between students;
  • the possibility of a situation of choosing conceptual ideas, pedagogical positions, educational technologies, variable pedagogical methods, means and organizational forms of education, technological solutions to educational problems, etc.;
  • the possibility of experimental and experimental-pedagogical activities of teachers and schools, the creation of author's concepts and schools of education and upbringing;
  • the collective nature of pedagogical innovations, rich opportunities for the creative activity of a team of like-minded teachers.
Examples: The system of education in the Pavlysh school V.A. Sukhomlinsky.
Model of labor education A.A. Katolikov according to the system of the commune of A.S. Makarenko; The educational system of the International Children's Center "Artek" - private educational technologies

Technologies of the class teacher.

(Pedagogy. Bordovskaya N.V., Rean A.A.)

Classroom teacher- "the formal and actual leader of the group, organizer, inspirer, assistant, guardian, entertainer, manager, coordinator, informant, employee."
IN various types schools (gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, general education and special, private and state educational institutions) determine the status and appointment of the class teacher in different ways.
In a modern school there is no strict regulation, there are no instructions from above for the activities of the class teacher. He himself chooses his position, he himself selects the content and means, sets the style and tone of relations with students, uses the organizational forms he himself chooses and creatively instrumented. But all this is possible only under one condition: if he has a good idea of ​​the goal of the students' organized activity, if he knows how to correctly set and formulate educational tasks for himself and for the students.
In the conditions of the modern school, the goal and main purpose of the pedagogical activity of the class teacher is to create conditions for the versatile development of the self-actualizing personality of the student in the conditions of personality-oriented collective creative activity.
In accordance with this, the class teacher gives himself some peculiar settings:
As a bearer of culture, I include children in various activities.
I am like a leader of children, stimulating their self-knowledge and self-education.
I am an organizer and participant in the collective creative activities of children.

Predicting the future program of his activity, the class teacher first of all analyzes the conditions of the educational process.
As a result of the analysis of these conditions of life and upbringing of children, the class teacher determines the specific goal and strategic objectives of his activity for the six months, a year, for several years remaining until the students graduate from school.
Functions of the class teacher:
creation of an educational environment (development of a children's team, interaction with a small teaching staff and out-of-school public institutions and organizations, work with parents of students, creation of a subject environment);
stimulation of a healthy lifestyle of teachers and pupils as the basis of education;
organization of collective creative activity of pupils, implemented in various organizational forms of educational work - traditional and creative;
interaction with multidisciplinary children's associations and amateur children's organizations;
adjustment of the individual path of development of each pupil, stimulation of his self-knowledge and self-education, differentiation and individualization of the upbringing process;
giving psychological and pedagogical meaning to the functions of a school teacher.
The organization of education as a self-actualization of the personality and the teacher (class teacher), and students in the class team allows you to take a different look at the traditional functions of the class teacher, specified by status and recorded in the relevant administrative documents: registration of personal files of students and a class journal, checking children's diaries, writing characteristics , various certificates, mandatory declarative holding of parent-teacher meetings.
All these functions can be performed formally, under the yoke of "obligation". And you can do it differently: spiritualize, make them participatory in the soul of the child and your own. And then they will not seem to the teacher an unpleasant necessity. As before, the class teacher should take care of:
about keeping a diary - it shows progress in the development of the child;
about writing characteristics - they show the result of studying the student and outline the prospects for his further growth;
about keeping a class journal as a means of orderly conducting class affairs;
about holding parent-teacher meetings as a means of gaining the necessary interaction with the closest people, and therefore those who are interested in the fate of the child, in order to find a way out of situations that have arisen, etc.

Technologies of pedagogical diagnostics.

Pedagogical diagnostics is a procedure for assessing the general state of the pedagogical process or its individual components in a specific time interval.
Objects of pedagogical diagnostics:
1. personality of the student (development, manifestation of individual qualities);
2. the personality of the teacher;
3. the team and its impact on the individual;
4. social environment;
5. family;
6. student activities;
7. activity of the teacher.
Diagnostic technology includes:
1. setting the goal of diagnosis;
2. definition of criteria for diagnosed signs;
3. choice of diagnostic methods and techniques;
4. implementation of diagnostics;
5. processing and analysis of the results (assessment, highlighting the level of development of the studied quality);
6. fixing the results (filling in the cards of upbringing, writing characteristics, etc.).

Technology of goal formation in the pedagogical process.

The pedagogical process was created by teachers to carry out the upbringing, education and training of students. In addition to the goals set by the teacher, each student has his own goal of learning, as well as the methods and means by which he acquires this knowledge. For an ideal pedagogical process, the goals of the teacher and the goals of the student, even during the same lesson, must coincide.
Very often in practice we see something completely different: the goals of the teacher and the student do not coincide, while the pedagogical process worsens. For a better state of the pedagogical process, it is necessary that the external process of teaching and the internal process of learning be closer, ideally, practically coincide. It follows from this that not only the pedagogical process will go better, but also educational relations will be better built.
The term "goal" has many definitions, since it is a philosophical category. More precisely, we can say that the goal is an ideal expression of the result of an activity that is ahead of human consciousness.
In turn, the pedagogical goal is the prediction by the teacher and the student of the results of their interaction when performing any actions.
The types of pedagogical goals are numerous. You can break them down into the following classes:
normative state goals of education are the most general goals that are described in state documents and education standards;
public goals - exist in parallel with state goals, are for the purposes of various sections of society, as well as reflecting their needs, for example, the goals of employers;
the initiative goals of teachers and students are the goals of teachers-practitioners themselves, which are developed together with students, taking into account the type of educational institutions, profiles of specialized classes, taking into account the level of development of students, etc.
Based on the above classes, three groups of goals are distinguished:
group A - the goals of the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities;
group B - the goals of forming attitudes to various aspects of life;
group C - the goals of forming the creative abilities of students, their interests, activities, views.
There are also organizational goals that are set by the teacher in the field of his managerial function. For example, an organizational goal might be to empower learners to assist in the learning process.
It is impossible not to mention the methodological goals that are associated with the expansion and development of teaching technology, as well as extracurricular activities, for example, changing the teaching method in the educational process, in a particular lesson, or introducing new, innovative forms of education in a particular team.
Thus, pedagogical goals are intended to improve the pedagogical process. The result of training depends on how the goal is set correctly. The teacher should strive to ensure that his goals coincide with the goals of the students, which is essential condition success of the pedagogical process.

Organization of interaction between teachers and parents of students

(Malenkova L.I. Theory and methods of education. Textbook).

Everyone related to the methodology of education knows that the family, together with the school, creates that most important set of factors in the educational environment that determines the success or failure of the entire educational process. That is why, with a great variety of responsibilities, the work of the school with the family is so significant in pedagogical activity.
Recently, in the theory of education, and then in the educational practice of schools, the term “parenting education” arose, becoming international, which means “helping parents in the performance of their functions as educators of their own children, parental functions ... To imbue a positive impulse for education , parents themselves must be aware of the possibility and necessity of their internal growth - from which the upbringing of parents begins.
At the same time, it is believed that the upbringing of parents has two tasks: "the accumulation of pedagogical knowledge necessary for parents to raise children, and self-education (self-development) of parents."
These tasks are quite solvable if we organize a single process of interaction between educators, children and parents in school life. In our practice of education, five functions of the work of the school and the class teacher with the parents of students have developed. They also determine the content of this work:
The first function is to familiarize parents with the content and methodology of the educational process (So, at the first parent meeting, the class teacher, who has just received a class, acquaints parents with his own life and pedagogical position, with the goal, objectives and program of his future activities, with the plan of educational finds possible ways to implement this program together with parents.
The second function of the work of the class teacher with parents is their psychological and pedagogical education.
The third function is to involve parents in joint activities with children. (In the practice of a modern school, various forms of involvement can be used - the provision of material assistance in the implementation of various parents in joint activities with children: participation in all forms of extracurricular activities organized by the class teacher)
The fourth function of the work of the school and the class teacher with parents is the adjustment of education in the families of individual students. (The first aspect of it is the provision of psychological and pedagogical assistance in organizing family education of various categories of students (gifted, showing a tendency to study certain academic subjects, or interest in any form of extracurricular activities; Another area of ​​concern for the class teacher is to provide parents with psychological - pedagogical assistance in solving difficult problems of family education: resolving the contradictions of adolescence, overcoming the difficulties of raising girls and boys during puberty;)
The fifth function is the organization of work with the parent asset and interaction with public organizations of parents.
In the practice of schools, such organizational forms of work with parents are used, in which several or almost all functions are actually implemented at once. Let's name some of them: parent meetings and conferences, days open doors at school and in the classroom, correspondence (of a positive nature) between teachers and parents, letters of thanks to parents, final joint meetings with students demonstrating the achievements of children over the past period; children's holidays dedicated to parents; various kinds of competitions "Adults and children" (intellectual, sports, games).

Traditional learning technology

Technology is focused on the transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities. It ensures that students assimilate the content of education, check and evaluate its quality at the reproductive level.
This type of technology is the “oldest” (Komensky), and is widespread at the present time (especially in high school). Its essence is in training according to the scheme: learning new - consolidation - control - evaluation. This technology is based on an educational paradigm, according to which it is possible to determine the amount of knowledge sufficient for successful life and transfer it to the student. The main teaching methods underlying this technology are explanation combined with visualization; leading activities of students - listening and memorization; the main requirement and the main criterion of effectiveness is the unmistakable reproduction of what has been learned.

Within the framework of traditional technology, the trainee is assigned performing functions of a reproductive nature. The actions of the teacher are associated with explanation, demonstration of actions, assessment of their performance by students and correction.
This technology It has a number of important advantages: it is economical, makes it easier for students to understand complex material, provides a fairly effective management of the educational process, and new ways of presenting knowledge organically fit into it.
At the same time, traditional technology also has certain disadvantages: it has insignificant opportunities for individualization and differentiation of the educational process, and it poorly develops the mental potential of students.

Developmental learning technology

Of all the existing domestic learning technologies, developmental learning technology is one of the most recognized. Its origins were such outstanding psychologists and teachers as L. S. Vygotsky, L. V. Zankov, D. B. Elkonin, V. V. Davydov and many others. The works of L.S. Vygotsky, the creator of the cultural-historical theory mental development person.
To L.S. Vygotsky believed that the development of the child, in particular the development of the intellect, follows education and upbringing. L.S. Vygotsky proved that pedagogy should focus not on yesterday, but on the future of child development. Only then will it be able, in the process of learning, to bring to life those developmental processes that at the given moment lie in the zone of proximal development. The meaning of the concept of "zone of proximal development" is that at a certain stage of development, the child can decide learning objectives under the guidance of adults and in cooperation with more intelligent comrades.
However, before L.V. Zankov's ideas of L. S. Vygotsky were not in demand in relation to didactics and teaching practice. L.V. Zankov managed to deploy on the basis of training in primary school a pedagogical experiment based on the idea that it is possible to accelerate the development of schoolchildren by increasing the effectiveness of learning.
The implementation of the idea required the development of a number of new didactic principles. The decisive role was assigned to the principle of teaching at a high level of difficulty, which is characterized not by the fact that it raises some abstract "average norm of difficulty", but by the fact that it reveals the spiritual forces of the child, gives them scope and direction. If the educational material and methods of studying it are such that there are no obstacles for schoolchildren to overcome, then the development of children is going poorly.

The principle of learning at a high level of difficulty determines the selection and construction of the content of education. The educational material becomes more extensive and deep, the leading role is given to theoretical knowledge, while, however, the importance of practical skills and abilities of students does not decrease.
L.V. Zankov also argued that in the study of program material, one should move forward at a fast pace. Unintentional slowing down of the pace associated with repeated and monotonous repetition of what has been covered creates interference or even makes it impossible to learn at a high level of difficulty.
The developmental learning technology was also actively developed by D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov and their numerous students. D B. Elkonin, taking into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren, substantiated a system-activity approach to learning.
The didactic ideas of the technology of developmental education also include the idea of ​​stimulating the reflection of students in various situations of educational activity. Reflection is understood as awareness and comprehension by students of their own actions, techniques, methods of learning activities.
Since the procedures of reflection are closely related to the procedure of self-control and self-assessment, they are also given great importance in training (according to the technology of developing education).
The ideas of developmental education technology in our country have become widespread among teachers. However, a number of provisions of this technology remain debatable. Research by the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences has shown that children with congenital slow dynamic personality characteristics are doomed to inevitable difficulties when working at a uniform pace for the whole class. Therefore, the requirement to teach everyone at a fast pace and at a high level of complexity is not feasible for all students.

Lecture, abstract. Pedagogical technologies - concept and types. Classification, essence and features. 2018-2019.

Technology of phased formation of mental actions

The technology for the phased formation of mental actions was developed on the basis of the corresponding theory of P. Ya. . In the course of practical activity, an indicative basis is formed in a person as a system of ideas about the goal, plan and means of carrying out an action. That is, for an error-free execution of an action, a person must know what will happen in this case, what aspects of what is happening need to be paid attention to in order not to let the main thing out of control. These provisions form the basis of the theory of learning as a phased formation of mental actions.
According to this theory, the technology of learning is built in accordance with the indicative basis for performing an action that must be mastered by the trainee. The cycle of assimilation consists of a number of stages:
First step involves the actualization of the corresponding motivation of the student.
Second phase associated with the awareness of the scheme of the orienting basis of activity (action). Students first get acquainted with the nature of the activity, the conditions for its flow, the sequence of indicative, executive and control actions. The level of generalization of actions, and hence the possibility of transferring them to other conditions, depends on the completeness of the orienting basis of these actions.
There are three types of orientations:
a specific sample (for example, a show) or a description of an action without instructions on the methodology for its implementation (an incomplete system of orientations);
full and detailed instructions on the correct performance of the action;
The orienting basis of action is created by the trainees independently on the basis of the acquired knowledge.
Third stage performance of an action in an external form, material or materialized, that is, with the help of any models, diagrams, drawings, etc. These actions include executive and control functions, and not just orientational ones. At this stage, students are required to talk about the operations they perform and their features.
Fourth stage external speech, when students say out loud those actions that are being mastered. There is a further generalization, automation of actions. The need for an orienting basis of action (instruction) disappears, since its role is played by the student's external speech.
Fifth stage the stage of inner speech, when the action is said to oneself. It has been established that in the process of inner speech, the generalization and curtailment of the action is most intensive.
Sixth stage associated with the transition of the action to the internal (mental) plan (internalization of the action).
The management of the learning process according to this theory occurs by changing the named stages and exercising control from the teacher.
The technology of gradual formation of mental actions has both positive and negative sides.
Virtues of this technology are:
Creation of conditions for the work of the student at an individual pace;
Reducing the time for the formation of skills and abilities by showing the exemplary performance of the actions being learned;
· achievement of high automation of performed actions in connection with their algorithmization;
Ensuring accessible quality control of the performance of both the action as a whole and its individual operations;
the possibility of prompt correction of teaching methods in order to optimize them.

disadvantages technologies for the gradual formation of mental actions are:
Limitation of opportunities for the assimilation of theoretical knowledge;
the complexity of developing methodological support;
· the formation of stereotyped mental and motor actions in trainees to the detriment of the development of their creative potential.

Technology of collective interaction

The technology of collective interaction was developed by (Alexander Grigorievich) A. G. Rivin, his students and followers V. V. Arkhipova, V. K. Dyachenko, A. S. Sokolov and others.
Collaboration technology includes three components:
a) preparation of educational material;
b) student orientation;
c) the technology of the course of the training session itself.

The preparation of educational material consists in the selection of educational texts, additional and reference literature on the topic; the division of educational material into units of assimilation (semantic paragraphs); in the development of targets, including home tasks.

Student Orientation includes two stages:
· preparatory, the purpose of which is to form and develop the necessary general educational skills and abilities: navigate in space; listen to your partner and hear what he says; work in a noisy environment; find the information you need; use sheets of individual accounting; translate an image into words and words into images, etc. These skills are worked out during special training sessions;
· introductory, which has various modifications, the common element of which is the communication of target settings, the assimilation of the "rules of the game", ways to take into account the results of the exercise, etc.
The course of the lesson depending on the content of the lesson, the volume of educational material and the time allotted for its study, the age of the trainees, the chosen version of the technology, it can proceed in different ways.

The most characteristic variant of the technology of collective mutual learning has the following stages:
1) each student works out his own paragraph (this can be a sentence, part of the text, description, characterization, paragraph or paragraph of the textbook, article, historical document, etc.);
2) the exchange of knowledge with a partner, taking place according to the rules of the role-playing game "teacher - student". Role reversal is required. The teacher offers his own version of the title of the paragraph, his own plan, answers the questions posed, offers control questions or tasks, etc.;
3) elaboration of the information that has just been received and the search for a new partner for mutual learning, etc.
4) Accounting for completed tasks is carried out either in a group sheet, which indicates all the educational elements and the names of the participants in the organized dialogue, or in an individual card.

The practical implementation of this technology shows the feasibility of "immersing" students in the topic for the time required to complete the training cycle. Under learning cycle is understood as a set of actions of the teacher and the student, which lead the latter to the assimilation of a certain fragment of content with predetermined indicators.
Advantages: In the conditions of the technology of collective mutual learning, each student works at an individual pace; increased responsibility not only for their own success, but also for the results of collective work; an adequate self-assessment of the individual, his capabilities and abilities, advantages and limitations is formed. The teacher does not need to restrain the pace of advancement of some and stimulate other students, which has a positive effect on the microclimate in the team. Discussion of one information with several interchangeable partners increases the number of associative links, and, consequently, provides a stronger assimilation of the material.

Multi-level learning technology

The technology of multi-level education involves the creation of pedagogical conditions for the inclusion of each student in activities corresponding to the zone of his proximal development. Its appearance was due to the fact that the traditional class-lesson system, focused on teaching all children according to unified programs and methods, cannot ensure the full development of each student. The teacher in the educational process deals with students who have different interests, inclinations, needs, motives, features of temperament, thinking and memory, emotional sphere. In the traditional class-lesson system, these features are difficult to take into account.
Multi-level learning technology provides for level differentiation by dividing streams into mobile and relatively homogeneous groups, each of which masters the program material in various educational areas at the basic and variable levels ( a basic level of determined by the state standard, variable - is creative, but not lower than the basic level).
Three variants of differentiated learning are used:
1) on the basis of a preliminary diagnosis of the dynamic characteristics of the personality and the level of mastery of general educational skills, students from the beginning of training are distributed into classes working on programs of different levels;
2) intra-class differentiation occurs in the middle link, depending on cognitive interests, groups of in-depth study of individual subjects are created on a voluntary basis;
3) differentiation through specialized education in elementary school and high school, organized on the basis of psychodidactic diagnostics, expert assessment, recommendations from teachers and parents, self-knowledge and self-determination of the student.

Differentiated multi-level training provides for:
creation of cognitive motivation and stimulation of cognitive activity of students;
· voluntary choice by each student of the level of assimilation of educational material (not lower than the State Standard);
organization of independent work of students at various levels
Full assimilation of the basic component of the content of education;
pair, group and collective (work in pairs of shifts) forms of organization of the educational process;
current control over the assimilation of educational material;
Introductory and final control for each enlarged unit of assimilation of educational material (for students who have not completed the key tasks, corrective work is organized until they are fully assimilated);
· advanced training of students according to individual plans in any educational areas.
Under the conditions of using the technology of multi-level training, such lessons in time are preferable that allow you to implement the full cycle of training on an enlarged learning unit.
The specificity of the lesson, associated with the characteristics of the educational area (subject), has a significant impact on the selection, content and temporal correlation of its various stages.
The stage of preparation for the implementation of the main activity involves the creation of a target setting. Further, an introductory control is carried out in the form of a test, dictation, explanation of the basic definitions, rules, algorithms, etc. The work ends with the correction of the identified gaps and inaccuracies.
To provide a complete indicative basis of activity, the trainees are informed of the volume of the obligatory and excess parts of the work, assessment criteria, and homework.
At the stage of assimilation of new knowledge the explanation is given in a capacious, compact form, which ensures the transition to independent processing of educational information by the majority of students. For the rest, a second explanation is proposed using additional didactic means. Each student, as he masters the information being studied, is included in the discussion, answers the questions of his comrades, and poses his own questions. This work can be done in groups or in pairs.
The stage of knowledge consolidation involves self-checking and mutual checking of the mandatory part of the tasks. The above-standard part of the work is first evaluated by the teacher, and then the most significant results are reported to all students.
Summing up the lesson includes control testing. After self-checking and peer-checking, students evaluate their work in the lesson.

Adaptive Learning Technology

A variety of multi-level learning technology is the technology of adaptive learning, which implies a flexible system for organizing training sessions, taking into account the individual characteristics of the trainees. The central place in this technology is given to the student, his activities, the qualities of his personality. Particular attention is paid to the formation of their learning skills.
When using adaptive learning technology, the teacher works with the whole class (tells the new, explains, shows, trains, etc.) and individually (manages students' independent work, exercises control, etc.). The activities of students are carried out jointly with the teacher, individually with the teacher and independently under the guidance of the teacher.
Learning in the context of the application of adaptive learning technology becomes predominantly an active independent activity: it is reading compulsory and additional literature, abstract work, solving problems of various levels of complexity, performing laboratory and practical work, individual work with a teacher, knowledge control, etc.
Adaptive learning technology involves the implementation control of all types: teacher control, self-control, mutual control of students, control using technical means and machineless control programs, etc. In contrast to the traditional single-channel feedback (student-teacher), which poorly performs a teaching function, student-student, teacher-student group, student-student group), suggesting completely different forms of relationships between them.
The learning process with the considered technology can be represented by three stages:
explanation of new educational material (the teacher teaches all students);
· individual work of the teacher with the students against the background of an independent class;
· independent work students.
Since priority is given to independent work when using adaptive learning technology, this requires optimization of the stage of explaining new educational material. It is necessary to highlight the material that the teacher will teach frontally to schoolchildren; divide it into enlarged blocks; throughout the course to plan a system of training for all students; determine the necessary and appropriate visual aids.
The purpose of the second stage is to teach students the methods of independent work, the search for knowledge, solving problematic problems, and creative activity. Previously, the teacher creates the necessary emotional atmosphere, conditions for individual work, he sets up students for independent work.
Against the background of independently working students, the teacher, according to a special schedule, deals with some of them individually on adaptive tasks of three levels that require reproductive, partially search and creative activity.
Independent work of students, which involves communication "student - student", "student - a group of students", is carried out in paired groups (static, dynamic and variational).
A static pair combines at will two students who change the roles of "teacher-student". It provides constant communication with each other. In pair communication, the speech and mental activity of students is activated, everyone has the opportunity to answer questions and ask them, explain, prove, suggest, check, evaluate, correct errors at the time of their occurrence. In a static pair, two weak and two strong students, a weak one and a strong one, can study.
Dynamic pairs are formed within a microgroup, which consists of more than two students. The microgroup is given one common task, which has several parts for each student. After completing his part of the task and its control by the teacher or self-control, the student discusses the task with each partner in the microgroup. Moreover, each time he needs to change the logic of presentation, emphasis, tempo, etc., i.e., adapt to the individual characteristics of his comrades.
When working in variational pairs, each member of the group receives his task, performs it, and analyzes the results together with the teacher. After that, the student can conduct mutual learning and mutual control on this issue. At the end of the work, each student learns all parts of the content of the educational task.
Thus, the technology of adaptive learning involves a diverse, flexible system for organizing training sessions that take into account individual characteristics schoolchildren. The explanation of new material may take up the whole lesson or part of it. The same applies to independent work of students. This technology makes it possible to purposefully vary the duration and sequence of training stages.
The organization of training in variational pairs creates a comfortable environment and a situation of success that stimulate the cognitive interest of students and contribute to the development of their educational and communication skills.

Programmed learning technology

The technology of programmed learning began to be actively introduced into educational practice from the mid-60s. XX century. The main goal of programmed learning is to improve the management of the learning process. The origins of programmed learning were American psychologists and didacticists N. Crowder, B. Skinner, S. Pressy.
In domestic science, the technology of programmed learning was developed by P. Ya. Galperin, L. N. Landa, A. M. Matyushkin, N. F. Talyzina and others.
Programmed learning technology is a technology of independent individual learning according to a pre-designed training program using special means(programmed textbook, special teaching machines, computers, etc.). It provides each student with the opportunity to exercise in accordance with his individual characteristics (the pace of learning, the level of learning, etc.).
Characteristic features of programmed learning technology:
The division of educational material into separate small, easily digestible parts;
· the inclusion of a system of prescriptions for the consistent implementation of certain actions aimed at mastering each part; checking the understanding of each part. With the correct completion of control tasks, the student receives a new portion of the material and performs the next step of learning; if the answer is wrong, the student receives help and additional explanations;
fixing the results of the performance of control tasks, which become available both to the students themselves (internal feedback) and to the teacher (external feedback).
The main means of implementing the technology of programmed learning is a training program. It prescribes a sequence of actions to master a certain unit of knowledge. Tutorials may be in the form of a programmed textbook or other type of printed manual (machine-free programmed learning) or as a program delivered by a teaching machine (machine-programmed learning).
Three principles of programming form the basis of training programs: linear, branched and mixed.
At linear programming principle the trainee, working on the educational material, sequentially moves from one step of the program to the next. In this case, all students consistently follow the prescribed steps of the program. Differences can only be in the pace of study of the material.
Using branched programming principle the work of students who gave correct or incorrect answers is differentiated. If the student has chosen the correct answer, he receives reinforcement in the form of confirmation of the correctness of the answer and an indication of the transition to the next step of the program. If the student has chosen an erroneous answer, he is explained the essence of the mistake made, and he is instructed to return to some of the previous steps of the program or go to some subroutine.
The principle of branched programming, compared to linear programming, allows more individualization of student learning. A student who gives correct answers can move forward faster, moving from one piece of information to another without delay. Students who make mistakes progress more slowly, but read additional explanations and fill in gaps in knowledge.
Also developed mixed technologies of programmed learning. Sheffield and block technologies are known as such.
Regardless of the nature of the technological system of programmed learning, the learning program can be presented using textbooks or machines. There are textbooks with linear, branched and mixed programming material structures.

Modular learning technology

The modular approach is usually interpreted as the design of educational material and procedures in the form of complete units, taking into account attributive characteristics.
In its original form, modular training originated in the late 60s. 20th century and quickly spread to English-speaking countries. Its essence was that the student could almost independently or completely independently work with the individual curriculum offered to him, which includes a target lesson plan, an information bank and a methodological guide to achieve the set didactic goals. The teacher's functions ranged from information-controlling to consultative-coordinating. Modular education is currently used exclusively in higher education institutions.
Based on the theory of modular learning, a module is a relatively independent part of a system that carries a certain functional load, then in learning theory it is a certain “dose” of information or action sufficient to form certain professional knowledge.
A training module is a logically completed form of a part of the content of an academic discipline, including cognitive and professional aspects, the assimilation of which must be completed by an appropriate form of control of knowledge, skills and abilities formed as a result of mastering this module by students.
The module contains 2 characteristics:
· cognitive(formation of theoretical knowledge);
· professional(formation of professional skills and abilities based on acquired knowledge).
The proposed structure of the module allows in a simple and visual form to identify internal and external relations within each module and, on this basis, to give scientifically based recommendations for studying the course.
The theory of modular learning is based on specific principles that are closely related to general didactic principles.
General direction of modular training, its goals, content and methodology of organization are determined by the following principles:
· modularity(defines the approach to learning, reflected in the content, organizational forms and methods);
· separation of separate elements from the content of training(requires to consider the educational material within the framework of the module as a single integrity aimed at solving an integrated didactic goal, i.e. the module has a clear structure);
· dynamism(free change in the content of the modules, taking into account the social order - the educational material must be constantly, almost annually, revised and updated);
· effectiveness and efficiency of knowledge and their system(training should be organized on the basis of a problematic approach to the assimilation of knowledge in order to ensure a creative attitude to learning);
· flexibility(requires the construction of a modular program and, accordingly, modules in such a way that it is easy to ensure the possibility of adapting the content of training and ways of mastering it to the individual needs of trainees);
· conscious perspective(requires a deep understanding of the learning stimuli by students);
· versatility of methodological consulting(requires ensuring professionalism in the cognitive activity of the student and pedagogical activity).

Lecture, abstract. - concept and types. Classification, essence and features. 2018-2019.

Educational technologies

Technology of pedagogical design

Educational design - this is a preliminary development of the main details of the upcoming activities of students and teachers.

Pedagogical design is a function of any teacher, no less significant than organizational, gnostic (search for content, methods and means of interaction with students) or communicative.

Thanks to the design, the educational process at school and vocational schools becomes technological.

Pedagogical technology is a consistent and continuous movement of interconnected components, stages, states of the pedagogical process and the actions of its participants.

This principle is based on the following rules:

1. Subordinate the designed pedagogical systems, processes, situations to the real needs, interests and abilities of your pupils.

2. Do not impose on students the implementation of their projects, constructs, be able to step back, replace them with others.

3. Do not design rigidly and in detail, leave room for improvisation for students and yourself.

When designing, the teacher is recommended to put himself in the place of the student more often and mentally experiment with his behavior, feelings that arise under the influence of the system, process or situation created for him. This is enough to make the necessary adjustments to plans, notes, etc. already during the design process.

The principle of self-development of designed systems, processes, situations means making them dynamic, flexible, capable of changes, restructuring, complication or simplification in the course of implementation.

The theoretical support of design is the search for information: a) about the experience of similar objects in other places; b) about the experience of designing similar objects by other teachers; c) about theoretical and empirical studies of the influence of pedagogical systems and processes on a person and one or another solution of pedagogical situations.

Methodical design support includes the creation of design tools: preparation of diagrams, sample documents, etc.

The theoretical support depends on how creative we are in the design itself.

The spatio-temporal provision of design is due to the fact that any project only then receives real value and is able to be implemented if a specific time and a certain space are taken into account in its development.

Temporary design support is the ratio of the project to time in terms of its volume, i.e., activities that fit within a certain period, in terms of the pace of implementation, in terms of rhythm, sequence, speed, etc.

Technology for the development of critical thinking through reading and writing.

(Selevko G.K. Pedagogical technologies based on activation, intensification and effective management)

The technology of RKMChP (critical thinking) was developed at the end of the 20th century. in USA.

The RCMCHP technology is an integral system that forms the skills of working with information in the process of reading and writing. It is aimed at mastering the basic skills of an open information space, developing the qualities of a citizen of an open society, included in intercultural interaction. The technology is open to solving a wide range of problems in the educational field.

Critical thinking is one of the types of human intellectual activity, which is characterized by a high level of perception, understanding, objectivity of the approach to the information field surrounding it.

The term "critical thinking" can refer to almost all mental activity. Critical thinking skills-oriented teaching involves more than just students actively seeking information to learn, but something more: relating what they have learned to their own experience, and comparing what they have learned with other research in the field. Students have the right to question the reliability or authority of the information received, check the logic of the evidence, draw conclusions, construct new examples for its application, consider the possibilities of solving the problem, etc.

Reject unnecessary or incorrect information; .question the logical inconsistency of spoken or written language;

Separate the main from the unimportant in the text or in speech and be able to focus on the first.

4. Formation of a reading culture, which includes the ability to navigate information sources, use different reading strategies, adequately understand what is read, sort information in terms of its importance, “screen out” secondary information, critically evaluate new knowledge, draw conclusions and generalizations.

5. Stimulating independent search creative activity, launching the mechanisms of self-education and self-organization.

The technology is based on a basic didactic cycle consisting of three stages (stages).

Each phase has its own goals and objectives, as well as a set of characteristic techniques aimed first at activating research and creative activity, and then at comprehending and generalizing the acquired knowledge.

The first stage is the "challenge", during which the students' previous knowledge is activated, interest in the topic awakens, and the goals of studying the upcoming educational material are determined.

The second stage - "comprehension" - is meaningful, during which the direct work of the student with the text takes place, and the work is directed, meaningful. The reading process is always accompanied by student activities (marking, tabulation, journaling) that allow you to track your own understanding. At the same time, the concept of "text" is interpreted very broadly: it is a written text, a teacher's speech, and video material.

The third stage is the stage of "reflection" - reflections. At this stage, the student forms a personal attitude to the text and fixes it either with the help of his own text or his position in the discussion. It is here that an active rethinking of one's own ideas takes place, taking into account the newly acquired knowledge.

Lesson organization. Lesson forms in RKCHP differ from lessons in traditional education. The students do not sit passively, listening to the teacher, but become the protagonists of the lesson. They think and remember to themselves, share reasoning with each other, read, write, discuss what they read.

The role of the teacher is mainly coordinating.

A popular method of demonstrating the process of thinking is the graphic organization of material. Models, drawings, diagrams, etc. reflect the relationship between ideas, show students the train of thought. The process of thinking, hidden from the eyes, becomes visible, takes on a visible embodiment.

Case study technology

The case-study method (developed by Harvard University) is learning by analyzing specific situations.

A distinctive feature of the case study method is the creation of a problem situation based on facts from real life.

The most common in the Russian school are cases that illustrate a problem, solution or concept as a whole. It was from them that many teachers of business disciplines began to use cases. Wide use today we received "video clips" from educational and even feature films.

The case method of teaching involves not only the presence of a bank of cases, but also methodological recommendations for their use, questions for discussion, assignments for students, didactic materials to help the teacher.

The case method allows you to establish the optimal combination of theoretical and practical aspects of learning.

The case study method develops the competence qualities of a person:

Analytical skills (the ability to distinguish data from information, classify, highlight essential and non-essential information, analyze, present it, detect the absence of information and restore it).

Practical skills (use in practice of academic theory, methods and principles).

Creative skills (logic alone, as a rule, cannot solve a case situation; creative skills are very important in generating alternative solutions that cannot be found in a logical way).

Communication skills (the ability to lead a discussion, convince others, use visual material and other media, cooperate in groups; defend one's point of view, convince opponents, write a concise, convincing report).

Social skills (assessment of people's behavior, the ability to listen, support someone else's opinion in a discussion or argue one's own, etc.).

Technologies of pedagogical support

Understanding the educational process as an integral relationship between upbringing, education, socialization and self-determination of the individual, the teacher must recognize the child's right to build his own, individual social experience. In the pedagogical process, this requires a special technology called "pedagogical support". Its author is the innovative teacher Oleg Semenovich Gazman.

The concept of "pedagogical support" is very ambiguous. In the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" by V. Dahl, to support means "to serve as a support, stand, support, prevent collapse and fall

The interpretation of V. Dahl's Dictionary also indicates that it is possible to support only what has already developed and gives positive results. Hence the second theoretical idea of ​​the technology of pedagogical support: in the process of upbringing and education, it is necessary to support the child's sociality, his children's social life. In terms of content, the technology of pedagogical support is aimed at:

Support for the health and physical strength of the child: organization of a health-saving mode of life for children, introducing them to individually selected forms of motor activity, to activities that improve health; support for their desire to get rid of bad habits that destroy health;

Support for the intellectual development of children: identifying and developing the cognitive interests of each child, creating conditions for successful educational activities, assistance in choosing an individual educational route, including one that goes into the field of a future profession;

Support for the child in the field of communication: creating conditions for the humanistic interaction of children, assistance in a conscious choice of behavior, support for the manifestation of the individual abilities of children in leisure activities;

Child family support: a study family relations, interaction with the most authoritative family members for the child.

Pedagogical support organizes a special creative atmosphere and constantly cultivates situations of choice in the lives of children. Such situations require from pupils not only the application of knowledge and skills, but also the experience of reflection, independent decision-making, manifestation of will and character. As O. S. Gazman accurately noted, if pedagogy does not know how to work with the natural life situation of the child, with his initiative, self-determination, it will always experience a crisis in the technology of education.

The technology of pedagogical support radically changes the very organization of the pedagogical process. Education begins to be planned not from the tasks of society, social order, but "from the child", and not so much from his interests, leisure aspirations, but, above all, from his life problems.

The technology of pedagogical support significantly transforms the role and functions of the traditional organizers of the pedagogical process - school teachers, class teachers.

In the practice of our education, the technology of pedagogical support turned out to be more in demand in the field of extracurricular activities and communication of schoolchildren, and the released class teacher became its main organizer.

The technological algorithm of pedagogical support is built around the specific problems of the child or the children's community (maybe not yet become a team) and includes five stages:

1. Diagnostic stage

Pedagogical support is carried out only on the basis of knowledge of the individual characteristics of pupils. First stage This technology is the recognition and diagnosis of conflicts, difficult life problems of children, the identification of their emotional states. Each child has his own individual range of possibilities, they should open up not only to the educator, but also to the child himself, whom the teacher includes in self-examination of his personality.

2. Search stage

Together with the child, ways to overcome the problem are determined. First independent choice the child must do in that area where he already has experience and some past success. At this stage, the educator creates situations in which children simply cannot but make their own choice.

3. Negotiation stage

Assistance to the child in the conscious choice of his behavior and activities is organized:

All classifications of teaching methods involve testing students' knowledge, assessing the nature of their activities, and correcting these activities. It is known that the purpose of testing and assessing students' knowledge is to ensure the quality of their knowledge, their level of development.

Often the concepts of "assessment" and "mark" are identified. Evaluation is a process, activity (or action) of evaluation carried out by a person. Evaluation functions, as is known, are not limited only to the statement of the level of learning. The assessment of knowledge in our national school did not remain unchanged. So, until 1935, there was a three-point assessment: "very satisfactory", "satisfactory" and "unsatisfactory". Then it was recognized as unsuitable, as it leads to an equalization in the knowledge of students. Then the five-point system, which has survived to this day, was introduced. When assessing knowledge, it is also necessary to take into account some incidental points: for example, current or final knowledge (exam, quarterly assessment, etc.), the student's diligence, the stability of his academic work, etc. are assessed.

Evaluation is one of the real means at the disposal of the teacher, stimulating learning, positive motivation, and influence on the individual. It is under the influence of objective assessment that schoolchildren develop an adequate self-esteem, a critical attitude towards their successes.

The most important principle of controlling students' learning as one of the main components of the quality of education are: objectivity, systematic, visibility (publicity). A peculiar method for control is the daily, systematic observation of the teacher over the students. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of students when choosing control methods.

Recently, instead of the traditional concept of "control", the concept of monitoring has been increasingly used. Monitoring is a continuous control action in the "teacher-student" system that allows you to observe (and correct as necessary) the student's progress from ignorance to knowledge. Monitoring is a regular monitoring of the qualities of mastering knowledge and skills in the educational process. A specific method for testing and evaluating knowledge is examinations, which are also a means state control for the work of educational institutions. In the domestic school, exams were introduced in 1932 (before that, "tests" were held).

The main condition for choosing methods for measuring and evaluating students' competencies is the ability to use them to carry out multidimensional measurements, conduct a comprehensive assessment, and determine the integrated qualities of a personality. Quite numerous attempts to move away from the digital, symbolic system are changing in the countries of Europe and America. In Germany, there was an experiment on the introduction of diagnostic sheets, in which verbal and numerical assessments of students' knowledge were given. They were entered into tables. In England, like this, there are so-called "profiles". They make up the test and the results, summarized in a matrix table.

Control methods: oral survey, written control, dictation, test, independent work, test, practical work, laboratory work, test. There are also non-traditional control methods. In each topic, key concepts and terms are highlighted that can be laid out as a basis: crossword puzzles, puzzles, rebuses, charades, quizzes. except traditional methods control (pedagogical tests, USE, GIA), new ones are offered: case meters, projects, portfolios, katanotests, contextual tasks. A case is a package of tasks, individual or group, they outline a real problem that does not have a single and obvious solution. Case-meters are classified as innovative evaluation tools.

What is a project? From the teacher's point of view, this is a task formulated as a problem; purposeful activity of students and the result of the activity as a way of solving the problem found by them; it is a means of development, training and education of students.

The project method is based on the development of students' cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge and navigate the information space, and the development of creative thinking.

Portfolio as a method of assessing the personal achievements of schoolchildren, has recently been quite common. The portfolio allows you to take into account the results achieved by the student in a variety of activities - educational, creative, social, communicative and others

The next evaluation method is katanotest. Tasks in the test correspond to 5 levels of difficulty in ascending order. In the katanotest, the text of the tasks is composed in such a way that until the student answers the question, the next one does not open.

One of modern methods knowledge assessment is a contextual task. This is a task of a motivational nature, in which a specific life situation is described, the requirement of the task is to analyze, comprehend and explain this situation or choose a method of action in it, and the result of solving the task is to meet the educational problem and realize its personal significance.

The concept of " pedagogical technologies” made their way into pedagogical science for several decades, since pedagogy as a humanitarian science was more familiar and understandable with didactic definitions of methods of teaching and education, which were formed over centuries, if you start with Y. A. Comenius, and even millennia, if you remember pedagogy ancient world. But everything changes, and in pedagogy, as in a mirror, reflected characteristics XX century, namely: at the beginning of the XX century. there was a technical revolution, and at the end - a technological one, "the transition from machines to systems of activity." Technology affects not only the development of any branch of science and technology, but also the educational process. She breaks into him, dictates her own rules and laws. So, in the 1950s, a lot of all kinds of technical teaching aids (TOE) appeared in higher and secondary educational institutions. At first, these were the toggle simulators "OM-Zsk", "Spark", "Lingua" and the display device "K-54" and many others, and then the computers went on the offensive on a wide front.

In the 1960s and 1970s, a great deal of trust was placed on TSOs; some considered them almost a panacea for all pedagogical ills. But over time, the understanding came that technology is a positive, but far from a decisive factor in the education of the younger generation, that it should not be used instead of a teacher (unfortunately, there were such judgments), but where it is appropriate.

With the introduction of technology into the educational process in the West, they started talking about learning technology, initially linking it with TCO. In Russia, the concept of "learning technology" has been expanded to the term "pedagogical technologies", meaning by this the meaningful technique of the educational process.

The very word "technology" (from the Greek techne - "art, craft, science" + logos - "concept, teaching") means "a set of knowledge about the methods and means of carrying out production processes, for example, metal technology, chemical technology, technology construction works etc.". Understanding the "set" of this knowledge as a "system", the authors of a number of works talk about the technology of the educational process. But didactics also came to a systemic understanding of education. Didactics deals with the content, methods and means of education, the goals of education, the activities of the teacher and the student. Pedagogical technologies do the same, using well-known didactic principles: scientific, systematic, systematic, strength of learning; the unity of training, education and development of the student, taking into account the individual abilities of students in the collective nature of the educational process, etc. So what then is the difference between didactics and pedagogical technologies? Is this not a tribute to the fashion introduced by engineer-teachers, who are more engineers than teachers, since they often do not have a pedagogical education?

It turns out that there is a big difference. Briefly, you can say this: didactics- this is the theory of education in general, and pedagogical technology is a specific, scientifically based, specially organized training to achieve, again, a specific, actually implemented goal of training, education and development of the student in particular. Not just a general goal is set, for example, the training of a highly qualified specialist, but scientifically based specific goals are developed for the stages of training, the content, methods and means of achieving these goals, ultimately leading to the optimal path to the final goal, the formation of a highly qualified specialist that meets modern requirements for its use. at all stages of professional activity: research, development, design, implementation, operation of equipment, etc. When developing a teaching technology, a very specific activity of the teacher and the student is predicted with or without the use of TSS.

There is an opinion that pedagogy is an art. But after all, art is feasible not for everyone, but only for a master of his craft, who has certain abilities. Not all teachers, unfortunately, have pedagogical skills, but everyone can master pedagogical technology, because "art is based on intuition, and technology - on science." To master this science means to become a good teacher. One cannot but agree with V.P. Bespalko that “a good, scientifically based technology of training and education is pedagogical skill”.

What does evidence-based learning technology mean? This means that it is based on a scientific analysis of the activity, in our case, of a student, a future specialist, the selection of those qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities that he will need in his professional activity; analysis and clear selection of educational information, i.e. the content of educational material intended for teaching and monitoring its assimilation; analysis of the means of pedagogical communication (textbooks, manuals, TCO and guidelines for them, etc.; choice of forms and methods of teaching, educating and developing students); specifying the activities of the teacher and student. After a scientific analysis of all of the above, the stage of developing the learning technology itself follows on the basis of a pedagogical system, where all components are interconnected and work as a whole. This is followed by verification of the developed technology in experiential learning, its correction, addition and change, if necessary, and only then - the stage of its implementation in natural learning conditions. It should be noted that pedagogical technology is not something frozen and given for all time. It can be improved or changed depending on the changing learning conditions.

It is important that each teacher introduces scientifically based adjustments to the existing technology of teaching students in a particular discipline, depending on the number of students, taking into account their psychological characteristics, the development of the relevant science (the principle of cultural conformity), their educational readiness, as well as the requirements of the time. At present, the training of specialists who will have to work in a market economy is required, and this cannot be ignored.

These are basically the stages in the development of pedagogical technologies that lead the teacher to mastering pedagogical skills, and students to mastering their professional activities. Is this hard to achieve? Naturally, it is difficult if the teaching technology is developed by one teacher. You can develop it all your life, and it's hard to stop, because the best is the enemy of the good, you constantly want to improve. However, a team of teachers is quite capable of developing such a learning technology in which the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students would form the natural-science worldview of students, would have a moral impact on them, would teach students not just to study and work, but to study beautifully, without triples. Three - it's immoral, it's dullness.

  • problematic,
  • programmed,
  • adaptive,
  • modular,
  • suggestive learning,
  • business games.

However, these are not teaching methods, but namely teaching technologies based on a scientific approach, a diagnostic specific research goal and designing students' cognitive activity and other features inherent in pedagogical technologies. These learning technologies are based on one or another didactic method, and all general didactic methods can be used.

The emergence of the idea of ​​technology of the pedagogical process is associated primarily with the introduction of the achievements of scientific and technological progress in various areas theoretical and practical activities. It should be noted that A.S. Makarenko stood at the origins of technologization in pedagogy. In his world-famous Pedagogical Poem, he wrote that "our pedagogical production has never been built according to technological logic, but always according to the logic of moral preaching." He believed that this is why we simply lack all the important departments of pedagogical production: the technological process, accounting for operations, design work, the use of constructors and devices, rationing, control, tolerances and rejection.

Opponents of the idea of ​​technologization in pedagogy consider it an unacceptable liberty to consider a creative, purely intimate, as they believe, pedagogical process as a technological one.

Any activity, notes V.P. Bespalko, can be either technology or art. Art is based on intuition, technology is based on science. Everything begins with art, ends with technology, so that everything starts all over again. Any planning, and one cannot do without it in pedagogical activity, contradicts impromptu, actions on a hunch, on intuition, i.e. is the beginning of technology.

1 See: Bespalko V.P. Components of pedagogical technology. - M., 1989.

Researchers attribute the mass introduction of pedagogical technologies to the early 1960s. and associate it with the reformation of the first American, and then the European school. The most famous authors of modern pedagogical technologies abroad include J. Carroll, B. Bloom, D. Bruner, D. Ham-damn, G. Geis, V. Coscarelli. Domestic theory and practice of implementing technological approaches to education is reflected in the scientific works of P. Ya. Galperin, N. F. Talyzina, A. G. Rivin, L. N. Land, Yu. .P.Rachenko, L.Ya.Zorina, V.P.Bespalko, M.V.Klarina and others.

Currently, pedagogical technologies are considered as one of the types of human science technologies and are based on the theories of psychodidactics, social psychology, cybernetics, management and management.

1 See: Shchepel V.M. Desk book of a businessman and manager. - M., 1992.

Initially, many educators did not distinguish between learning technology, teaching technology, and pedagogical technology. The term "pedagogical technology" was used only in relation to learning, and the technology itself was understood as learning with the help of technical means. Currently, pedagogical technology is understood as a consistent, interconnected system of teacher actions aimed at solving pedagogical problems, or as a systematic and consistent implementation in practice of a pre-designed pedagogical process. Such an idea of ​​pedagogical technology implies:

The possibility of developing various verified pedagogical technologies by specialists with a high level of theoretical training and rich practical experience;
the possibility of free choice of pedagogical technologies in accordance with the goals, possibilities and conditions of the interconnected activities of the teacher and students.

Pedagogical technology is a strictly scientific design and accurate reproduction of pedagogical actions that guarantee success. Since the pedagogical process is based on a certain system of principles, pedagogical technology can be considered as a set of external and internal actions aimed at the consistent implementation of these principles in their objective relationship, where the personality of the teacher is fully manifested. This is also the difference between pedagogical technology and methods of teaching and educational work. If the concept of "methodology" expresses the procedure for using a set of methods and techniques for teaching and educating, regardless of the person who implements them, then pedagogical technology involves adding to it the personality of the teacher in all its diverse manifestations. Hence it is obvious that any pedagogical task can be effectively solved only with the help of adequate technology implemented by a qualified professional teacher.

There are approaches that somewhat narrow the concept of pedagogical technology, relegating it to the "art of touching the personality", scientifically based impact on the child in the context of its interaction with the outside world (N.E. Shchurkova and others).

Pedagogical technologies can be represented as teaching technologies (didactic technologies) and upbringing technologies. V. V. Pikan highlights the most significant features of such technologies:

The technology is developed for a specific pedagogical idea, it is based on a certain methodological, philosophical position of the author. So, it is possible to distinguish between technologies of the process of knowledge transfer and technologies of personality development;
the technological chain of pedagogical actions, operations, communications is built strictly in accordance with the target settings, which have the form of a specific expected result;
technology provides for the interconnected activities of the teacher and students on a contractual basis, taking into account the principles of individualization and differentiation, the optimal implementation of human and technical capabilities, and dialogical communication;
elements of pedagogical technology should be, on the one hand, reproducible by any teacher, and on the other hand, guarantee the achievement of the planned results (state standard) by all students;
an organic part of pedagogical technology are diagnostic procedures containing criteria, indicators and tools for measuring performance.

Pedagogical technology is interconnected with pedagogical skill. Perfect mastery of pedagogical technology is mastery. Pedagogical excellence, on the other hand, is the highest level of mastery of pedagogical technology, although it is not limited to the operational component. Among teachers, the opinion was firmly established that pedagogical skill is purely individual, therefore it cannot be passed from hand to hand. However, based on the ratio of technology and skill, it is clear that pedagogical technology, which can be mastered, like any other, is not only mediated, but also determined by the personal parameters of the teacher. The same technology can be carried out by different teachers, where their professionalism and pedagogical skills will be manifested.

According to the stages of solving the pedagogical problem, regardless of their content and time frame, it is possible to distinguish between interrelated general and particular technologies. The general ones include design technologies, for example, the learning process and its implementation. Private - these are technologies for solving such problems of training and education as pedagogical stimulation of students' activities, monitoring and evaluating its results, and more specific - such as analyzing the educational situation, organizing the beginning of the lesson, etc.

Thus, in accordance with a holistic approach, when developing and implementing the project of the pedagogical process as a system, it is necessary to strive to ensure the organic unity of all its components, bearing in mind that changes in one of them automatically cause changes in others. Pedagogical technology, in contrast to methodology, involves the development of the content and methods of organizing the activities of the pupils themselves. It requires diagnostic targeting and objective quality control of the pedagogical process, aimed at developing the personality of schoolchildren as a whole.

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