Name day July 30 female Christian names. Name day July female and male names according to the church calendar

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As soon as a pregnancy test gives you good news, you are immediately faced with a certain choice. The first is how to name the baby. And here parents spend a lot of time thinking, because it is necessary to approach such a responsible event with all seriousness. If the name is chosen hastily and thoughtlessly, then this can lead to inconvenience to the child. Previously, the choice of a name depended only on the church calendar. All name days for July to church calendar boys and girls are scheduled by month. People simply turned to the priest and he, regarding the date of birth, chose the name of the newborn.

How to choose the right name for the baby

Remember that the name of the child is given once and it will not be possible to change it before the age of 18. There is a certain list of rules that you should follow when choosing a name:

  1. Remember the responsibility in choosing a name to the child.
  2. Be careful if the name is non-standard. Children are very vulnerable and sometimes such a name can cause ridicule among peers. This can serve as a psychological trauma to the child.
  3. The chosen name should not cause rejection among others. It's better if it's respectful. If the name is affectionate or too soft, then the child may not be taken seriously.
  4. Try to choose a name that will be consonant with the child's middle name. It is advisable to initially ask the opinion of someone who is more objective than you. It just happens that the parents are interested persons and the pronunciation of the name in their performance will not sound the same as it will sound when pronounced by another person.
  5. Be careful when choosing fashionable names. This can cause some difficulties over time. Fashion is a fickle concept. She will change, and the name will not sound so beautiful or ridiculous.
  6. Also, do not forget that the name has a certain influence on the character of a person. Before you opt for any, it is worth very carefully studying the qualities that the baby will have.
  7. Some do not want to bother themselves and choose a name for a name day according to the church calendar in July. Then protect the child all his life.

name for july boy

Since each month has a certain influence on the character of a person, the name day of boys in July can also affect their fate. If you decide to name the baby with a name from the list of the church calendar, then the qualities of the saint will be transferred to the baby.

If a child was named after a saint on the day of his memory, then they believe that the saint will always protect the child and protect him from negative influences. Among these Angel Days of the male times of July, there are:

  • July 1 - Leonty;
  • 03.07 - Gury, Gleb;
  • July 4 - Julius, Terenty, Julian;
  • July 5 - Galaktion, Vasily, Arseny, Tikhon;
  • 06.07 - Herman, Artem, Svyatoslav;
  • 07.07 - Yakov, Anton, Ivan;
  • 08.07 - Peter, David;
  • 09.07 - Denis, David;
  • July 10 - Samson, Georgy (Yuri, Egor);
  • July 11 - Ivan, German, Sergey;
  • July 12 - Peter, Pavel;
  • July 13 - Sofron, Peter;
  • July 14 - Kuzma, Demyan, Nikodim;
  • July 16 - Vasily, Anatoly, Ivan, Philip, Konstantin;
  • July 17 - Efim, Andrey;
  • July 18 - Athanasius, Sergey;
  • July 21 - Procopius;
  • July 22 - Pankrat, Kirill, Fedor;
  • July 23 - Anton;
  • July 25 - Ivan, Arseny, Mikhail, Fedor, Prokl;
  • July 26 - Stepan (Stefan), Gabriel;
  • July 27 - Stepan (Stefan);
  • July 28 - Vladimir, Vasily;
  • July 29 - Afinogen, Pavel;
  • July 31 - Ivan, Emelyan.

Women's name day

According to the church calendar, girls' name days for July are not very diverse. Although even from such a small one you can choose or at least get acquainted with their interpretation. After all, naming a child in honor of a saint, we try to transfer all his positive qualities to him.

List of name days for girls in July to:

  • 03.07 - Inna, Rimma;
  • 05.07 - Ulyana;
  • 07.07 - Agripina;
  • 08.07 - Euphrosyne;
  • July 14 - Angelina;
  • July 17 - Martha;
  • July 18 - Anna;
  • July 19 - Ulyana;
  • July 20 - Euphrosyne, Evdokia;
  • July 24 - Elena, Olga;
  • July 29 - Alevtina, Valentina, Julia;
  • July 30 - Marina, Margarita.

Angel Day of female names in July is that if a child was named after a saint on her memory day, then this saint will always protect the child. Priests often say that it is advisable to go to church on this day, put candles and pray to your saint.

Remember that the name is not only the word that you are called. It is also a certain symbolic row, which carries a mystical influence on the fate of a person. That is why it is worth approaching his choice quite consciously. After all, it can not only help develop and strengthen certain positive qualities of the baby’s character, but also introduce some negative traits into his behavior.

It is especially necessary to be careful if the child is named after someone else. Be sure that the negative periods of a person's fate will not affect the life of your child.

The Lord is always with you!

Names on July 30 according to the church calendar (saints)

July 30 / August 12

Avdon - servant, slave, servant (Heb.);
Avundy - plentiful, plentiful (lat.);
Anatoly - east, eastern (Greek);
Andronicus (Andron, Andronius) - the winner of husbands (Greek);
Apollonius - Apollonov; destroyer, destroyer (Greek);
Valentine (Ualentin) - strong, healthy (lat.);
Herman - native, consanguineous, uterine (lat.);
Elima (Elim) - dumbness, silence (Heb.);
Epenet - laudable, commendable (Greek);
Efib - a young man (Greek);
John (Ivan) - God has mercy, the grace of God, God is pleased (Heb.);
Kriskent - growing (lat.);
Luke - light, shining; from Lucania; born at sunrise (lat.);
Maxim (Max) - the biggest, greatest (lat.);
Muko - who stutters, stutterer (glor.);
Olympus (Olympus) - Olympic, bright, heavenly, or Olympus, the seat of the gods (Greek);
Parmenius - stay, hold fast, firm (Greek);
Polychrony - long, durable, long-term (Greek);
Proculus - far, distant (lat.);
Sennis - old (lat.);
Strength (Silos) - predator (Greek); silence, peace (Hebrew and Latin); predator (Greek);
Silvan (Siluyan) - Silvan (god of forests, fields and herds); forest, forest (lat.);
Chrysotel - the golden end, or the performer of the anointing (Greek).

Learn about the meaning and characteristics of names

Women's names
Most parents, when choosing a name for their daughter, are guided, among other reasons, by its meaning. Consider the origin and meaning of today's popular female names.

Name and career

Along with the character, the name also determines the profession - in which field a person can most successfully build his career. The name can help or hinder the achievement of goals.

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Name day July 30


Name origin. The name Veronica is of ancient Greek origin, being derived from the name Ferenike. The meaning of the latter is translated as "carrying victory" (fero - "to carry", "bring" and nike - "victory"). True, some scholars believe that the origin of the name Veronica dates back to the times of the Roman Empire, and in Latin it means “genuine”, “true”.

Short form of the name. Veronichka, Vera, Veronya, Ronya, Rona, Ronyusha, Verunya, Verusha, Vika, Nika, Nikash, Nikusha.


Name origin. Like most modern names, it originated in Ancient Hellas. It came from the ancient Greek Leonidas and means “like a lion”, “descendant of a lion”, “son of a lion.” A person named by this name has a royal, wise, just ancestor.

Short form of the name. Lenya, Lenyusya, Lesya, Lyoka, Lyokha, Lyosha, Leonidka, Leonya, Ledya, Leo, Leon.


Name origin. The name is derived from the late Latin name Margarita, which in turn comes from the ancient Greek word "margarites" and acquires the meaning of "pearl", "pearl".

Short form of the name. Daisy, Margo, Margosha, Margusha, Mara, Marusya, Maga, Poppy, Rita, Ritulya, Ritunya, Ritusya, Tusya, Ritush.


Name origin. The origin of the female name Marina is associated with the Roman generic patrician name Marinus. In translation, it means "sea".

Short form of the name. Marinka, Mariska, Masha, Marinushka, Mara, Marusya, Marisha, Marisya, Mary, Musya, Ina, Rina.

Signs for July 30

  • Autumn will be like two last days July and the first day of August.
  • If a thunderstorm happened on July 30, autumn will also be rainy, and there will be snowstorms in winter.
  • A hot and dry day on July 30 portends a cold and snowy winter.
  • Dawn with shame - blue flashes of lightning - to the harvest of nuts.
  • What is the weather on this day - this will be the first half of autumn (September and early October).
  • White clouds on a rainy day - to change the weather.
  • Lizards hide in minks - to rain.
  • Bright lightning - to the fire.
  • Seagulls sit on the water - for sunny weather.
  • The rainbow, in which the blue color predominates, is located high - the sun will soon come out to replace the long rains!
  • A lot of dragonflies near the water - to the rain. Insects behave restlessly - to a strong thunderstorm and prolonged downpours.

Orthodox holidays July 30

  • the memory of the Great Martyr Marina (Margaret) of Antioch (4th century);
  • the memory of the Monk Irinarch of Solovetsky, hegumen (1628);
  • the memory of the Monk Leonid of Ustnedumsky, hieromonk (1654);
  • transfer of the relics of St. Lazar of Galicia, hieromonk;
  • celebration in honor of the Svyatogorsk Icon of the Mother of God (1569);
  • celebration in honor of the birthday of the great martyr Vasily Katerovsky (1997).

Men's name day on July 30 according to the church calendar

  • - from the ancient Greek name Leonidas - “like a lion”, “descendant of a lion”, “son of a lion”.

Women's name day on July 30 according to the church calendar

  • - from the ancient Greek name Ferenike: fero - "carry", "bring" + nike - "victory".
  • - from the late Latin name Margarita, derived from the ancient Greek margarites - "pearl".
  • - female form from Marin, derived from the Roman generic name Marinus - "marine".

Dreams come true for Leonid.

A rooster in a dream is a sign of treason, a red rooster is a fire hazard. Cockfight portends a quarrel with competitors.

Dreams come true for Marina.

Sea shell in a dream - exhaustion of strength, an open shell - resentment for life interferes with realization. So that a negative Dream on a name day does not come true, it is useful for Marina to acquire a bracelet made of shells. Such a bracelet-talisman of the name will protect from envious people.

Name of the day July 30 - Margarita

Margarita is an ancient Greek name and translates as "pearl". Often this name is called an epithet of the ancient Greek goddess of beauty Aphrodite.

Margarita, born on July 30, is beautiful like Aphrodite, smart and endowed with talents in the field of art. She is a good artist and dancer. If Margarita has not yet discovered such talents in herself, then it is never too late to start.

To get energy for life, it is useful for Margarita to meditate on the chrysanthemum on the name day. To do this, imagine a golden chrysanthemum. Imagine yourself in the center of the flower. Chrysanthemum petals are large - two meters in height. A clear light comes out of the petals. This light is the energy of life. You need to take a deep breath and feel how the energy of life penetrates with the breath, fills the head, body, arms and legs.

Then take a deep breath and imagine how fatigue, the energy of the disease and what prevents you from living comfortably go away with the exhalation.

A pearl necklace is considered a Talisman that brings Margarita good luck in family life.

Collecting beads in a dream on the night of the name day - to rise in life after a losing streak. Buying pearl beads in a dream - fortunately in family life. For unmarried people, such a Dream on a name day on July 30 predicts an acquaintance with the same man ... Seeing that the beads have crumbled is a quarrel. Sometimes such a Dream on a name day predicts separation.

Picking up women's and male names for girls and boys born on this day according to the holy calendar, it must be borne in mind that on July 30, the name day is celebrated by those who were baptized by Veronica, Lazarus or Leonid.

Therefore, in order to name the children who are born today in honor of their Guardian Angel, from all the female and male names, these are the ones to be chosen for them. Then the name will become a talisman for a person for life.

It is important to remember that, according to the church calendar for 2020, on July 30, the Church also venerates the memory of the Great Martyr Marina (Margarita according to the Catholic tradition) of Antioch.

Therefore, the most important name days of this period are celebrated for the owners of these two female names. Moreover, all girls born today are recommended to be baptized in this way.

Then from their Guardian Angel birthday people, or rather, the birthday girls will receive not only intercession and help, but also inherit a special spiritual power and the best features.

Reasonable, with an analytical mindset, sociable and self-confident person who, thanks to ambition and resourcefulness, achieves any goals - that's brief portrait Marinas or Margaritas celebrating their name day on this day.

Marina was a noble family and was born in the second half of the III century in a family of wealthy pagans. As was customary then, the girl was brought up by a nurse who instilled in her Christian values.

At the age of twelve, Marina asked to be baptized over her. When the parents found out about this, they kicked their daughter out of the house so as not to incur punishers who cruelly persecute Christians.

Marina earned her living by being a shepherdess. Once her extraordinary beauty was noted by the ruling nobleman in those places. Through his subjects, he tried to force the girl to renounce her faith.

But Marina was true to her convictions, which she did not give up even during severe torture and a public trial.

Her body was tormented by the most terrible weapons, but the wounds healed instantly, and just before her death, she was illuminated by light, and a white dove put a golden wreath on her head.

Struck by miracles, people renounced idols and became faithful to the true one God, for which they were also executed. In total, along with Marina, one and a half thousand Christians died then.

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